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Bug in Pages 4.7.7


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Pages database now has stopped adding the new databases you create as a tab on any restricted moderator groups in order to give you access to add, edit, and delete messages. 

Could contain: Page, Text, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics

And on an existing old database that already added on the restricted moderator tab if you don't enable all above options, the restricted moderator groups who doesn't have access to add, edit, and delete messages won't be able to see any reported contents from this database. 


Even on fresh installation the Article database that pages created whenever you installed the system doesn't exist as a tab on restricted moderator groups. Also, all restricted moderator groups are able to add, edit, and delete messages without giving them permission even though it should be disables whenever you add a new database because it doesn't exist as tab at all.


Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage, Pc, Electronics, Computer


Could contain: Night, Outdoors, Nature, Page, Text

@Stuart Silvester, @Daniel F

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That section is in the developers section for people developing on the software. This is not related to this, but actually just a core bug on the front end, so a support issue. Sorry if there is any confusion there. It has actually been moved here so that it does get attention.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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We've taken a look at this, and the code for this area has not changed in 2018. You are correct that there is only one "Databases" tab, and not a tab for each database, but it looks like it has been this way for at least 5 years.

What did you see previously, and on which version?

To be clear, the new Database tab will only appear if it has been assigned to a page (either via manual tag in the content box, or via drag and drop). Until the database is on a page, it is treated as hidden from the rest of the system.

Could contain: Page, Text, File

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@Matt Alright what about the other issue I mentioned that Moderators aren't able to see the reported contents unless you give them permission to add, edit, and delete messages for a database has a tab on the restricted moderator groups?

Could contain: Page, Text, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics


For example:

If you add some topics to your Test database, and report anyone of them. Any restricted moderator groups who don't have access to can add, edit, and delete messages won't be able to see the reported topic with the reported contents.

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I just did some testing, and I am using IPS 4.7.7 on my dev site "fresh installation". I created a new database in here and assigned it to a page, yet it doesn't show up. 

Could contain: Page, Text

Also, the Articles database that come along with Pages app once you install the system it has already assigned page, yet it doesn't show as a tab on any restricted moderator groups.

Could contain: Night, Outdoors, Nature, Page, Text

Also, how come a staff member who is in a restricted moderator group able to access message without giving permission? The database tab is only to give permission to this option, yet it doesn't show up nor has other option to remove that access. 

Could contain: Page, Text, File


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10 hours ago, Afrodude said:

I just did some testing, and I am using IPS 4.7.7 on my dev site "fresh installation". I created a new database in here and assigned it to a page, yet it doesn't show up. 

You will need to toggle off one of the items under 'Content' for the tabs to show up.

11 hours ago, Afrodude said:

Any restricted moderator groups who don't have access to can add, edit, and delete messages won't be able to see the reported topic with the reported contents.

If you can't add, delete or edit database articles, what are you going to do with the report? You can't take any action.

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11 hours ago, Matt said:

You will need to toggle off one of the items under 'Content' for the tabs to show up.

Yes, I got to that part after some testing you are right about this part, but the issue about the reported articles I mentioned still exist.

13 hours ago, Matt said:

If you can't add, delete or edit database articles, what are you going to do with the report? You can't take any action.

Yes, but I didn't mention anything about add, delete or edit database articles. It's all about the messages with the tab. 


After 3 hours of testing, I swear to God this bug is the weirdest one I have ever found on IPS system, and how this happen or how it went like this on 4.7.7 I don't know. 

Finally, the issue is related to this. If it's not set to "All", none of the restricted moderator group would be able to see the reported contents from database. 

Could contain: File, Text, Page

Watch this video @Matt


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Im not sure where you get there is going to be a bug fix here. As of yet, we are unable to ascertain that there is a bug. Even looking at your video there, you are deselecting "All" but you then dont actually select any categories. So there is nothing that moderator has access to, and therefore they are not seeing the reports. That is indeed correct behaviour.

You also show an inability to report an item after you have already reported an item. Which is correct as you have already reported it. 


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@Marc Stridgen This is the point. What does select "All" or deselecting it has to do with reported contents? If you select "All", the restricted moderator group can be able to see the reported articles from this database, and if you are deselecting it, none of the restricted moderator groups are able to see the reported articles or comments in this database.

This tab setting is to give access to any restricted moderator group to add, edit, and delete message, so why does select "All" or deselecting it is affecting the visibility or the reported articles and comment from this database. This issue wasn't there on 4.7.6 because all of my restricted moderator groups were able to see any reported articles and comments from any database. 

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21 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

What does select "All" or deselecting it has to do with reported contents?

It was already explained several times. Reports inform moderators about potentially problematic records they might need to act on. If they can’t act on them, getting the report would be pointless. 

And just for clarity: you do understand that toggling this checkbox off is NEVER ever meant to be useful by itself, right? It’s always a first step and the next step would be to actually choose something from the options that are revealed after you toggle the checkbox off. It should be obvious, but I hope it doesn’t come down to misunderstanding the user interface. 

