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    Pescao6 got a reaction from SeNioR- in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled Fix?   
    You can add them under cPanel -> PHP Selector -> Options

    Your host can also help you doing this if you send them a ticket.
  2. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled Fix?   
    You can add them under cPanel -> PHP Selector -> Options

    Your host can also help you doing this if you send them a ticket.
  3. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in default language   
    Adding to the above, there is also a setting on AdminCP -> Customization -> Localization -> Languages -> Automatically detect users' language which you can toggle on/off. It could be handy to toggle it off if you want your site to load only on Romana for everyone; your users would then need to manually change the language on the bottom of the site if they wished to use English (USA), but this is could be handy for SEO purposes.
    And you can go a step further and add the og:locale = ro and og:locale:alternate = en_US meta tags for each of your main pages under AdminCP -> System -> Site Promotion -> Search Engine Optimization -> Meta Tags
  4. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Thomas P in Database error in Log after upgrade to 4.6.10   
    I personally didn't get any errors when upgrading. But based on previous experience with upgrading errors, I just manually downloaded the entire IPS files, uploaded them via FTP, and re-installed the upgrade to get it to work.
    And if all else fails, restore the site from a backup.
    As far as the default language, you can always make a new English (USA) and delete your old English (USA)... but I did that once and ended up having to translate my entire site to English because the forums, terms, titles, etc. pretty much everything that was in English attached to that language pack that got messed up. 😬
  5. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Disruption in Site Offline   
    🤯Wow. And that's supposed to be "better" than self-hosting. Moments like this I'm glad I took the self-hosting route even though I went through some big learning curves.
    😬It'd be funny if Namecheap was to blame and here we were trashing IPS support. Have you tried reaching out to Namecheap to see if they had any advice?
    🤔I currently have most of my domains on GoDaddy, I'm hosting on Hosting Supremo, and using StackPath for website security. I think I pay a bit more than I would at other places, but the support I get from these companies has been totally worth it. Escalations can take a while, but waiting a week for support is insane. 🤮
  6. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Greek76 in InnoDB issue   
    I wonder if it's an upgrade bug then because a friend of mine just setup a brand new Invision Community and he wasn't getting the warning. Then again, I'm thinking it could also be an issue with the PHP version because I'm on 7.4 and my friend just setup his Invision Community with PHP 8.
  7. Agree
    Pescao6 reacted to opentype in Disable post before register   
    Yes. Type “post before register” in the ACP search bar to quickly get to the setting. 
  8. Thanks
    Pescao6 got a reaction from tPx in Nitro - Support   
    🤔 Strange. I went ahead and upgraded from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3, deleted the theme I had previously installed, and installed the current version. It seems to be working ok, but I'll let you know if I encounter any problems.
  9. Thanks
    Pescao6 got a reaction from hallorene in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled   
    If it helps anyone, the problem was I selected "ea-php7x" instead of "alt-php7x"

    Message gone. Problem fixed. 😎
    Amazing quick and descriptive support from my host.
    @Makoto Thanks for teaching me a thing or two and trying to help. 🤗
    @Lucas James Thanks for trying to help. 🙃
  10. Like
    Pescao6 reacted to Morrigan in Friendly URL Rewrite   
    It’s more seo friendly not to have it. Use “Seo optimization” in the menu to download and fix the issue. Won’t cause any tithes and will give a good redirect.
  11. Like
    Pescao6 reacted to Dean_ in How are you preparing to upgrade to 4.5?   
    Most do who are self hosted, from v2.x.x -> 3.x.x -> 4.x.x - Ideally if your board is dependent on plugins/apps you'd wait till every single one is fully updated and test. You'd then disabled all the plugins/apps, upgrade the board, upload new version of them.  Again, ideally offline on a local install or a secondary install on your server so you can test it all before going live.
  12. Haha
  13. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from pequeno in Add og:image to all posts   
    @pequeno You don't need to use the og:image meta tag to add an image to all posts.
    You can upload a share image on AdminCP > Customization > Icons & Logos > Default share images.

    Note: You will need to clear your site's cache by going to the AdminCP > System > Support > Something isn't working correctly.
    And if you're using a CDN, which you should because CloudFlare is free if you don't want to pay for one like SiteLock or Sucuri, you will also need to clear the CDN cache.

