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Mark H

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Mark H

  1. Yes, please follow the steps in the Guide that Richard linked, making sure to upload a full set of files and not just the files for the new app. This is to insure that all apps are at the same version. An upgrade may be required, so visit the upgrade URL (./admin/upgrade/) to check first. And your new app should show on the ACP -> Applications page, with a link to install it. Just click that link to proceed.
  2. I'm seeing that issue, yes. (I've also removed the recovery line from your constants.php file.) As the next step, please download a fresh copy of the software from the Client Area and extract it to your desktop. It will create a folder named ips_xxxxx (xxxxx is random string) Then use an FTP client and upload the contents of that ips_xxxxx folder to your forum main folder, overwriting when prompted and making sure all files transfer without error. Once done, first visit the upgrade URL directly at ./admin/upgrade/ to see if there is a minor upgrade that needs to be applied. (Perform that upgrade if one shows.) Then visit the Admin panel URL and see if you can now login. If you can't, please reply here.
  3. Please try using Recovery Mode: Scroll to the bottom of the page, the section titled "Recovery Mode (Self hosted only)", and please make certain to follow all instructions in order.
  4. Glad to hear you got that resolved and you're back online. 🙂
  5. Good method! Saving the folders temporarily by moving or renaming them would allow recovery if you later discover something you needed.
  6. We don't have a list of deprecated files, though if you are cleaning up from an install of 3.x which was upgraded to 4.x there are folders which can usually be deleted. (Note that you need to make certain that you didn't use those folders in some customized way.) For v4.x the following folders are the default, and must be present: Any other folders you'd need to check manually to see what is there. I'll also include a screenshot of a normal "version 3.x upgraded to version 4.x" folder structure before any old files/folders have been removed: Between those two screenshots you should be able to figure out what can be removed. (It should be noted as well that any left-over php files would be a very small total for disk space, but removing them is still a good security precaution.)
  7. You're welcome, we're glad the issue is resolved. 🙂
  8. No worries, glad it got sorted out and you're back on track. 🙂
  9. Glad to hear you got the issue resolved. 🙂 (And to my knowledge, that path override was never part of the .htaccess rules we offer via the ACP.)
  10. A ticket has been created for this issue. Someone will attend to it as soon as they are able.
  11. Given the path in the error message, I've created a ticket for this issue, and will answer it shortly. Please stand by.
  12. We've created a ticket for this issue, and someone will contact you to assist with the problem.
  13. Glad to hear you got this resolved. 🙂 For future reference to others, there must be only one instance of conf_global.php, which has to be located in the software's main directory (where e.g. init.php, index.php, and error.php are also located). If constants.php is added, it also must be placed in the same directory.
  14. You're very welcome, we're glad the issue is resolved. 🙂
  15. Yes, that area is a work in progress and should not have shown, so it's been removed from the widget.
  16. Can you screenshot the error, including any error number?
  17. Please refresh the page, the article should be showing now.
  18. Glad to hear you got the issue resolved. 🙂 For future reference, that error pointed to the ./tmp/ partition running out of space. This is a server-level issue, and something your host should address for the long term. Increasing the size of the partition, deleting expired sessions more frequently, etc. You would be best served discussing this with your Host, though.
  19. By "delete their question" do you mean they edit their post and delete the text with "solved, never mind" or something like that? If so, you can reduce the allowed edit time for the Group as well. I usually allow edits for 5 minutes or thereabouts.
  20. I've created a ticket for this issue, and someone will answer it shortly, please stand by. Followup: A ticket was already created and that domain was parked on your cloud package. You should be all set.
  21. Importing a database which is larger than roughly 20 MB really should be done with the "mysql" command-line (SSH) utility. Using phpMyAdmin to import any database can be problematic. If you have shell (ssh) access to your site, we'd recommend using that instead
  22. Please see our documentation for those features here: starting in the subsection titled "Meta Tags".
  23. Go to the ACP -> Themes page. Does the Theme set as the default for the front end look like this: If so, then it has been customized and is almost certainly the cause of the "hamburger" menu not showing on mobile. But if it looks like this: that would indicate the Theme should not be the cause. In that case, disable all 3rd-party items, then clear the cache on your mobile device and revisit the site. Does the menu show up then?
  24. Yes, that's possible. Please see our guide for Tags and Prefixes, in the Tag Setup sub-section, here: Prefixes are enabled on the page shown above.
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