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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Dll

  1. 1 hour ago, Sonya* said:

    I do trust my moderators to login into member accounts to investigate the issues. But I do not want them to look into AdminCP with full permission:

    • they should not be able to change something by accident, as they are technically unexperienced
    • they should not be able to see payment history as this is not their business 😉 

    That's different to the original question and your original post though. The original point was allowing staff to log in as one user but not as another one. That's not related to technical proficiency or the chance of them making a mistake, that's purely related to whether you trust them or not, in my opinion. 

    Particularly bearing in mind that just because a super-mod could log in as an admin, it still wouldn't mean they had full access to the acp, as that's separate, as far as I'm aware. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Use case: moderator logs in as member to investigate the reported issue. Helpful to distinguish if the issue is reproducable e. g. permissions issue. Or if not, then probably browser-based. This helps to instruct the user further. 

    Indeed the moderator should be able to login as member only, not as other moderator and not as admin.

    But, if you look at it as if you're a member of that community - if someone is going to be able to login as me, then I expect that person to be trustworthy. If the owner of the community doesn't trust them to login to their account, why should I trust that person to login to my account?

  3. On 4/26/2022 at 9:04 AM, PatrickRQ said:

    @Randy Calvert, it won't help. Using restricted access is designed to use specific admin permissions for specific member or group. Problem here is the "Sign as member" privilege which allows to sign as any member. let's say you give "assign as member" to your super mods or junior admins - they will be able to login as you - his majesty the king ^^

    Thing is, if you're concerned that by logging in as you they could do bad things, I wonder why you'd trust them to login as anyone, or indeed to login to the ACP at all?

  4. 18 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

    Maybe my version - the font was too large? Not sure 😅 

    I did see there's a browser extension. However, I couldn't find one for smart phones - so maybe having it in the community platform vs relying on an extension would still be our best bet. 

    I think there are a few paid for apps on iOS which plug into it, not sure about Android. But, I suppose if there were to be a plugin or something available for invision community, I'd be open to trying it. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Jordan Miller said:

    I used a generator 😇 


    There's an API on another site so in theory if someone loves it, perhaps it could work within a community. Low-key curious about how people would use it. 

    I was just wondering as I've found the bionic text to be really good previously, but it didn't seem as effective in your post for some reason.

    It's an interesting prospect for a community but I wonder if those who want to use it will just install the browser extensions, app etc?

  6. We really like the fluid combined view option, but unless the respect pinned topics setting is set for the forum index fluid view, it doesn't respect them. As it's quite a different scenario between the 2 options, it would be good to have the option (per forum perhaps) to respect pinned topics for the combined view, even if it's not set for the full fluid view. 

  7. 58 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Maybe make an enterprise only membership and forum then. Who really cares if you will never be an enterprise client? Why do I need to know about something I will never have available to me? I've wasted time reading someting thinking its a great new feature, that in turn, will not exist for me and many, many others. 

    Where does that sort of thing begin and end though. Should they not announce updates to the gallery (for instance) because it may annoy those who don't have it? 

    The communication has been a bit off with this, and it seems like lessons have been learned there. So, maybe just accept that there'll be threads on here which aren't of interest to you, and move on?

  8. 36 minutes ago, Talisman12 said:

    No entitlement, just disappointed that IPS deem it beyond the capabilities of the self-hosting crowd to implement this at their own discretion, instead of forcing that decision upon them which ironically should be what differentiates their managed hosting (closed ecosystem, less choice) from self-hosting (greater flexibility, more effort needed).


    But, that's their prerogative. Maybe they don't believe it's a reasonable use of their resources to develop a solution for what it's reasonable to assume would be a small handful of self-hosted clients who may be prepared to both create the correct environment on their side and pay Invision for access to the additional functionality. 

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