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Posts posted by Dll

  1. 11 hours ago, sadams101 said:

    I have no doubt that some Invision communities are doing "very well" in Google. Some might even say that my site is one of those, however, I can assure you that I've gained at least at least 100,000 in my USA rank (now around 50,000) after dealing with the many speed and SEO issues inherent in the out of the box version of this software. This is a huge difference, and in my case represented the difference between ~100,000 unique monthly visitors before, and ~350,000 after.

    So my question to you is, could those communities that are now doing "well" actually be doing a hell of a lot better? Yes.

    I think you're misunderstanding a little in terms of how speed and google rankings relate. Although Google have never given a definitive answer (to my knowledge), the current consensus is that as long as you pass the core web vitals tests, then speed won't be a negative factor. So, once you do pass them, you're not going to gain anything in that respect by spending more time trying to get additional small gains in speed. 

    Out of the box, assuming it's hosted on reasonable servers which are appropriately resourced for the traffic the community receives, and assuming there are no modifications causing issues, from what I've seen at least, Invision's software passes the core web vitals tests. 

    So, for the vast majority of sites, that's great. If your hosting isn't great, or you have a bunch of modifications which slow things down, then you may need some extra help to pass the core web vitals test. Perhaps you were in that boat, who knows. But, personally I'd still recommend you and others in a similar position look first at the root causes of any specific problems you're having and dealing with those. Going to great lengths to minimise the css is more like a sticking plaster and a time consuming one at that. 

  2. Errm, not wanting to spoil the snake-oil style sales pitch here. But, if you want to go and do some research, you'll find plenty of Invision based communities and websites doing very well in google. 

    It's the core web vitals which can potentially have an affect on rankings due to the fact they measure things which affect user experience, and even in the apparently terrible example you posted for this site, they pass. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Adlago said:

    On the contrary, I always write what I think. And how you perceive my thoughts is your right.

    But what you've written there is clearly ignoring the facts and on top of that you're throwing unfounded accusations around. It's not reasonable behaviour.

    Going back to the original point I've been trying to make though, take your own site as an example. I'm sure it scores very well, but I assume in order to better those scores you're using very low resolution images on there. Is that better or worse for the user?

  4. 30 minutes ago, Adlago said:

    Last night I went to work and built a new theme of mine based on 4.7.
    In this theme I introduced my customizations in the accessible CSS.
    Test scores - 100 points for desktop and an appalling 55-60 for mobile.
    It is clear that IPS developers work actively only for desktop, and as it can be seen from tests on this site - they do nothing at all for mobile.
    Given that they have neglected mobile, what is the point of preventing users from seeking their own solutions for mobile enhancements for their users...
    I understand that IPS have ideas for modernization, but on a well-functioning version, to off the "fuel tank" because you want a motor to run on electricity is tantamount to a disaster...

    I've already demonstrated to you that you don't need to do whatever customisations you're doing for your own site / selling to others isn't necessary to achieve good speed , ux and core web vitals scores on mobile. So, it seems as if you're being deliberately disingenuous there.


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