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@opentype I do know what you explained above, but that check box is under database tab setting to give the restricted moderator group access to edit, add, and delete messages either on "All" categories or the one you select. 

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It doesn't have anything to do with reported articles and messages on the database.

If you select "All", the restricted moderator group can be able to see the reported articles from this database, and if you are deselecting it, none of the restricted moderator groups are able to see the reported articles or comments in this database.

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10 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

If you select "All", the restricted moderator group can be able to see the reported articles from this database, and if you are deselecting it, none of the restricted moderator groups are able to see the reported articles or comments in this database.

This being the case, the fact they can see reports when you select all is actually the bug. They shouldnt be able to, as they cannot action the reports

Could you please clarify, that is indeed what you are reporting?

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Yes, @Marc Stridgen this is the actual bug.

13 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

the fact they can see reports when you select all is actually the bug.

They should see reports all the time despite select or deselecting "All" because this tab setting is to give them access to add, edit, and delete messages on "All" or selected categories.

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On 2/15/2023 at 8:57 PM, Afrodude said:

Could contain: Page, Text, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics

And on an existing old database that already added on the restricted moderator tab if you don't enable all above options, the restricted moderator groups who doesn't have access to add, edit, and delete messages won't be able to see any reported contents from this database. 

I mentioned the issue from the begging, but you guys didn't test anything beside that the database tab wasn't added. Even I asked @Matt in here, 

On 2/21/2023 at 5:06 PM, Afrodude said:

For example:

If you add some topics to your Test database, and report anyone of them. Any restricted moderator groups who don't have access to can add, edit, and delete messages won't be able to see the reported topic with the reported contents.

to do this test in order to figure out what causing this behavior on the reported articles and comments, yet he didn't comment back. It took me hours of testing to find out that selecting "All" is the issue. Anyway, hopefully it gets fixed with the next release.

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What I'm trying to figure out is how this is a critical issue.  

It might be something that could be improved in the UI, but generally when there is a "critical" issue it either means the site is offline with no workaround to get it back online, or that there is a security vulnerability that has already been exploited or could be exploited that results in a hack or data loss.  

It sounds like the issue is reported and will be looked at further, but it appears to be far from a critical issue.  

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14 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

but it appears to be far from a critical issue.

This is your opinion, and it's not how it appears.

15 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

What I'm trying to figure out is how this is a critical issue.  

When you have 10 databases with 20 to 30 new articles and more comments posted every day on each of them, and staff members with restricted access cannot see the reported contents from all of these daily activities because they are waiting for an administrator to address them after a long day of regular work, you may start to see this as a critical issue. 

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On 2/24/2023 at 11:19 PM, Afrodude said:

When you have 10 databases with 20 to 30 new articles and more comments posted every day on each of them, and staff members with restricted access cannot see the reported contents from all of these daily activities because they are waiting for an administrator to address them after a long day of regular work, you may start to see this as a critical issue.

You are misunderstanding the bug report here. The bug report added is that they can see things they shouldnt be able to, not that they cannot see things they should be able to. 

As I mentioned


This being the case, the fact they can see reports when you select all is actually the bug. They shouldnt be able to, as they cannot action the reports


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5 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You are misunderstanding the bug report here. The bug report added is that they can see things they shouldnt be able to, not that they cannot see things they should be able to. 

Nope, it's the quite the opposite, and you are who misunderstanding the bug in this report. This "All" selecting job is to select all categories under any database for any restricted moderator group to add, edit, and delete messages. 

Could contain: File, Text, Page

This setting has nothing to do with reports. Staff members should see reports all the time despite select or deselecting "All" because this tab setting is to give them access to add, edit, and delete messages on "All" or selected categories.

restricted moderator group can view any reports as long as this setting on under content tab,

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Text

and it should have nothing to do with database tab to give them access to add, edit, and delete messages on "All" or selected categories.

Could contain: Page, Text, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics

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50 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

Nope, it's the quite the opposite, and you are who misunderstanding the bug in this report. This "All" selecting job is to select all categories under any database for any restricted moderator group to add, edit, and delete messages. 

This is correct. Its to select "All" Categories. However you still need to actually select what they have permission on "All" items for.

51 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

This setting has nothing to do with reports. Staff members should see reports all the time despite select or deselecting "All" because this tab setting is to give them access to add, edit, and delete messages on "All" or selected categories.

While I understand how you want it to work, it doesnt work that way unfortunately. If the user cannot action any report, they will not see the reports, regardless of any other setting. 

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49 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

This is correct. Its to select "All" Categories. However you still need to actually select what they have permission on "All" items for.

Not items, but on which category you want your restricted moderator group to add, edit, and delete messages.

Like you want this group to add, edit, and delete messages on all this database categories or only on the one you will select. 

Could contain: Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware

So again, in here you are selecting some of the categories in this database or "All" of them to give access to this restricted moderator group to messages, it shouldn't affect the visibility of the reported contents from this database or any other databases. This tab is for messages access on all categories or the one you are going to select not reported contents.

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