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Comments System Like StackoverFlow.com to avoid Repetition


Comment system instead of Quote   

25 members have voted

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Hi Guys it would be great if there IPB Tam implement  comments system like stackoverflow.com  for replies : )  



Right Now if user want to respone back to reply. he/she have to quote the reply. That cuase the so much  repetition  of content (Reply content again repeated inside new reply ) and  seems very unorganized when users go through topics e.g sometime i see quotes for reply at end of page rather underneath the reply :sad:


 I think i would be milestone for IPB if this is implemented because no other forums software had this

Guys what do you think ? if you like please upvote this feature :)

PLEASE!! Don't Forget to Participate in Above Poll Question


Edited by balwant
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14 minutes ago, A Zayed said:




Thanks for sharing the extensions :) but it would be more awesome if there is in Built more robust system from IPB TEAM rather than relies on third party add on :)

Omg !!!!!! looks with quote to above response  reply content again repeated for TOPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Edited by balwant
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  • 5 months later...
2 hours ago, Gill said:


Nothing wrong about quote. you can select specific text and reply to that

But option to reply to a post in a topic (as you can reply to a comment in a video on Youtube) is good to have.

This would be even better for comments in Pages app articles. IPS added reply for reviews section


Edited by amator
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Voted for quotes, don't see a benefit to have it like stackoverflow, doesn't looks cool. But that's just my taste. I never liked those post comment stuff, it makes it harder to view new content if it's cluttered all around. Might be different if you have a coding forum.

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Solution :

Make the quote as a link, something like embed, maybe in this moment don't call it quote, I mean avoiding repeat the same content, and it will only show defined mount of letters, but with a corner icon if touch it will expand all quoted content. 


1, will reduce the length of topic that contain many replies,

2, Avoid information repeating (because only is a embed),

3, Will be easy if user want to read more about what is the content of reply. 


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Imho quotes are okay, but they need some improvements, e.g. shortening after a certain amount of words to avoid huge blocks of quoted text (I know there is a plugin for this, but it should be a core feature) or placeholder text for media in quotes such as images or videos (I know there is a plugin for this but... you get it).

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The biggest issue with quotes vs reply is that quotes turns the original content into new content and doesn’t dynamically show based on what was there. The obvious issue here is when content is moderated or edited, the quoted text itself has to be edited or moderated separately. I don’t think the quote concept is fundamentally the wrong approach, but in future I would love if editing/moderating content automatically updated any content quoting that original content. 

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10 minutes ago, Morgin said:

but in future I would love if editing/moderating content automatically updated any content quoting that original content. 

That can / will fundamentally change a conversation. When someone quotes, they are responding to a specific piece of content. If you make that content dynamic, it can make the person that replied look like a fool... Especially if the post doesn't show to have been edited. 

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1 minute ago, Aiwa said:

That can / will fundamentally change a conversation. When someone quotes, they are responding to a specific piece of content. If you make that content dynamic, it can make the person that replied look like a fool... Especially if the post doesn't show to have been edited. 

I think the solution there is to show it was edited. 

I’d rather avoid content duplication vs having someone say something that’s gonna be removed and then have to go edit another 10 posts to remove what they said from all the people quoting it. Whether it’s doxxing, etc 

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I'm not familiar with the posited method, but I like the current quote method. It has all the options a user needs, and the user can make his own choices as to whether he quotes the entire block of text or makes more precise selections.

I almost never quote or reply to giant walls of text. I might use the quote control to quote someone's long reply when I begin my own reply, but I'll delete most of the text and only leave what I'm replying to. The other method I use often is highlighting portions of the text and using the quote control that appears to insert them as quotes in my own reply. 

Again, not sure what this suggested method is, but I'm opposed to any changes that eliminate choices/options or otherwise dumb down products to suit lazy or inept users. This results in a less enjoyable experience for careful users like myself. If someone starts to make a mess of my board, I won't attempt to idiot-proof the board to suit him (or masses of those like him), I'll correct him.  

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This is not a big problem for my community in practice, but I do have some thoughts about it since quoting is integral to the discussion experience:

- the inline quote where you highlight a portion of text to quote is extremely powerful.  This allows you to give a laser-focused reply on one specific section of a post.  Any solution we have should still preserve that functionality.  

- in the upper right hand corner of every postbit is a share button.  I've used this before to grab the postlink, and used that as a reference instead of quoting the entire post.

- I agree that quoting a full post can become redundant.  It can also impact UIX.  On boards like mine where you have image attachments or long posts, a quote will extend the page - and on mobile, that becomes a terrible experience.  I use Minimized Quote by @Martin A..  XenForo has a much deeper understanding of quotes in this regards, where they condense the quotes (and you can expand or condense the quote if you want to read more).

