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FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates


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Hi @Sonya*

Just wanted to add to the first suggestion I posted above (side menu closing on every click on mobile), I have taken a recording to show you what I mean. Also, it appears that drop down menus no longer expand when clicked on mobile either, as you can see. I’ve not modified any of the JS or CSS relating to the menu. Any chance this can be fixed? 


Edited by Dreadknux
MOV files not working on this website, converted to GIF.
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I am going to release a new version this week.

Generally, you can create your own JS and CSS files and add them to your page instead of those delivered with the app. JS and CSS will be replaced silently during the upgrade, so you are going to lose all your custom changes if you have modified the original FXPages JS and CSS. 

I will look into it, however, generally I stick to the IPS framework and UI widgets to be sure it works on every theme out there. So I will not heavily modify the standard IPS functionality to avoid a lot of support.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Sonya*

Thanks, looking forward to the next update!

I wanted to try and tweak your toc.js JS code myself to add an "a" anchor before H2 tags, to help with the issue I was having. I used some code from your FX Images JS code to try and wrap an anchor tab around an H2/H3/H4 tag within the page, but it doesn't seem to be working.

		setup: function () {
			// Find the items we need
			var self = this;
			var items = this.scope.find("h2, h3, h4");
          		items.each( function (i) {
				$( this ).attr('id', 'toc'+i);
              			$( this ).closest('p').wrap("<a id='#" + $( this ).attr('id') + "'></a>");  
			var output = [];
			var last = '';

			if( !items.length ){

Any ideas?

Edited by Dreadknux
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@Dreadknux The feature is already implemented in the last version. I am just testing it with 4.7 Beta that's why no release in Marketplace yet.

You can copy-paste a new code from here https://invisionify.com/uploads/page_objects/toc.js.9dfc64d46d40b781a8c0758cccaf01dd.js?v=b574a07d041653147371 And here is an example for an article that uses it https://invisionify.com/blog/how-to-create-curated-youtube-videos-for-community/

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  • 1 month later...

Image Caption does not show up for me.  Woudl you be able to let me know what am i doing wrong here?

Example Page


First image has had it's title set to "Nitrogen bottle and manifold gauge set for pressure-testing"

(The reason you see it now as it was added manually to the article)

Template used "FX Pages News Display"

Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi @Sonya* additional of the Return botton suggestion, can I request a Bug Tracker adding to this Colletion? I still have not install this app, but I have some ideas which I would like achieve with your collection firstly, then according the need and advance request more customizations works even paid.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Sonya* - I'm really sorry for bothering you about this, but I am concerned about the November update of IPS requiring PHP8 and disabling all apps that do not follow the PHP8 coding standard... FXPages has been flagged as an app that is not compatible with PHP8/future versions, and there is still no update available on the Marketplace.

I do not want to risk FXPages becoming disabled in the next IPS update and causing a problem for my visitors as a result. Can you please let us know a timeline for when an update for FXPages may come? We have been waiting since May. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts!

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