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Members Shop ( Support Topic )


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13 minutes ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

What's the best way to keep track of donations?

In the ACP it has a full list of all donations and info from it

14 minutes ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

Is there a way to change the word 'donations' to something else?

go to your language in the ACP and search donations and change the one linked to the members shop app

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Hi @TheJackal84,

I just bought the app and I'm trying to set a daily goal and I'm getting an SQL error

UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups  SET `g_icon`='monthly_2018_08/member_rank.jpeg.f76d44f65f18dd0aff9e7bc32e8cdc97.jpeg',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=true,`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_can_msg_attach`=true,`g_post_polls`=true,`g_vote_polls`=true,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_append_edit`=false,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=1,`g_hide_own_posts`=0,`g_delete_own_posts`=0,`g_lock_unlock_own`=0,`g_can_report`=1,`g_links_access`=true,`ms_can_bank`=true,`ms_daily_points`=5 WHERE g_id=3 
IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'ms_daily_points' in 'field list' (1054)


Also , is there a way to award points retroactively based on post count?

Edited by joshuaj
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I second the ability to award points for voting in polls 🙂


Does this app come with any widgets? Specifically, I'm trying to have a sidebar widget that ranks different usergroups based on sum of all user points of users within each usergroup (that you can select probably). Is there anything like that included in this app? And if not, is it something I'd be able to relatively easily do?



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Afternoon @TheJackal84

Got a couple of feature requests and wondering if it's at all possible, I had previously spoken to you about it in a PM, but these ideas would be the last thing I need in order to purchase the app.

  • Reset points - Being able to set a date for the points to reset (I can see resetting points is an option but is it global too? Resets Everyone?)
  • A points award page, similar to your stats page and the leader board but being able to select user groups to show which group has won x amount of points for that year. And being able to select 1 member from each group to show the winner with x amount of points.
  • Award points from topic (being able to set an amount of points, lets say, 10, 20, 50,100 points for a great post/topic (a button next to the edit/quote texts)

The awards page is the biggest bit part that I need, not sure how much it would take, but again being able to select which groups to show and user/s.

Edited by CP_User
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13 hours ago, Joel R said:

Sounds exciting.  Thanks! 

I am also making a nice landing page for the app with like 4-5 blocks showing xyz items something like this


not sure how it will look at the end but this is all testing, I am also thinking of maybe adding comments to the items etc so people can discuss them and so on, that will also bring a new item page what will show a new page with the items description and the comments and so on, ( maybe reviews too ), it is a lot of work to do so am not sure what the timeframe will be or if it will all be added to it, whats your thoughts on the comments etc? also depending the way it goes I think it might go straight to a 2.0 version cos the ideas I have for it is a massive update and worthy or a new 2.0 title lol

6 hours ago, joshuaj said:


Thanks again for helping me with the database issue.

I was wondering if there was a way too add an item into the shop that , once purchased, will automatically make a post that I can predefine for that item in a specific forum notifying the community that said item was purchased?

what do you mean? something like each item to have the ability to post a topic when brought? I do have a feature on the lottery app what creates a topic when the lottery is created then it will post on that exact topic with replies to anyone what won, so maybe I can do that if that is what you mean

Edited by TheJackal84
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4 hours ago, CP_User said:

@TheJackal84 Would that be similar to what I said further up the page? Will to buy and support now and help test.


On 9/25/2018 at 4:38 PM, CP_User said:

Reset points - Being able to set a date for the points to reset (I can see resetting points is an option but is it global too? Resets Everyone?) 

I probably won't be adding a remove points on x date feature, some people buy points so if they were to be removed would cause problems, you can however do it manually via the ACP with it being either a single member / all users from x groups / every user from every group

On 9/25/2018 at 4:38 PM, CP_User said:

A points award page, similar to your stats page and the leader board but being able to select user groups to show which group has won x amount of points for that year. And being able to select 1 member from each group to show the winner with x amount of points.

I will be making a few widgets for this app as it only has 1 at the minute so I will see where I get with them, I might also add a mystats bit to the stats page so people can check their own stats

On 9/25/2018 at 4:38 PM, CP_User said:

Award points from topic (being able to set an amount of points, lets say, 10, 20, 50,100 points for a great post/topic (a button next to the edit/quote texts)

I had a request for this before but stuck with the donations bit as more people wanted that, they can donate via the topic bits though

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On 9/28/2018 at 1:37 AM, TheJackal84 said:

ms_log_xxxx so just search ms_log and they will all show up

1.  I'm trying to search for the phrase, as shown in my screenshot, of "Gained 1 Points for replying to a topic."  Notice the plural and singular.  It looks like you're combining two tokens in your language string: "Gained %s %s for repling to a topic" so I need to know what you're using for the Points part.  

2.  You should fix the spelling:  Gained %s %s for replying to a topic.

3.  The langstrings for gallery items are proper case, and inconsistent with the others.  

These aren't a big deal, but making you aware 🙂  

5 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

I am also thinking of maybe adding comments to the items etc so people can discuss them and so on, that will also bring a new item page what will show a new page with the items description and the comments and so on, ( maybe reviews too ), it is a lot of work to do so am not sure what the timeframe will be or if it will all be added to it, whats your thoughts on the comments etc?

To me, the most amazing purpose of members shop is to create engagement and gamification between members.  I buy a gift for you. 

If you add comments, then you're treating members shop like a directory of items (like forums is a directory of topics, or gallery is a directory of images).  But the purpose of the item is not to discuss items. The purpose is to use items to engage with others.   This is what makes your Members Shop one of the most compelling apps in the Marketplace right now.  You're adding a whole new way to interacting with other users and I think you should have a razor-sharp focus on building capabilities around that user-to-user engagement.  That's the power behind your app.  Hope that makes sense.  

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7 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

what do you mean? something like each item to have the ability to post a topic when brought? I do have a feature on the lottery app what creates a topic when the lottery is created then it will post on that exact topic with replies to anyone what won, so maybe I can do that if that is what you mean

Yes so I run a site that has posting services. I would like to create a shop item that the user can buy with activity credits for those services. When they buy that service, I want it to make a forum post for my staff to respond to and get the service started.

When the user buys that item I would like it to make a post in a forum I choose as well as have a predefined message I can make for each item. Also, if I could then put a time restriction on that item (example. User buys Package A - Package A has a 30 day cooldown before User can repurchase)

Hope this makes sense or that I've explained it well.

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2 minutes ago, Fighting 13th said:

I just bought the app and I am getting this when trying to add items as well.

How can we fix this @TheJackal84 ?

This might be a stupid question, but aer you trying to add an item that's dependent upon another app?  

For example, Members Shop has a lot of integration with other apps like Trophies & Medals, Profile Videos, Profile Social Media, and you need those other apps to make it work.  Personally I would prefer if he didn't even show those items in the list if you don't have those other apps installed.  

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