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Posts posted by Dll

  1. We really like the fluid combined view option, but unless the respect pinned topics setting is set for the forum index fluid view, it doesn't respect them. As it's quite a different scenario between the 2 options, it would be good to have the option (per forum perhaps) to respect pinned topics for the combined view, even if it's not set for the full fluid view. 

  2. 58 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Maybe make an enterprise only membership and forum then. Who really cares if you will never be an enterprise client? Why do I need to know about something I will never have available to me? I've wasted time reading someting thinking its a great new feature, that in turn, will not exist for me and many, many others. 

    Where does that sort of thing begin and end though. Should they not announce updates to the gallery (for instance) because it may annoy those who don't have it? 

    The communication has been a bit off with this, and it seems like lessons have been learned there. So, maybe just accept that there'll be threads on here which aren't of interest to you, and move on?

  3. 36 minutes ago, Talisman12 said:

    No entitlement, just disappointed that IPS deem it beyond the capabilities of the self-hosting crowd to implement this at their own discretion, instead of forcing that decision upon them which ironically should be what differentiates their managed hosting (closed ecosystem, less choice) from self-hosting (greater flexibility, more effort needed).


    But, that's their prerogative. Maybe they don't believe it's a reasonable use of their resources to develop a solution for what it's reasonable to assume would be a small handful of self-hosted clients who may be prepared to both create the correct environment on their side and pay Invision for access to the additional functionality. 

  4. On 7/14/2021 at 9:12 AM, Tom_F said:

    Works ok on 4.6 but on mobile view it would be great if the ignore forum button was below the start topic, as it sort of breaks the responsive width


    On 1/10/2022 at 3:26 PM, Tom_F said:



    This is still happening at the moment.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Clover13 said:

    I definitely understand not wanting to prematurely share an initially targeted feature only to find it's not viable/possible and won't ever be done and having to deal with the fallout from clients (in which case you should be reconsidering if there is enough client interest [$$$+] there).  However, when you share at least roadmap candidates (not definitive/approved) you can establish a feedback loop with active clients to garner value which drives investment and development priority.  Without that, you're reliant on parsing through comments on your forum in unrelated topics or in piecemeal to try and conceptualize what may be valued by your clients (without actually tracking it well, although you could have something behind the scenes that is tracking it in some way already).  Likewise without that, you could wind up investing in and developing something that you envision is high value but turns out not to be highly adopted or accepted.  There's definitely a balance to be had, and it's somewhere in the middle of transparency and secrecy.  Being on either polar end is likely not optimal.

    I think the truth of the situation is that the clients on these forums aren't really the clients that Invision are developing their products for.

    I suspect it's mostly (perhaps almost solely) the priorities of and feedback from enterprise clients which is driving their development and future planning. 

    I'm sure it's part of the reason why there's a reasonable sub section of those on these forums who clearly feel undervalued right now (along with price hikes, changes to support, long lived bugs, and parts of the software suffering from a lack of attention). It's also the reason why some of the communication from Invision can come across as a bit tone deaf and rile people up at times.

    I'm not criticising particularly, as far as I'm concerned it's just the way it is. It's just a case of matching expectations to reality in my mind.

  6. Not necessarily. Google is unlikely to spider your whole site that frequently. So as it discovers the old URLs are gone and have been redirected to new ones, it'll be taking the old ones out of the index and replacing them with the new ones. (Assuming you've set up the redirects properly - eg if you go to the old URLs they 301 redirect to the new ones).

    That all takes a bit of time, particularly in terms of ranking the new URLs in hopefully similar positions to where they were.

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