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Timeline also in IPB?

Ziv Grosu

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Oh, Crap. Please don't tell us that IPS is considering this! I'm sorry but this is the worst feature ever to be created. If someone wants to create this as a hook or third party application, then I say go for it. But don't let this be a core or default feature of the forums.


New company name "Invisionfacebook"

I don't mean that nastily, are we Invision Power Board or Facebook, I really do see some really over the top requests on here sometimes.

Definitely NO


When it comes to Facebook linking, I don't have a problem with the "share" feature but when it's being suggested to "copy" features from Facebook ... I'd rather see IPS develop original features for the forum software. Personally, I prefer IPB to remain its own software, not simply relying on what other companies are creating. Next thing you see, we'll have "frenemies", "relationship status" and other similar features that Facebook already uses.

Next thing you know we'll see? Twitter-related features. lols :sweat:


That was just an idea. That's a little funny, I am not using the timeline on facebook but wondered if it could be a nice app for IPB (built-in or as an app released on MP).


That was just an idea. That's a little funny, I am not using the timeline on facebook but wondered if it could be a nice app for IPB (built-in or as an app released on MP).

I believe what you are looking for is this:


A: This.
B: Why would you take the one thing driving people AWAY from FB that actually ..... i dunno, enjoyed it, and try to get it into the core of IPB?

I don't know anyone who likes the timeline on FB

Damn few. I use FB about once a week, and then only to keep in touch with family and a few friends I don't meet online.

When they added the Timeline feature I came really close to closing my account permanently. It is the absolute pits for layout and usability.

you know..... heres the thing.

Try to imagine world without faceboook.

... I did for a moment... and realized the spammers, and all the ... yknow... ones that cannot be pulled away would be looking... for elsewhere..... hording us :tongue:

Can we make IPB look like Twitter instead?

:rofl: You know we're really just trolling a bit now, right? :lol:

The problem is that Facebook has almost the same number of spammers on their social network as they do actual members. That's what happens when you have such a large number of users as well as things like Facebook games and such, they're actually probably data mining the site for credit card info, checking accounts and what not.


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