- Discourse has the most elegant solution I've seen for replies and quotes (I'm not familiar with Stack overflow).  Next to each post is a reply icon.  It doesn't actually change where the post goes - the post still gets added to the bottom of the topic, but it does link my new post to the related post.  You can, of course, still write a post that's not a reply to anything.  

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2 hours ago, Joel R said:

… the inline quote where you highlight a portion of text to quote is extremely powerful.  This allows you to give a laser-focused reply on one specific section of a post.  Any solution we have should still preserve that functionality

Agreed. This is a must keep feature, though I don't see the need for any solution, because I don't see a problem to begin with. :wink:

2 hours ago, Joel R said:

… where they condense the quotes (and you can expand or condense the quote if you want to read more) …

This is the type of thing I don't want. A few points to clarify/elaborate on this and what I wrote above …

Having to maximize/minimize quote boxes makes me work harder with extra clicks opening and closing boxes when re-reading while formulating replies. If the problem is redundancy and length when it comes to quotes, the problem isn't the software, it's the users.

I find myself going through many aspects of life having to circumvent morons. For example, when driving I avoid intersections with perfectly functioning, elegant traffic control signals because I can't stand watching green lights turn red only because morons in front of me don't know that green means go or that the gas pedal is the one on the right. I won't tolerate this kind of nonsense when it comes to something I have control over: my forum. If users start quoting walls of text in their own four word replies, I'll take away their ability to quote.

Part of my preferred elegant IPS discussion forum experience includes the way a topic looks. Most of the discussions on my forum are centered around member posted literary works of art: poems. I have the tagging feature enabled, but as soon as I saw someone start putting tags on my topics, my poems, I told him to stop. No tags on my poems! When I post a topic, a poem, the look and presentation of it matters a whole lot to me. I won't stand for something like ten tags to the likes of "love," "sonnet," "despair," etc. taking away focus from the poem, perhaps even taking away the reader should he click one of the tags. Other members can do what they want with their topics, they can make them as messy as they want with tags, but I want mine to look clean. But the same goes for topics forum-wide generally. Scrolling is about all the meniality I can tolerate. I won't stand still for extra clicks minimizing and maximizing quotes within topics. Users who can't formulate their own minor point replies without relying heavily on the lengthy quotes of others need to work on becoming better posters. I just don't want to see anything elegant ( e.g. the experience of crafting and enjoying attractively rendered topics using wonderfully functioning software) dumbed down, reduced to a user level of the lowest common denominator. 


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1 hour ago, tonyv said:

Agreed. This is a must keep feature, though I don't see the need for any solution, because I don't see a problem to begin with. :wink:

This is the type of thing I don't want. A few points to clarify/elaborate on this and what I wrote above …

Having to maximize/minimize quote boxes makes me work harder with extra clicks opening and closing boxes when re-reading while formulating replies. If the problem is redundancy and length when it comes to quotes, the problem isn't the software, it's the users.

I find myself going through many aspects of life having to circumvent morons. For example, when driving I avoid intersections with perfectly functioning, elegant traffic control signals because I can't stand watching green lights turn red only because morons in front of me don't know that green means go or that the gas pedal is the one on the right. I won't tolerate this kind of nonsense when it comes to something I have control over: my forum. If users start quoting walls of text in their own four word replies, I'll take away their ability to quote.

Part of my preferred elegant IPS discussion forum experience includes the way a topic looks. Most of the discussions on my forum are centered around member posted literary works of art: poems. I have the tagging feature enabled, but as soon as I saw someone start putting tags on my topics, my poems, I told him to stop. No tags on my poems! When I post a topic, a poem, the look and presentation of it matters a whole lot to me. I won't stand for something like ten tags to the likes of "love," "sonnet," "despair," etc. taking away focus from the poem, perhaps even taking away the reader should he click one of the tags. Other members can do what they want with their topics, they can make them as messy as they want with tags, but I want mine to look clean. But the same goes for topics forum-wide generally. Scrolling is about all the meniality I can tolerate. I won't stand still for extra clicks minimizing and maximizing quotes within topics. Users who can't formulate their own minor point replies without relying heavily on the lengthy quotes of others need to work on becoming better posters. I just don't want to see anything elegant ( e.g. the experience of crafting and enjoying attractively rendered topics using wonderfully functioning software) dumbed down, reduced to a user level of the lowest common denominator. 


I mean, rather than start class warfare between the Facebook masses and literary poets 😋 (and by the way, i feel confident in saying the Facebook horde will win), I don't think the problem is even software or users. 

When you're on mobile, you just have less space to work with.  That's an unfortunate fact of reduced screen space.  Letting that entire screen space be filled up with a quote when your only purpose is to refer back to a post is an inefficient use of space.  

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  • 2 years later...

This feature is great especially for the Question/Answer type of forum. But I would suggest to leave the current quoting system as it is because it's great for regular discussions.

Here's another plugin but I think it's not compatible with the latest version based on it's last updated time:


Edited by OxyFuse
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