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Elon Report

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  1. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to Jim M in Rebuild record count   
    Moderation tools on the frontend.
  2. Agree
    Elon Report reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    As we find ourselves with our toes over the precipice of June; signalling the half way point of the year, I thought it's a good time for an update.

    Apologies southern hemisphere.
    Invision Community 5 has been in alpha testing for a while, and a small group have found a good number of bugs, and offered their thoughts and suggestions, some of which we've implemented. During this time we've wrapped up the new editor, a boat load of UI improvements and more.
    We are now ready for the next stage, which is to give our alpha testers their own Cloud v5 to test with. This opens up testing for the Admin CP, and all areas without using developer mode. v5 has a lot of changes to how CSS, JS and resources are managed. They are now built when we build the apps, and should never need rebuilding. We also store compiled templates now, so lots of slow eval() calls are no longer needed. In brief testing locally, it has made the entire platform super-fast.
    We are choosing to use a Cloud v5 to test with, rather than a traditional download for two reasons. The first is that using our hosting platform means we don't have to chase down issues with PHP, MySQL and unix versions which can be time consuming in the early stages. The second is that we're still writing the new build code, so we can't actually produce a versioned zip just yet. 😂
    But fear not, downloadable versions will be coming at some point.
    We're aiming to have this alpha demo system ready next week, so if you want to help alpha test, drop a comment below. I want to keep the first round (1-2 weeks) fairly small or it becomes overwhelming sifting through the feedback and bugs but please do register your interest.
    In terms of functionality, we're wrapping up the tagging changes; I'd expect a blog on that next week. The final parts of the Pages app are coming together. We even tested an upgrade of this site to v5 to see how the Pages built pages looked, and much to all of our relief, it looks great with just a few CSS classes needing updating.
    It's been a long journey - and a little longer than we'd first hoped but we're getting closer to betas when the fun really starts.
    We're really proud of v5 and we hope you like what we've created.
  3. Haha
    Elon Report reacted to Jordan Miller in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    If y'all need any more alpha testers 🙃🙋🏼‍♂️
  4. Agree
    Elon Report reacted to Marc Stridgen in Where do I start - I need to create a forum?   
    Your admin CP is at /admin/ or if you click on your name in the top right on your site, you will see a link there.
    In terms of creating forums in there, take a look at this which will get you started
    Of course if you have any other questions, please let us know
  5. Agree
    Elon Report reacted to Ocean West in How to be ready to upgrade to Invision 5.X   
    Backup, backup, backup check and install updates to meet or exceed required minimums (php/sql) disable 3rd-party apps/plugins setup a test server copy database and test in a sandbox
  6. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to SJ77 in How to be ready to upgrade to Invision 5.X   
    Will having our communities on the newest version of 4.7.x better position us for a smoother upgrade to 5.x when it's available, or is 5.x so different that it won't make a difference? Are steps being taken in 5.x to ensure a smooth upgrade to from 4.x? What can we do now to prepare our communities for the upgrade without issues?
    Thank you
  7. Like
    Elon Report got a reaction from Sonya* in How do I search Databases via API?   
    Rebuilding solved the problem.  Thanks for the extra troubleshooting tip as well!
  8. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to Sonya* in How do I search Databases via API?   
    Have you rebuilt search index in ACP? Take a look at core_search_index in your database. Can you see your record there?
  9. Haha
    Elon Report reacted to Marc Stridgen in How to prepare for upcoming "Experts" in IPB5   
    I'm not sure I would recommend living on the moon, to be honest. I believe there arent going to be many good restaurants available, and the air quality sucks
    Not at all. In fact I think you should start by creating a giant slide leading from the bed, to a pool of balls below. Every kid loves a slide.
  10. Like
    Elon Report reacted to Sonya* in How do I search Databases via API?   
    You need a page. The database itself has no url, the page has. If there is no URL, nothing can be accessed or searched.
  11. Like
    Elon Report got a reaction from Sonya* in How do I search Databases via API?   
    That was the solution!   I was able to create records without a url though.
    For anyone else that stumbles with this issue:
    My database id is 3.   My new page id is 4.
    The contenttype is cms_records3
    Thanks all.
