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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. It's the same file, simply loaded from a different file storage.
  2. The error is coming from the ipc_group plugin: class_core_global_plugins->ipc_group The name doesn't remind me of anything right now, though. 🤔 Do you have a plugin with that name? And if you do, does disabling it make the error go away?
  3. I created a new type of Commerce package for a client, and when trying to clone it an error is thrown. Here's the stacktrace: Error thrown with message "Access to undeclared static property IPS\premium\Package\Premium::$packageDatabaseColumns" Stacktrace: #6 Error in \applications\nexus\sources\Package\Package.php:264 #5 IPS\nexus\_Package:__clone in \system\Node\Controller.php:915 #4 IPS\Node\_Controller:copy in \system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:107 #3 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in \system\Node\Controller.php:69 #2 IPS\Node\_Controller:execute in \applications\nexus\modules\admin\store\packages.php:46 #1 IPS\nexus\modules\admin\store\_packages:execute in \system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:153 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in \init.php:934 The issue is caused by the __clone() method in applications/nexus/sources/Package/Package.php which is missing the isset() check: foreach ( $this->_data as $k => $v ) { if ( !\in_array( $k, array( 'id', 'reviews', 'unapproved_reviews', 'hidden_reviews' ) ) ) { if ( \in_array( "p_{$k}", static::$packageDatabaseColumns ) ) { $secondaryTable[ "p_{$k}" ] = $v; } else { $primaryTable[ "p_{$k}" ] = $v; } } } Every other method properly checks if the variable is set before using it, but the __clone() method doesn't. Here's an example from the save() method where the isset() check is properly implemented: foreach ( $this->changed as $k => $v ) { if ( isset( static::$packageDatabaseColumns ) and \in_array( "p_{$k}", static::$packageDatabaseColumns ) ) { $secondaryTable[ "p_{$k}" ] = $v; unset( $this->changed[ $k ] ); } elseif ( !\in_array( "p_{$k}", array( [...] ) ) ) { unset( $this->changed[ $k ] ); } }
  4. As mentioned in the post above, it's not supported. If you want to upgrade from that version, you need to perform a manual upgrade and change the PHP version right before (or after) the new files are uploaded: If you have 3rd party modifications installed, you might also need some extra steps (like disabling them before the upgrade, searching for a new version compatible with PHP 8, etc). If you're uncomfortable doing it yourself, there's the option of hiring a 3rd party Provider to do it for you, as Marc mentioned.
  5. That's possible. Version 4.2 did require PHP 5.6. You can check on the ACP dashboard, the version should be listed there. Or also on the Support page.
  6. Do you have some kind of caching enabled (for example: Cloudflare)? If so guests might still be getting the cached page (which bypasses the server), while logged-in members get the disk full error since they hit the server.
  7. You can use this API: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/members/POSTitem Pass the correct key/value pair using the rawProperties parameter: allow_admin_mails
  8. You can find the list of incompatible modification on the Support page.
  9. If you don't have any theme in ACP without the Customized text you can add a new default non-edited one by clicking the + Create New button top-right. Either Easy Mode or Manual Mode will do for testing.
  10. I don't see any hooks in that stack trace, so I assume your theme is simply too old for the version you're on. Does the error go away if you switch to a default, unedited theme?
  11. That version won't be required anytime soon for now. It will be with v5 most likely. Anyway, if your host refuses to upgrade MySQL from a version that has already reached its EOL date (31 Oct 2020, extended support ended on 31 Oct 2023), it's probably time to consider a new hosting for the future before your next renewal date. 🙄
  12. If you use the "optimized" option it's automatically generated. That's as long as you don't have a robots.txt file on the server itself. In that case, the request isn't rerouted and the static file is provided.
  13. What kind of emails exactly? I haven't received anything in the past few days at least. 🤨
  14. Some active developers moved to a new site and created a marketplace there. Here's the link: https://www.invisioneer.org/
  15. Downgrade to PHP 8.1, the 8.2 version is not supported yet.
  16. From which version did you upgrade? Also, are there any errors logged in ACP > Support > System Logs?
  17. Based on your reply, it shouldn't reappear anymore now that you closed it.
  18. There isn't any need to make a copy of the database. Unless you made one and then cleaned infected tables/content from there, too? The best option is to re-upload a fresh set of files, and then compare the folder to check if there are any extra folders/files. Comparing the database tables to a fresh installation helps find the extra ones there, too. You also need to account for 3rd party applications and plugins, though. If you'd like, I offer a cleanup service. You can check my site or send me a PM.
  19. I've seen several people make that mistake so far. 🤷‍♂️
  20. I'm not sure how the scanner works right now, but I guess it scans the used language strings and checks if they exist in the lang.php file? If so, it should also check for required language strings that the system expects when you add a specific extension/feature/node/etc. For example, when you add a Node/Item that supports search, you need to add specific language strings for the quick search menu, contextual search menu, etc. All those language strings are not documented anywhere. Another thing to check are the required language string for admin/moderator restrictions in ACP. There are a few more areas, but I can't remember them now.
  21. None that I can think of without editing the code/database. I managed locally by temporarily altering the code to disable the json_decode line and saving the settings page. Updating the setting's default value in the DB and clearing the caches from ACP should work too.
  22. Do note also that the message doesn't disappear automatically even if you fix the issue. If you disabled the function after you saw the message in ACP, you need to close it yourself. Also, if you want to double-check that the functions are indeed disabled, there is a phpinfo link on the support page. See what it says there rather than testing with an external phpino().
  23. Yes, there are not such big tables based on your screenshot. You could also order them by their size by clicking on the table's header. In any case, it seems like your hosting is calculating wrongly the database size. Unless you have more databases on your account other than the forum one? P.S.: You might also want to switch your board_url to use HTTPS:
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