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How do I search Databases via API?

Go to solution Solved by Sonya*,

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I want to search a title in a database to make sure the record is not already there.   I found the different search types I can do:

    "contenttypes": [

What contenttype do I use if I want to search database #3?

Edited by Elon Report
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  • Elon Report changed the title to How do I search Databases via API?
7 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

Are you using OAuth tokens? If so, the member you're connecting as most likely doesn't have permission to see the database.

No, I am using REST API.   I tried cms_records3, but that did not work.   

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Posted (edited)
58 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

You need a page. The database itself has no url, the page has. If there is no URL, nothing can be accessed or searched.

That was the solution!   I was able to create records without a url though.

For anyone else that stumbles with this issue:

My database id is 3.   My new page id is 4.

The contenttype is cms_records3

Thanks all.

Edited by Elon Report
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Posted (edited)

OK, I am now trying to search actual data, and running into an issue.  Was going to start a new thread but this one was at the top.  🙂

I have a database (#4) on a page, and I am able to upload a record to it.   I can see it on the page. However, I always get no results found via the api.

    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 25,
    "totalResults": 0,
    "totalPages": 0,
    "results": []

The title is "2".  I've tried playing with variables but nothing gets returned when there are no filters at all!

Edited by Elon Report
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