    You will need to wait at least 2 minutes for the site's cache to get fully cleared before testing if the changes were applied.
    You can test the share image by using the Facebook Sharing Debugger or Discord.
    You can also check how your site will get displayed on Twitter with the Twitter Card Validator, but I didn't need to add any Twitter tags.
    Don't freak out if it's been 5 minutes and it still isn't showing. I've seen cases where I know I did everything correctly and because I had recently tested on Discord, apparently Discord cached my last shared URL so I had to wait like 15 minutes. Obviously if it's been 1 hour and it still hasn't shown, you've done something wrong like you might be missing other meta tags.
    To add your other meta tags, go to the AdminCP > System > Site Promotion > Search Engine Optimization > Meta Tags.
    Here is a screenshot of the ones I'm currently using:

    Same as with changing any Icons & Logos, you will need to clear the site's and CDN cache for the changes to get applied.
    You could technically create an og:image tag for every post under your Meta Tags using the Live Meta Tag Editor, but that's a lot of manual work so I'd use the plugin @opentype recommended if that's what you wanted.
  14. Like
    Pescao6 got a reaction from Wicked007 in How to secure forum?   
    All forums are high targets for attacks.
    I can comment on several CMS I've used where I know I did in fact get DDOS attacks, SQL injections, Cross Scripting attacks, etc.
    And the only way I know to deal with those is by having a CDN and WAF.
    Technically, no site is 100% safe. If someone really wanted to hack you, I'm sure they could find a way.
    If you wanted to scan your site to see what you could do to enhance your security, these free tools are useful:
    https://sitecheck.sucuri.net https://observatory.mozilla.org  
    I strongly agree with this. The latest release of IPS has more security features than previous ones so I feel more safe with using it.
    These internet heroes are some trusted companies that can help you secure your site even more:
    CloudFlare SiteLock Sucuri CloudFlare's CDN is free and it is the most popular CDN on the internet. I've never used their WAF, but from what I've read it seems good.
    I've used SiteLock's WAF and it was great at blocking and removing stuff automatically. I can't comment on their CDN, but it should be good as well.
    Sucuri was acquired by GoDaddy, so it's cheaper to buy it as GoDaddy Web Security which includes both a CDN a WAF making it easier to manage all of your site's security from one place. The things I like the most about Sucuri include that they remove things by having a security expert manually scan your site, their exceptional customer service, their easy to understand documentation, and the fact their Dashboard makes it really easy for you to add additional security features.
    Other than that...
    YOU are the biggest risk to your own site.
    Try your best to follow internet safety guidelines like using different emails and passwords
    on different websites and keeping your phone and computer clean. Secure your emails, IPS Board, cPanel, etc. with Two Factor Authentication. Read EVERYTHING on your AdminCP and lock down your permissions. 
    Do it like the military; if someone doesn't NEED access to something, don't give it to them. Backup backup backup! If a file doesn't exist in at least 3 places, it doesn't exist. Try to stay informed. These are some security blogs I follow:
    https://krebsonsecurity.com/ You might also enjoy this thread:
    I'll probably be adding more to that as I continue developing my site. 🙂
  15. Like
    Pescao6 reacted to Makoto in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled   
    Do you see anything under WHM >> Home >> Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor ?
    If you're running the latest version of cPanel, you should see this available in WHM and you can edit your php.ini configuration here.
  16. Like
    Pescao6 reacted to DawPi in Advertisement - Sidebar Location Flexibility   
    Edit sidebar template bit and change it:
    {{if $adsForceSidebar OR ( \IPS\core\Advertisement::loadByLocation( 'ad_sidebar' ) AND ( ( isset( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] ) && trim( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] ) !== '' ) OR ( isset( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['widgets']['sidebar'] ) && \count( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['widgets']['sidebar'] ) ) ) )}} <div data-role='sidebarAd'> {advertisement="ad_sidebar"} </div> <br><br> {{endif}} {template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'sidebar', 'vertical'"} To:
    {template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'sidebar', 'vertical'"} <br><br> {{if $adsForceSidebar OR ( \IPS\core\Advertisement::loadByLocation( 'ad_sidebar' ) AND ( ( isset( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] ) && trim( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] ) !== '' ) OR ( isset( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['widgets']['sidebar'] ) && \count( \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['widgets']['sidebar'] ) ) ) )}} <div data-role='sidebarAd'> {advertisement="ad_sidebar"} </div> {{endif}}  
    This operation change the location of sidebar ads from top to bottom.
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