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  1. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Andy Millne in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    ah yes of course, I'll get an update out to address that. Nice catch @Adriano Faria
  2. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Nathan Explosion in PII requests - Notification settings for admins/moderators?   
    Here it is

    The already enabled toggle is for notifications within the ACP - so is it understandable that they may have been missed if you were not aware that they were there? Just to be 100% sure - did you toggle the 'No' in the select to a 'Yes' so that you could determine if the email notification works?
    If you are not getting notifications at all then it's best to get this looked into as a bug, as opposed to feedback (as the functionality is already there, but maybe not working) - but make sure.

  3. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to teraßyte in Do we need mod_perl and mod_python?   
    No, they're not needed modules. Unless you use them for some other software, you can go ahead.
  4. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to TDBF in TDB Posts (41x)   
    Just an update. I will be discontinuing any further development of this plugin in the future.
    I have, however, totally rewritten this plugin from the ground up as an application instead. Not only that, but I have removed some features as they are no longer required due to being in the core now, and plan to add more features in the future.
    The first release will be a beta version for testing purposes. if you would like to help out, let me know, and I will send you a copy to play with.
  5. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Editorn in Feature suggestion: Insertion of blocks in Pages articles   
    As far as I know, there is not an easy way to include blocks in database entries. In our install (and possibly others 😊), there are several occasions when adding blocks to articles would be very useful:
    Inserting custom ads in custom locations of the article Inserting a block with sponsors of specific articles In an expanding series of articles within a topic, a block with links to the different parts would take away a huge amount of editing when new parts are published One way of doing it would be to include a button in the text editor that brings up a list with the available custom blocks, similar to the way you browse for available Custom Blocks in the Blocks Manager on the live page. But I'd also be happy to just paste the block key in a field. Any improvement in this regard is greatly appreciated.
  6. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to opentype in How to use (Pages) block as ad?   
    Not, that’s not possible.
    I am actually using Pages database to run my ads, but it requires a lot of customization and has to run independently from the built-in advertising system. 
  7. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to opentype in iPhone notifications, web app and more   
    It has moved to System -> Web App.
    IPS should probably change the ACP search. Searching for “manifest” still points to Icons & Logos, where it has been removed from. 
  8. Agree
    Claudia999 reacted to SeNioR- in [Suggestion This Site] Deprecation Tracker to the main menu   
    I suggest adding Deprecation Tracker to the main menu under the "More" tab.
  9. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Matt in Live Community, Nulled version ( New, important feature with great functionality for all customers )   
    Hi Marco, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    It looks like the nulled version you found is Invision Community from January 2020. It does not contain any of the cloud exclusive features. We do not ship any of the cloud application, and even if they had the files they could not connect to our network that powers those features as none of that functionality is exposed to the outside internet. You would just get a connection error.
    I understand your frustration but this person has effectively stolen our work. This is a criminal act. You would not observe someone stealing a car and think "wow, they got a car for free, why am I still leasing?" and then pick up a brick and stroll towards the nearest car. 😆
    Piracy is an unfortunate side effect of offering a downloadable product. Most of the time a person uses a stolen credit card to get the files and then re-distributes them. This costs us twice, in the stolen download and then in chargeback and payment processing fees.
    We have learned over the years that it is pointless to try and sign any downloads. We used to store hidden data in JPG EXIF but most warez sites take 2 or 3 copies from different people and then use diff to see what looks different between versions and then simply remove any signed files or data.
    We do follow up piracy but it's a long slog as most hosts are uninterested or the person using the nulled version jumps from low cost host to low cost host.
  10. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to opentype in Live Community, Nulled version ( New, important feature with great functionality for all customers )   
    The alternative to “you are correct” is not necessarily “you are lying”. You can simply be mistaken and that is what is being pointed out to you. 
  11. Like
    Claudia999 got a reaction from SeNioR- in Popup / special display for empowering quotes/messages   
    Hi @MeMaBlue
    I made such a "special display" with a Pages database and Pages SuperQuote from @opentype. It's not a popup but a block. I like it better that way.
  12. Thanks
    Claudia999 got a reaction from MeMaBlue in Popup / special display for empowering quotes/messages   
    Hi @MeMaBlue
    I made such a "special display" with a Pages database and Pages SuperQuote from @opentype. It's not a popup but a block. I like it better that way.
  13. Like
    Claudia999 got a reaction from virap1 in Move content from blogs to database   
    But it would be nice. 😉
  14. Agree
    Claudia999 got a reaction from Karina Harumi in Help with User Tracking   
    I think that’s the job of Google Analytics, Matomo and so on.
