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  1. I checked all the permissions and there are no problems. In fact, the user can create new blogs and new entries, but he cannot see his old blog and create new entries in old blog. I solved this through a workaround. The user has created a new blog and I moved all the old entries to the new blog.
  2. The content was hidden. I unhide it from "ModeratorCP > Hidden Content". Now if I go to the "User's profile > see their activity" I see all blog entries but the user has no longer any blog tab in the user's profile and no longer has the option to create entries.
  3. Hi, One of my moderators mistakenly flagged a user as a spammer. Once he realised the error he unflagged him and the user's content was manually restored. It seems that all content is in place except for the user's blog. The blog seems to have disappeared. There is no longer any blog tab in the user's profile. He no longer has the option to create entries and the only way to view the blog is via the direct link (https://www.mysite.com/blogs/blog/555-blog-name/). From the administrator panel, if I search for it (community > blogs) I find it correctly. I have also tried to become the blog owner, but again the blog in the user’s profile does not appear. If I try (as owner) to add an entry via direct link (https://www.mysite.com/blogs/submit/?id=555) it gives me this error: Oops! The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 1B203/1 Any idea how I can restore the blog? Thanks
  4. When I tried accessing Statistics > Rank Progression it shows the following error message: EX0 Something went wrong. Please try again. InvalidArgumentException: VALUE_0_NOT_STRING (0) #0 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/applications/core/modules/admin/stats/rankprogression.php(66): IPS\Helpers\_Chart->addRow() #1 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\admin\stats\_rankprogression->manage() #2 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/applications/core/modules/admin/stats/rankprogression.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\stats\_rankprogression->execute() #4 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main} Backtrace: #0 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/init.php(1029): IPS\_Log::log() #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #2 {main} Thank you in advance for your support.
  5. Hello, is there a way to translate "contents"?
  6. I have the same problem when I try to clone download categories UnderflowException: (0) #0 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Node/Model.php(3051): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #1 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/init.php(902) : eval()'d code(225): IPS\Node\_Model->__clone() #2 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/applications/downloads/sources/Category/Category.php(758): IPS\Node\radtags_hook_C_NodeModel->__clone() #3 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Node/Controller.php(907): IPS\downloads\_Category->__clone() #4 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\Node\_Controller->copy() #5 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Node/Controller.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/applications/downloads/modules/admin/downloads/categories.php(44): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #7 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\downloads\modules\admin\downloads\_categories->execute() #8 /usr/local/apache/hosting/mysite/www/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main}
  7. Hello, If I activate in plugin "Display Images" and I choose a "Default Image", the "Our Picks Block" display nothing. "View All" shows everything correctly.
  8. Thanks. One more thing. The menu in some cases spans two lines, although there is enough space to fit it on one line.
  9. I have some other suggestions. (RD) Slideshow 1. The arrows next and previous (on the right side of the image) appear even if there is only one slide. 2. In mobile view, the text and the button are partially hidden (depend on the number of lines of text). Please consider an option to truncate the text after two or three lines. 3. An option to hide the button (Read More). 4. An option to limit a "colored cover" to the text area. 5. An option to align the cover image horizontally (left, centre, right) 6. An option to limit image cover to the size of the main container.
  10. Thanks, but I'm testing Laxery theme with mods and plugns installed. The theme is not live yet. I have a few more questions. 1. I have to add some custom css in custom.css. Is there a way to have two versions of css, one for light theme and one for dark theme? 2. When I change the forum style in (RD) Forums > Forum style, with the "Laxery style" selected the unread subforums show 2 dot (see image). 3. Is there a way to have subforums aligned to the left? In the example above, I would like to have "Ambientazioni e Avventure" aligned to the left. Thank you.
  11. Please, consider an option to move the "scroll to top" button on the left side. In my case, it overlaps with chatbot.
  12. Sorry, It was an IPS problem. I've updated to the latest patch, and now the button appears.
  13. Hello @TAMAN, I installed Chatbox+ form marketplace. Chatbox add a button at the bottom-right of the page where people can open the chat. The button is not displayed in Magnun Theme. With IPS default theme it works. Thanks!
  14. Hello, I show Pages records in the slider, but the slider does not truncate content.
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