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Posts posted by Dll

  1. I understand this is configurable, but it makes no sense that the default behaviour  of the software is to have a different page width for posts within topics based on whether it has less than or greater than 3 pages. Obviously, having a topic summary when there are just a few posts makes little sense, so I get the reasoning but it makes for a very inconsistent ui, which displays a lack of planning or consideration around what is actually best for the user, readability of topics and so on.

    Has anyone looked into whether having the sidebar or not makes any difference in terms of the readability, the time spent within topics or anything along those lines?

  2. On 4/13/2021 at 10:08 AM, Dll said:

    I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but where are the settings for the application? I can see some in group settings, but how do I switch on simple mode, for instance?

    @Fosters - I'd appreciate a reply to this, as I've bought the licence and the settings for it appear to be missing. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

  3. I like the irony in the fact that @Jordan Invision seems to definitely be in the more is more camp when it comes to the use of emoji's in his own posts but is firmly in the less is more camp when it comes to controlling the emoji reactions people can give to posts 🙃

    Maybe those wanting to express a negative emotion can just make a one emoji post instead, that ought to be conducive to a constructive, easy to follow discussion!

  4. 5 minutes ago, bfarber said:



    and notifications of someone liking your content is linked to something besides "following" already (it's the "Mentions & My Content" section).


    That's flawed though, as someone is very likely to want to be notified when someone mentions them or replies directly to them, they're highly unlikely to want to be notified every time someone likes or reacts to their content. Particularly on a busier forum where there are 100's of reactions to some posts. 

  5. I'd be very wary of using any third party addon where the developer keeps 'promising' an update over a couple of months but doesn't deliver. Even if it does get made compatible for 4.5 at some point, where will you be if the same occurs if there's a major bug or issue later on down the line. 

  6. The net result of this is that people switch off their email notifications so as not to get the notifications they don't want. Bundling together replies, mentions and reactions is a real backward step, and is going to actually end up reducing people's engagement over time. I assume that's not what you had planned @Matt - please look into changing it and allowing people more control, other than stopping their notifications entirely.

  7. 3 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    Why would folks test a beta version that isn't final.  Why would anyone test the first several .x.y versions either. Much smarter to let it stabilize and then test.  This is how most large business do things to prevent disruptions. 

    Not quite. Most large businesses use beta tests to test. That doesn't mean they necessarily use them live, but will test new software on development servers.

  8. 1 hour ago, Runar said:

    You're correct, and personally I'd like to see the community I referred to updated more frequently. However, updating during the beta period is not really an option, as things change quite often and things can and will break.

    Another point is that some updates require you to make changes on the server side. For instance, 4.5 recommends PHP version 7.4 and future versions of Invision Community will drop support for older versions of PHP. Yes, I know PHP 7.2 is three years old and that you should keep your servers up to date as well, but realistically that's not always possible.

    Finally — and this is something I don't think anyone can argue against — some people simply don't want to update. Apple doesn't force their users to update their iPhones and iPads to the latest version of iOS. Sure, they recommend it and more and more apps will stop working on older versions of iOS, but you don't get a banner taking up half the screen everywhere if you're on an older version.

    If you need a period of testing, then the beta releases are a good place to start, surely? Assuming when you say testing, you mean creating a test forum, copying the database etc. 

    The argument about not wanting to update is a dangerous one - where do draw the line? Do you want to keep a version of php on your server with security exploits, do you want to keep a version of forum software running which may not be getting security updates and so on? When it comes to your iphone, it's your choice and affects only you should there be some sort of security issue or things not working as expected. When you're running a web server, it's a bigger responsibility since you're looking after all of your users too.

    I'm guessing if you publicised the fact that due to the fact you've not got round to what could be vital upgrades, you may be using out of date software (and not just invision, potentially) which could have security implications, your members may not be especially happy?

    For instance, here's the list of security vulnerabilities in PHP 7.2


    So again, I don't see the banner as the issue here, and frankly nor should you.


  9. 56 minutes ago, Runar said:

    As others have already mentioned, it's not always that simple. I help manage one of the larger communities, with over 25 million posts running on multiple servers, and upgrading to a new version involves long periods of testing. When we actually do upgrade, it's a complicated process to prevent messing something up for our thousands of members.

    I completely understand that you want everyone to be using the most recent version, but there are several valid reasons for not upgrading immediately after a new release.

    To be fair, you've had a long time to test - the beta process went on for months, and the full release has been available for over a month now too. So, if you've not got round to it yet then that's still the issue, rather than an admin banner being visible.