  12. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to Stuart Silvester in How to prepare for upcoming "Experts" in IPB5   
    Question and Answer forum mode does not exist in v5, it has been replaced by better solving tools and notifications such as this feature.
  13. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to Randy Calvert in Need some info about Amazon s3   
    I personally had random performance issues with Wasabi and instances where my content would not display. I moved away from it after the 4th incident of it happening. The lower cost could not justify the availability for me. 
  14. Haha
  15. Like
    Elon Report got a reaction from SeNioR- in Help me vs AI   
    We all know it's coming - the day they will take over.
    I guess I told my Google Assistant to "shut" too many times, so in retaliation it blocked me from my website.
    You do not have permission to view this site.
    LIttle does the AI know I self host so I can access the database.  I just don't know what to edit to remove my IP from the ban list.
    Please help!
    bio lives matter
  16. Haha
    Elon Report got a reaction from Sonya* in Help me vs AI   
    We all know it's coming - the day they will take over.
    I guess I told my Google Assistant to "shut" too many times, so in retaliation it blocked me from my website.
    You do not have permission to view this site.
    LIttle does the AI know I self host so I can access the database.  I just don't know what to edit to remove my IP from the ban list.
    Please help!
    bio lives matter
  17. Agree
    Elon Report reacted to Randy Calvert in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    I’m showing my age, but I remember 2.0 and 3.0!   You dang kids get off my lawn!
    (I still remember thinking how IPB 1.0 looked so much nicer than Ikonboard 3.X!)
  18. Agree
    Elon Report reacted to superaven in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    Originally I had heard March as a tentative release date and as that drew to a close, I read April. Would be awesome to get more regular updates, but I can understands if it gets frustrating for the staff when dates slip and people respond poorly to that delay. Hoping to see some updates soon!
  19. Haha
    Elon Report got a reaction from SeNioR- in Help with Zapier!   
    I basically got a F you when asking for my money back.  They told me they could not refund me because there was usage on my account - usage caused by their support staff!
    I never had a single zap work.
  20. Haha
    Elon Report got a reaction from Afrodude in Help with Zapier!   
    I basically got a F you when asking for my money back.  They told me they could not refund me because there was usage on my account - usage caused by their support staff!
    I never had a single zap work.
  21. Haha
    Elon Report got a reaction from teraßyte in Help with Zapier!   
    I basically got a F you when asking for my money back.  They told me they could not refund me because there was usage on my account - usage caused by their support staff!
    I never had a single zap work.
  22. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to opentype in Missing database names   
    It sounds like you have a second language installed and there is no translation for the activated language. 
  23. Thanks
    Elon Report reacted to Bill Edwards in "Let's confirm you are human" challenge issue   
    Dear All
    I haven't looked at updates recently, nor browsed here - I've very much moved away from running a "forum" and now concentrate on running our "community". The result is I am behind what the software actually does, features etc.
    Today, a Moderator reported that he was editing a post when he was confronted with a "Human Puzzle", which took three attempts to solve and then when he did solve it, the software didn't take him back to his edited post. I tried and pretty much had the same result.
    How do I turn this "feature" (pain in the rear!) OFF?? (I've searched the ACP and done a serach here with no result)
    Many thanks
  24. Like
    Elon Report reacted to AlexJ in Leaving community after 18 years :(   
    Marketplace was really good option to find everything in one spot. Now i need to register on 20 different sites and half I don't even remember. 
    It's like Apple telling to it's customer, here take iPhone. You want apps? Go on developers site and install from their. Jeez, what a nightmare. 
    Take care of your health. Rest everything will go on. 
    PS I am one of the customers who is unhappy because support/ticket system is gone and have to deal with broken donation system in store. 
  25. Like
    Elon Report got a reaction from leonovich_J in Leaving community after 18 years :(   
    I've been using IPB since 2006 with the MSSQL driver.   I was always attracted to the flexibility of the platform with minimal programming.
    Recently tech support has become more difficult.  It's harder to find code examples and removing the marketplace killed a creativity source for me.   I had a stroke a few years ago, so my development skills are retarded, but still I believe this is one of the poorer organized forms in regards to technical documentation.
    A wiki, kept up to date by your community, would really help in development IMHO.
    Good luck all!
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