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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. It's called Topic Summary. You can enable it in ACP > Community > FORUMS > Settings > Forum Settings TAB. 👍
  2. If I had to guess, with the upcoming v5. Invision Community 4.x doesn't even support 8.2 yet, and never will most likely.
  3. Nope, all's good. The "Fix This" text is simply the default text for that button. I always thought it was confusing and they should change it, though. There's nothing to "fix" when Redis is enabled. 😋
  4. Yes, that's all normal. You have a couple of old values that aren't used anymore in 4.7 (banned_group & auth_group), but they won't cause any issues if you leave them there.
  5. I used to have some very easy $5 modifications before. However, at some point, the minimum cost possible on the IPS Marketplace was set at $10 to cover fees, eventual chargebacks, payout fees, etc. That change increased the cost of all those small plugins that used to be $5. Selling it for $5 on my site and $10 in the old Marketplace would have made things unfair for those who used it. With every developer handling things on their own/separate sites, you might see smaller prices for minor v5 modifications. No idea if it will happen or not, it's just my thought. 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: @opentype also made some fair points, though. The marketplace gave a lot more visibility to the available modifications. I still think IPS should have kept the Marketplace available, but make it redirect to the developers' sites (just like Invisioneer does). The idea included adding a big red warning about not supporting anything in it. IPS didn't think it would be a good enough solution, though. They wanted to avoid any kind of possible misunderstanding and decided to remove it all.
  6. You'll need to find out which task exactly is causing the issue. Is there any locked task in ACP?
  7. Have a look at this file https://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/file/7-wordpress-sso/ by @stoo2000
  8. It's the query that loads the popular content for the leaderboard page. Example here => https://invisioncommunity.com/leaderboard/
  9. I see some hooks in that backtrace. Try disabling all 3rd party modifications and run again the task. Is that OutOfRangeException error still being logged?
  10. This is certainly doable, but it would rely on hooks (unavailable in v5). If you plan on updating to it quickly, it's probably best to wait and see how we'd be able to handle it there (if we can at all?). There should be ways to do it still, but until we see the code... 🙄
  11. I can't think of anything else, unfortunately. The sortby value is what the framework uses in several functions, some of which I can't even hook in. I don't think changing it to another variable is feasible. Considering v5 won't have any hooks, and that Q&A forums are also going away, I don't plan on rewriting this plugin from scratch to change how it works to try and somehow work around this problem. At this point, your best option is to disable the plugin and wait for v5.
  12. Hmm, wait. Are you saying Google can't index any pages starting from 2 because they all have the sortby value in them (which is not there by default)? If that's the case I can add a check to exclude adding it if a bot/search engine is viewing the topic, but I'm not sure if Google would then complain that your site is showing different content compared to guests. Since they're not indexing any sortby links it should be fine, though. 🤔
  13. My plugin simply changes the default sortby value from votes to date when there is none specified in the URL/request. Everything else is then handed to the framework to handle behind the scenes. There's nothing I can really change with it. 🤷‍♂️
  14. I've seen the automatic upgrade break down a lot recently, and almost all people were using PHP 8.2 (which is not supported). As Jim said, check that your PHP version isn't above 8.1. If you already have the correct PHP version, a manual upgrade (reply above) is the next best option.
  15. The function that checks if the IP is banned or has made too many bad requests is the function _checkIpAddressIsAllowed() in system/Dispatcher/Api.php on lines 198-230.
  16. It clears up after 5 minutes: /* If we have tried to access the API with a bad key more than once in the last 5 minutes, throw an error to prevent brute-forcing */ if ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_api_logs', array( 'ip_address=? AND is_bad_key=1 AND date>?', \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(), \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'PT5M' ) )->getTimestamp() ) )->first() > 1 ) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception( 'TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_WITH_BAD_KEY', '1S290/D', 429 ); } It's also possible to make a modification to whitelist IP addresses. It needs a couple of hooks on some functions, but it's doable. I did it for a client before as part of a bigger request.
  17. Usually, you just upload from the root folder and the correct folders/files are properly overwritten. There's no need to upload every single file in its correct path/folder. What FTP application are you using?
  18. As Marc said, that's the correct place to upload the files inside the folder ips_xxxxx. There are quite a lot of files that will be useless after the upgrade there, but you can worry about deleting them later. While I always suggest cleaning up the old files, you should confirm that the upgraded suite works as expected first.
  19. To upgrade such an old version you need to: Switch to PHP 8.0 and check the requirements are all good. (Don't use 8.1 because it causes a few more upgrade errors compared to 8.0. The old upgrade steps were never written for 8.0/8.1 which didn't even exist at the time.) Manually upload the new 4.7 files to your server. Go to /admin/upgrade to start the upgrade process. Before doing the upgrade, you also should uninstall any 3rd party applications/plugins that don't have any updated version for 4.x, if not a lot of extra tables/columns/settings (maybe even tasks) will remain in the database. Considering how old the version is, doing a test upgrade in another location is usually a good idea, especially if you have lots of 3rd party modifications installed.
  20. Yes. You can create a database and disable the add/submit permission for all groups but a few select ones (admins, moderators, news writers, etc). You can also link/sync every record to a topic in a specific forum for comments. Or you can just keep comments in the record itself.
  21. 8.2 is not supported. Also copying the /var/lib/mysql/forum folder won't really work well. Depending on the server's configuration, the folder might be different, and it also it might no work if the MySQL version is different. The best option would be to restore a SQL backup if you have one, not copying the folder.
  22. Because of how the framework works, records can't be in multiple categories. Just like the same topic can't be in multiple forums. What you can do is add a custom select/checkboxset field to the database, and allow users to select categories there (while setting up the database to use a single category for all records in the backend).
  23. No. If you allow search engines to see something, and block guests simultaneously, Google (and others too I believe?) will penalize your site in results.
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