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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. The beta is available now. IPS does not give exact dates and instead just notes when it’s ready. But I would imagine within a few weeks based on past releases.
  2. Look at the CleanTalk plugin. It’s done a great job of reducing spam registrations and Contact Us spam messages.
  3. I’m flying right now but just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed, especially @Martin A. I can’t wait to try this out and report back. I originally had put this in the theme which does work but I’ve been intentionally trying to avoid updates to the raw HTML as it means it does not get updated automatically on upgrade. I’ve also recently added more themes so it means touching multiple themes each time as well. This would let me avoid the work all together on each update.
  4. Coming from experience… within a few months if you ever make a change again, they’ll complain saying they liked the old version better. It always ends up working out like that. 🙂
  5. If they follow the post and choose to receive email notifications. They can subscribe to an RSS feed of forum posts. No. This may be somewhat of an adjustment but it’s going to end up a better experience for them.
  6. I’ve seen something happen with password reset emails which I assume is the same root cause with Sendgrid. It does not seem to happen with ALL e-mails but rather on some percentage of them.
  7. If you cannot even load the checker script, it sounds like a host issue. The checker script can stand alone and does not have any requirements to execute. If it is not able to display, it’s a config issue at the server end or the files were not uploaded right.
  8. It's possible you're running multiple versions of PHP. Load a phpinfo script and see what it reports. I'm betting you'll find your web server is returning a version that is not compatible even though the default CLI version might be 7.4.
  9. What are you confused about? We'll be happy to help provide more guidance. Are you confused by the directions that @Sonya* provided on how to access the Quick Start? Or now that you can access it, you still don't know how to get rolling?
  10. That's the correct area. Change the select option to "Custom" and paste the two lines that I gave you there. As bots re-crawl the site, they will see that entry and receive your instruction to not crawl it.
  11. If you don't want search engines crawling your site at all, use the robots.txt code I gave you above. It says regardless of user agent (meaning Google, Bing, or anything at all that references robots.txt), disallow the root. If it disallows the root, it won't crawl the rest of the site. And remember... that code does not remove anything that is already crawled. It stops new crawls. So you might need to use Google webmaster tools to request anything already there be removed.
  12. A couple of notes... Google crawls your site as a guest. That means if Google can see/access it, so can the rest of your non-paid membership. You might want to review your forum guest permissions. The Robots.txt in that link is for SEO purposes. So that Google crawls the areas of your site that contains content and not things like profiles which don't add a lot of value. If you want to ask all search engines to not crawl your site at all, you need to use something like the following in your robots.txt. User-agent: * Disallow: /
  13. Matt says this is fixed in the next release.
  14. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Choose Accounts and Billing department.
  15. I'm trying to add additional logic to my site to better track logged in users vs non logged in user activity. If you set a gtag with the user_id name, it will tie that session to a specific account. If I add the Analytics code to the Global Template in a theme, I can use something like: <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-XXXXXXXXXX-1"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('set', {'user_id': '{member="name"}'}); gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXXXXXXX-1'); It would return the user_id as the username of the currently logged in user. However that code does not work if I move it to where it SHOULD go within the Google Analytics code in the Intergrations section. Since that area does not have access to template logic, it obviously does not work. Is there a way I can return the logged in username via JS?
  16. Zlib support is not enabled by DEFAULT in PHP. It sounds like starting in PHP 8, cPanel is turning it on with their default builds. So if it's problematic for your community, the solution is to turn it back off. Now... should cPanel just not include it at all again? That's not my place to say. There are lots of other software packages out there that might support it. But in terms of PHP and PHP modules.... if a module is causing a problem for you in general the solution is to turn it off. 🙂
  17. https://manage.accuwebhosting.com/knowledgebase/3602/How-to-enableordisable-zlib-compression-in-cPanel.html
  18. It has nothing to do with AWS. It has to do with the software IPS has deployed running their cloud. They can’t keep running old software forever because you don’t want to upgrade. If staying on an old version is important, it might make more sense to self host.
  19. The logo is not removed in the default theme. Either you have a custom or out of date theme, or a 3rd party plugin interfering with it.
  20. Sounds like the IPS staff might need to take a look. Have you made sure login info is updated in your Client Area? 🙂
  21. Out of curiosity... have you tested this in a different browser? I've noticed sometimes settings on different sites get cached in the browser and temporarily switching to a different one resolves the situation.
  22. This looks to be related to a 3rd party application. Try disabling the “famewall” application.
  23. That would do it. Once you installed it, a reboot will cause the new version to take effect. I’m glad you were able to get to the bottom of the situation!
  24. Do you run multiple versions of PHP on the same machine? Last time I saw this happen, the CLI was returning the older version whereas the domain was on the newer version. In your ACP support section is a link to a phpinfo output. Does it show the redis module loaded? It should look like:
  25. Your third party chatbox application is what is causing the issue according to the error message. If you cannot login to the ACP, you can attempt to use recovery mode to disable 3rd party applications/plugins so you can login again.
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