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Posts posted by Dll

  1. The reason is the guest caching, as covered earlier in this thread. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing youv can do, at least in terms of the way you're looking at it.

    Re-framing it slightly though, maybe you could consider what you can do to encourage more of those guests to register? I'm not a fan of register walls and the like, so I'm not suggesting that sort of thing, but can you do something to make membership more compelling? Can you improve the messaging shown to guests so they're better aware of the benefits of joining?

    All told, a member is far more valuable to you and your advertiser's than a guest, they're far more likely to revisit, can receive emails, notifications etc.

    And for creating buzz, why not talk about the number of posts, new members joining, active members, trending topics and so on. I'd have thought those things are more likely to drive engagement than a simple 'look how many people are online' type thing anyway. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Charles said:

    Totally feel where you are coming from but it's only a handful of people panicking over nothing. The vast majority of people pay attention to their own communities, not what is going on here 🙂

    We expect it will calm down when people see that Classic is not going away. Also, as people understand cloud and Classic are different product lines it will be clearer. The next several months of additions will be available on both cloud and Classic lines too.

    Not sure I agree, but I hope you're right.

  3. Honestly, at some point the negativity around cloud vs self-hosted is going to damage the Invision brand. It's already making this community a painful place to visit.

    I don't know the numbers behind it all, but if I were involved in the business, an early cull of the self hosted platform would be a consideration because of the incessant negative sentiment dragging down every positive feature update, blog post, announcement etc in recent times.

    I mean, can this really carry on for the next 2+ years?


  4. In busy threads, occasionally, a post may need to be deleted or edited and doing that quickly can stop problems from spiralling out of control. But, because the page needs to be refreshed or loaded fresh for the moderation to take effect, there's a delay which means that several minutes after a post may have been deleted or hidden, those reading the thread can still see it and respond to it. 

    A great solution for this would be to have a live system where post moderation can be updated on the fly without needing a page load or refresh. With the new live features in terms of viewers and people posting already available, perhaps this could be an addition to that?

  5. To be honest, this hasn't worked in a long time, on the previous release the ignore button didn't show.

    On 1/6/2023 at 8:49 AM, Dll said:

    We're not seeing the ignore button here either (using cic), and tested on the default theme. 


  6. 13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    What I PERSONALLY have in place is use my own SMTP provider.  I chose to use AWS SES.  Since IPB is using the AWS platform, it qualifies for their free tier, which is 62K outbound emails per month.  (Additional emails are $0.10 per 1K email).  My site sends about 15K emails per month, so I have no problem staying within the free tier.

    This has allowed me to have outbound sent from my own domain entirely.  BUT...  this means that IPB won't be able to handle bounces etc.  It means I have to manage getting out of the SES sandbox, reputation, etc.  

    (I was doing this before I moved my site to being cloud hosted.  Once I moved to cloud, I just kept my existing already setup mail setup.)

    We also currently use AWS, but send more so aren't within any free tiers. Although it's not expensive, I'm a great believer in not spending money on something you don't have to, so if there's another way I'm open to it!


  7. 3 hours ago, Charles said:

    Do you mean the "From" address? Right now they are all from noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com but the "on behalf of" address is your address.

    We can look into it but the problem is the return path. We have to ensure that bounce/spam reports come back to us for processing.

    Thanks, can I ask if you know of many communities who are using the built in email service and whether they've had any issues or voiced concerns in terms of branding and recognition of where the emails are from etc? From a technical and cost perspective it seems like a no brainer, the concern for us would be that the email isn't coming from our domain. 

  8. This could certainly be interesting to us. The theming design stands out, as do the zoom calls and opportunities for q&a's etc in terms of service add-ons that we'd probably jump all over. The staging package would be really useful as well - that's one thing we miss since moving to the cloud - it's been odd and slightly un-nerving not having that testing stage before making live changes!

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