  10. 14 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    Nor would I be, But I said I forget sometimes and have lots of notifications / pm's and sometimes things go past me, I only offered you a refund when you would not accept that I forgot what else could I do? you don't accept that reason, so to make you happy I'll offer to give you your $$$ back

    It's not about accepting your reason or not, it's about your attitude towards both me and your other paying customers that I have an issue with at this point. 

    14 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    Can't see where you were disrespected you asked why I was being defensive and I said I can't be bothered and don't think I need to explain basically all my reasons so offered you the refund what's more then most devs on here would do anyway

    So, this isn't disrespectful to both me and your other customers?

    1 hour ago, TheJackal84 said:

    pretty sure if you read through I probably have said about it and have said I would look into it, but like everyone else you all expect personal replies and can't be bothered to browse other posts, And like I said I forget, sometime I get a notification at 3am and think I will reply tomorrow, then after a couple hours sleep I get to one thing and forget the other, but that's not acceptable is it. I will be at your beck and call sir

    Or this?

    40 minutes ago, Dll said:

    Cos I can't be bothered and don't think I need to explain myself to anyone here where I am, what I am doing, why I might of forgot something, yeah I might be here daily, I currently have 35 unread personal messages, some I know are more important than any reply to a post on here and they are still unread,

    Remembering, all I asked for was an update on a 3 month old bug. Had you just come on and said, 'sorry I forgot, I'll look into this as soon as I have time', then fine. But instead you were instantly defensive and dismissive of the bug. 

    Anyway, I can't be bothered with this any longer and I assume you have literally 1000 other posts and pm's to reply to, so maybe it's time to move on as this ship has sailed. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    I have respect just not enough to share personal aspects of my life

    Like I asked, you want a refund? not like I said oh well is it

    I'm not interested in your personal life, all I've ever been interested in is getting some support in this support thread and getting the bug fixed. 

    I wasn't looking for you to act like a petulant kid, and and I certainly wasn't looking for an argument. I've also not requested a refund, and am not interested in getting one since I bought it some time ago, have made use of it and to be honest life is too short to be worrying about that. 

    But, what I will do is uninstall the application, as I'm really not prepared to be disrespected and spoken to as if I'm being unreasonable in asking for info on a bug which was reported 3 months ago. I'll also not consider purchasing or recommending any of your other applications. The good news is that I won't be posting in here or any of your other support threads again either. So that's one less annoying/demanding paying customer you have to worry about. 

    As a final thing, perhaps try this if you're struggling to keep up, it's quite useful. 


  12. 3 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    Cos I can't be bothered and don't think I need to explain myself to anyone here where I am, what I am doing, why I might of forgot something, yeah I might be here daily, I currently have 35 unread personal messages, some I know are more important than any reply to a post on here and they are still unread, Just because I am here does not mean I can answer everyone at every time, and I keep saying I forgot, Yes I have a very bad memory sometimes and do forget things, I just looked at the sticky notes app and it is already actually fixed, I done it ages ago and was going to re-write some of the code then something else happened and I forgot about going back to it, this is me only now remembering doing that, but again I am explaining myself what I don't want / need to do, If it is that bad and you are so unhappy with it then get a refund I am more than happy to give it to you

    Nice one. Great to hear you have so much respect for your paying customers. 

    We're all busy, we're all forgetful at times, but most of us manage to show some humility when we mess up too. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    not a messaging system mate it was made to send fun note not replace your message system

    pretty sure if you read through I probably have said about it and have said I would look into it, but like everyone else you all expect personal replies and can't be bothered to browse other posts, And like I said I forget, sometime I get a notification at 3am and think I will reply tomorrow, then after a couple hours sleep I get to one thing and forget the other, but that's not acceptable is it. I will be at your beck and call sir

    I do reply but I also ignore the same posts, If you want I will refund you the $$$ today and remove your license, then you ain't lost nothing have you, let me know and I will get it processed ASAP

    Why are you so defensive? I've not asked for a refund (although I could quickly change my mind if you carry on acting like a 10 year old who's had his toys taken away). I don't see anyone demanding personal replies, or asking for anything over the top. I've read the thread, and all I see is a bug that was reported 3 months ago, which you said would be sorted within days, but it wasn't. Then I see a few posts across 3 months where people are asking to be updated on it.

    Not so much to ask is it? Especially since you're active virtually every day on here.

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