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On 23/09/2017 at 6:33 AM, marklcfc said:

I know its in leaders ranking, I've shown the top 20 but if I didn't make the top 20, I can't see my score. Didn't know if my score could fit into quiz information at the side


On 23/09/2017 at 6:36 AM, Adriano Faria said:

So you're suggesting to show your position below the others IF you're not in the top X?

What about this?


Edited by Adriano Faria
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If a member of the forum starts their own quiz sometimes its hard to know when a quiz is ready for approval. I get notified when the quiz is made and awaiting approval even when no questions have been entered. Then when they start to enter questions, I still don't know when the quiz is actually ready. Maybe there should be an option for them to mark the quiz as complete and then it can be approved.

Edited by marklcfc
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9 hours ago, marklcfc said:

If a member of the forum starts their own quiz sometimes its hard to know when a quiz is ready for approval. I get notified when the quiz is made and awaiting approval even when no questions have been entered. Then when they start to enter questions, I still don't know when the quiz is actually ready. Maybe there should be an option for them to mark the quiz as complete and then it can be approved.

That’s s the way IPS4 treats pending items: on its creation and for this matter was added a button in the quiz view to set the quiz as ready so people can play.  It won’t make any difference approve it as soon as you get notified. People will play only after the submitter set it as ready. Same way, it won’t make any difference if no question is added because empty quizzes are deleted in X days (setting).

EDIT: also, a message is shown to the submitter so he's aware that he needs to add questions/answers and set it as ready:


Edited by Adriano Faria
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Telemacus2 said:

1) choose member groups which can take a quiz

Already a feature, per category permission:


3 minutes ago, Telemacus2 said:

2) password protect a quiz

Not sure; will give some thought.

3 minutes ago, Telemacus2 said:

3) Only members who have access to sub-forum xxx can see/take this quiz. 

Forums doesn't even is a required app anymore, so I may find someone that doesn't use it. Anyway, I don't like to tie an app with another at this level. You can control who can do anything via category permission.

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23 minutes ago, Telemacus2 said:

Thanks for the reply.

1) I meant choose which member groups can take a quiz (of my choice), not which member groups can take "any" quiz. 

(i.e. there are some quizzes which perhaps you only want certain groups to be able to take and so on). 

@Adriano Faria correct me if I'm wrong (don't use the app myself) but wouldn't your current permissions cover this requirement already. Simply, put the quiz in a category of its own and use the settings that Adriano showed above.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, the quizzes application is really great!


An improvement suggestion that many of my members have:

There is a graded mode and a study mode. In the study mode there is a button that shows an explanation of the correct answer. It would be very helpful and an improvement, if in the graded mode at the end of the quiz also a button with explanations of the correct answer would be displayed. Because many members want to know why an answer is right.


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@Adriano Faria Is there a possibility to add some feedback after a question?

Say that the question is: "How can birds fly", and,the correct answer is: "Birds have wings".

Can I add a more lengthy explanation (like increasing the learning from taking the quiz), saying: "Birds have two wings, that flatter with xx Hz, allowing the bird to lift from the ground, They can also use the wings to glide-fly... etc-etc"

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