  15. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Matt in Setting specific dates in Pages records no longer possible   
    It has been restored for 4.7.8 in Pages (March release). 🎉
  16. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Hexsplosions in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    Literally one reason I wouldn't look at Cloud... Cost.
    It's far too expensive. I looked at moving to Cloud and worked out my yearly costs would be 400% what they are now, including the license fees for the IPS software.
    I would love to move to Cloud for the simplicity, but it's far too expensive to be able to justify it.
  17. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to Daniel F in Poll killed the first post of a thread   
    We have released a patch 2 days ago to fix this issue.
    Please visit the support page to apply it. ( That said, it's unfortunately not retroactive, so the broken topic(s) will need to be fixed manually)
    Since I've been working on your ticket few minutes ago, I'll just get back to it and fix it for you:)
    Could you please just send me the link of the broken topic as ticket reply.
  18. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to opentype in Canva embed   
    Yeah, that should be no problem at all. Here is an example:
    I just added an URL field to the database, where you would then add this URL to a specific record.
    In the settings for the URL field, I turn off “Show in listing template” and under “Display View Format” I choose “Custom” and add this code:
    {{if $formValue}} <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-top: 141.4286%; padding-bottom: 0; box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(63,69,81,0.16); margin-top: 1.6em; margin-bottom: 0.9em; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 8px; will-change: transform;"> <iframe loading="lazy" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; border: none; padding: 0;margin: 0;" src="{$formValue}?embed" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="fullscreen"> </iframe> </div> {{endif}} This creates the iFrame. 
    (P.S. If members can submit to this Pages database, I would add an additional check to make sure we only use Canva URLs. Otherwise people could embed any iFrame on your website.)
  19. Like
    Claudia999 got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates   
    We have it in use with PHP8 and latest version of IPS. But I am also concerned about what will happen to it in the future.
  20. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to Marc Stridgen in [Bulk mail] Bug or feature?   
    Please do post in feature suggestions, as you may well get others with thoughts on this
  21. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to Andy Millne in [Bulk mail] Bug or feature?   
    This is currently intended but is a good feature suggestion to restrict the member filters to exact matches.
    In the meantime, depending on the size of the potential data set you may wish to set these fields up as select boxes with restricted options for exact matches and better tracking of this type of info.
  22. Thanks
    Claudia999 reacted to Jim M in [Bulk mail] Bug or feature?   
    This like is utilizing a contains-like search pattern, which is why you are getting results like this because it is looking for a non-exact match. Whereas, you are wanting an exact match here. I have tagged a developer to confirm this is intended.
  23. Like
    Claudia999 reacted to Rikki in Gallery stress test   
    It's a shame the upload experience hasn't been updated, because that was the weakest part IMO.
  24. Agree
    Claudia999 reacted to opentype in Gallery: improve album cover functionality   
    While we are improving the Gallery, maybe there is still time to squeeze these in:
    Option to use the FIRST image as album cover
    Currently images are shown in reverse in feeds and the last image is used as cover by default. That is very counter-intuitive and handled differently by any modern social media or image sharing site. A “cover” is by definition the “front” image and that should usually be the image people upload first, not last. I have a use case where I upload old copyright-free books and showing the backside of the book as cover by default makes no sense at all, but I would expect this request applies to pretty much every gallery. Even on a car or dog community, I would expect an album to always show in the order of the files being uploaded (not in reverse) by default and to use the FIRST image being uploaded as the cover. 
    Option to change the cover image by the creator of the album
    For some reason, this is currently a mod feature, but I do not see why. It’s the user’s albums. They should be able to pick which image best represents the album—at least as an admin-option to give users that permission. 
  25. Agree
    Claudia999 reacted to brandoninsc in Add a Block or Advertisement In Article   
    Can a block or Advertisement be added to a database entry, like an article, by inserting it into HTML? I can insert a google adsense script into html and it works, but I would rather insert a block or reference an Ad that I've set up directly in Invision. {block="my_block_key"} or {advertisement="KEY"}.  Inserting these into the Source HTML editor does not work.  Is there a way to make this work, or is there not an easy way to do in-content ads or embeds?
    Seems, that since this is a pretty standard use case, there has to be an easier way to do it than inserting the whole google script at each location, in each article.  
    What would be even better, for a future feature, is to give the option to add advertisements to article content, not just forums. 
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