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Everything posted by Dll

  1. Surprised no-one at Invision has picked up on this, but there are broken images across a lot of the pages on the website currently.
  2. This option isn't available on Gmail any more: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en
  3. I'd not worry about those - they're just a cloudflare thing, not related to your community itself.
  4. @David N. In webmaster tools, if you go to settings and then crawl stats, there's a crawl error report in there. You should be able to get some error reasons and URLs from that.
  5. Dll posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Are there any plans to make the trending topics available through the API in the near future?
  6. Dll posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Can I suggest you look into ses in the meantime, as it's cheaper and just as simple to use.
  7. Dll posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Put some extra information in the failed login messaging perhaps? Or just on the login page. Make your contact options very visible and so on. If someone has been a member of a community a long time and come back after a while, you can assume they'll be fairly motivated to get logged in, so I don't suppose an extra step of sending an email will put too many off? Alternatively, (as we've found at times on our community), people will start a fresh account if they can't login and will probably then use that to ask about their old one. The change really isn't the end of the world, although we did spend 12 months notifying people in varying ways before making the change.
  8. Dll posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I think with the amount of time you've wasted on this community over the last couple of years moaning about the change of login, you could have probably written a hand written letter to every one of your members advising them of the change.
  9. Does this means that using pages for things like ads.txt no longer works?
  10. Dll posted a post in a topic in General Questions
    They maybe need to look again then, as it looks a bit ridiculous at monitor widths above 1800px (which isn’t that wide).
  11. @Adlago, you appear to be misunderstanding how the caching works. It's not a local cache on a users machine, it's caching the html for the block server side, so the backend isn't generating it each visit. If you cache it for 1 hour, it'll retrieve the html from that cache for 1 hour, and then check again for an update the first load after that. Once it's done that, it'll cache it again for an hour. So, setting it for one hour will make it faster across the hour than setting it for 5 minutes.
  12. Nice to see Invision finally get over their apparent pathological dislike of all things cloudflare and embrace its obvious advantages
  13. B2 maybe good, but I'd possibly suggest you're storing up a whole load of hassle (support wise) for yourselves by saying any other compatible s3 service is ok, as some of them definitely aren't. Cloudflare R2 caused us some issues on 4.7.19 with caching and the IPS system could never delete from it properly. In the past google cloud buckets were problematic as well.
  14. When you say they can be used right now, I assume you mean just on V5?
  15. Certainly agree with this. We've been self-hosted and cloud-hosted (currently back to self-hosted for the time being at least). We're comfortable managing servers etc, but the removal of the stress and time of doing the nuts and bolts of that for our community was a definite plus when we were cloud based. I don't think the comparison in price between a VPS or even dedicated server at some random host vs a SAAS product is ever a particularly fair one.
  16. Thanks, you're correct. Re-installing that solved it.
  17. Hi, since yesterday we're seeing this error when trying to access reports: SELECT * FROM `reportmsg_messages` ORDER BY msg_position Table '[dbname].reportmsg_messages' doesn't exist We've not made any manual database changes or anything, so are quite concerned as to what is happening and what may have caused it.
  18. Matt, I appreciate the reply. We have been customers for the best part of 20 years now, and although I have, at times, been vocal in voicing concerns (cloud vs self-hosted not being one of them btw), I'm sorry to hear that the negativity around the cloud is continuing to create hassle for you and the team. It's a lesson learned that things may be going on out of sight which affect the things we do see, so apologies if my comments in this thread have added to that.
  19. The reason we found for this was that we were using an 's3 compatible' storage bucket for the theme files, js etc (Cloudflare R2). We were 'mirroring' it from an S3 bucket for better compatibility (so we thought!) and it was fine up to the update but I assume something changed in the way storage buckets are handled during the update. The only way we found to fix was to switch back to (the recommended) actual Amazon S3 storage for them.
  20. Ahrefs is a brilliant example - yes they have tiers, but they also communicate about them properly. They also have impeccable timing, as right now they are beta testing a new ai content feature and they're properly transparent about it, in that they're saying that 'at the moment' everyone has access while it's a beta feature, but in time it will be a paid for addon. Everyone then knows where they stand. As for the 'them vs us' - the sad thing in that the biggest cause of that isn't the change itself - most people get how different products and pricing tiers work. It's the way it has been handled and communicated from the off. It's become a problem of Invision's own making, which is a shame for all concerned, especially as the lessons just never seem to be learned.
  21. You're of course welcome to your opinion, but have a read of the posts in this thread, is there confusion due to a lack of transparency or not?
  22. If we want to stick with that analagy, I think it's probably reasonable to say that most car manufacturers communicate the specs and differences between models some way in advance of launching them. But regardless, the analagy is actually inappropriate because this is software and is totally different to new cars. People already have licenses and packages are highly likely to be planning to move to the new version which has been trailed for over a year now, and is apparently only a matter of weeks or a couple of months away. Now is the point many want to plan, discuss things with their teams, their communities etc, but they can't because there's no clarity over which of the newer, more exciting features they may or may not have access to. The irony never escapes me that Invision, a community building company are so bad at actually communicating - you'd think that would be a prerequisite in this business. I'm sure Invision are trying to create as much buzz as possible about the upcoming version, yet here we are across several threads where confusion reigns (again) due to the lack of transparency. If Invision really haven't figured out what package will have what features at this point, then that's a failure of organisation on top of the failure in communication. But anyway, it's only been 20 odd years, there's still time to learn how to communicate yet - maybe v10 will have a perfect launch. 🫣
  23. I can't say that's ever been our experience. Maybe you were using a location a long way from your server? It's always best to choose the nearest one possible.
  24. I think this is a caching issue our side, so please ignore.
  25. Hi, we've just updated to the latest version and are having problems with updating the status of reports. It changes initially, but then reverts back to new report regardless of what's chosen. We've tried with all addons/themes disabled etc and have uploaded a fresh set of files, but still have the same issue, so it looks a lot like a bug.