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Jalal arefen

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    Jalal arefen reacted to Maxxius in Gallery album thumbs in Steam results and pic ordering   
    hi, I uploaded a bunch of pictures in the gallery album and noticed that thumbnails generated are meaningless. IPS just takes the upper-left corner of the picture and crops it off. instead of shrinking the whole picture and cropping it proportionately. wordpress is great at this. Please address this in the next update of Gallery. I know you are working on it 🙂
    Look, amazing thumbs which give you zero idea of what's in those pictures. 😞

    Also this does not end here. I was sharing a 20 picture album with my members and I spent nearly an hour to get it right. 🤪
    I absolutely hate that there is no MANUAL sorting of pictures! The tools you give in per-album settings to sort are not enough.
    You should add MANUAL sorting and also important ASC/DESC sorting on already present sorting methods!
    Let me take you thru my journey a bit. I create a new album. I bulk select all the images - they upload and I drag and drop them in the order I want. I save the album and the order is NOTHING like I've sorted. Its probably by file name or date. I open the album and images are from newest to oldest.
    I mean who wants to view a party FROM everyone getting to sleep TO people gathering to the party? ASC/DESC setting would work. But nah - its not in!
    Had to manually rename every photo adding #01, #02 in front of the filename and set the album to order by filename. Such waste of time and a huge pain. How can I expect my members use and even understand this nonsense?
    End of rant. 😄 Hope this gives you ideas for improvement and also let us choose the "main album image" which is shown at the upper-left side when you open an album. Now it seems its just a latest images date-wise selected picture which is once again a nonsensical way to select any cover.
    @Jordan Miller @Matt greetings lads 😉
    P.S. I'm on 4.4 with this site so I'm sorry beforehand if this is fixed in 4.6.
  2. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Matt in Gallery album thumbs in Steam results and pic ordering   
    Appreciate the feedback, I hear you loud and clear.
  3. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to TheJackal84 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    This is the suppport topic for Members Shop
  4. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to LiamH in Improvements to Badges, Ranks and Rules   
    Firstly, I love the new badges and rules. They are an awesome way for us to reward and motivate our users but I feel like the system could be taken so much further. I'd really love to see more flexibility over the rules for badges. At the moment, the parameters are pretty vague. It would be super helpful if we could set more specific rules. For example, allowing users who post in a specific thread, join a specific club, login on a specific date, make a certain profile customization to receive a badge. Secondly, I think it would be awesome to attach forum perks to those who have received specific badges and/or accumulated so many points/ranks. For example, additional post reactions, additional user privileges, colored usernames etc.
    Would also be super cool if users could select 1 of their badges to display below their username/avatars next to their posts.
  5. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to SJ77 in Page Blocks: option to EXCLUDE AUTHOR. (plug in request)   
    I would love the option to EXCLUDE certain authors. Or even certain tags.
    As only include options exist there isn't enough flexibility.
    Can a plugin be made to add some exclude options?
    Thank you

  6. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to La Jobe in Accessing user data with oAuth   
    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to connect my website to my forum, therefore I want to use the logins of my forum on my website.
    When my user logs in, he enters his forum credentials, and I go through an oAuth system to check if those credentials are good.
    I manage to retrieve a custom access token, but when I request GET with the bearer authorization, where I enter the retrieved access_token, the system returns :
        "errorCode": "2S291/3",
        "errorMessage": "NO_PERMISSION"
    Does anyone know why the system is denying me access?
    Thanks in advance.
    Sorry, I made a mistake, the error code is 2S291\/7 and not 2S291/3
  7. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to OctoDev in Commerce: Custom Stock Option for Select?   
    Does anyone know if this is possible at all?
    I basically want the product price to be a set price, but the more options they select it will add price. Rather not add radio buttons as that would take up the entire page.

  8. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to OctoDev in Commerce: Allow custom stock/price per multiple selection   
    I am using "Custom Fields" in Commerce.
    I use field type "Select Box" however I noticed I cannot set price per item. I want to allow multiple values selected, where each value adds their own cost into it. Because I allow tons of customizations to my product.
    Right now I cannot add custom stock/price per option when multiple values is selected.
    Could this be possible to add?
  9. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Michael.J in Announcement Enhancements (Support)   
    Add enhancement to the announcements feature. Show only to members who have or have not purchased selected packages, how many days since a member joined and select custom background and text colors for each announcement.
    Features Display announcements to members who have or have not purchased selected products. (Commerce application required.) Display announcements to member who joined more or less then x days ago. Display announcements to selected countries members are from. Select a custom background or text color for each announcement. Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.

  10. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Lindor in Breadcumbs and URL   
    Hi team, I'm adding a new pages structure and breadcumbs not respect the same URL architecture, eliminate the intermediate pages. How can I have the breadcumbs correctly?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

  11. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to iadzemovic in Oops! The area you are attempting to access is currently of   
    Please help, I upgraded the forum and now this error is stuck on the forums! No one can get in.

  12. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Sethhh. in Recent Profile Visitors   
    I think will be a very nice update for IPBoard this option: to enable Recent Profile Visitors BLOCK for all members from ACP.
    For example, when a new user is registered on our forum, he must have automatically that block enabled.
  13. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to -RAW- in iAwards   
  14. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to InvisionHQ in Marketplace BUG   
    I report a bug present for months on the marketplace very annoying.
    Thumbnails continue to disappear, some examples:

  15. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to RoHAdmin in TeamSpeak Integration   
    having installed your app and getting the server connected to the forums.  I'm trying to associate the forum groups with TS3 groups but every time I push the save button, the group associate page reverts to all -1's 
    additionally, The Global Messages tab in admincp gives the following error
    We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. 

    Class 'IPS\Helpers\Form\CheckBox' not found
  16. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to MrFisc in TeamSpeak Integration   
    It's no secret that the current primary TeamSpeak Integration application is beginning to fade.
    With no updates in almost a year and a ridiculous price point of $60, it's time for something new.
    Click here for Something New
    Display members TeamSpeak status on their profile. Caching available for this feature. Send global messages to TeamSpeak clients. Automatically synch TeamSpeak server groups using both Profile Fields and Member Groups. Integrate a TSViewer as a widget. Multiple UUIDs for members. TeamSpeak Ban/Unban from ACP. Edit the TeamSpeak Server information from ACP. Manage member UUIDs through ACP. Coming Soon
    Synch forum bans with TeamSpeak bans. Integrate Reputation into the TeamSpeak Server TeamSpeak 5 Integration (once it's out) Option to require a TeamSpeak UUID to use the forum Notes
    It is highly recommended that under System->Settings->Advanced Configuration you enable either `Use Cron` or `Use Web Service` for the Task Method and set it up as instructed. This way, your Tasks are not relying on traffic to your site.
      Members can add their TeamSpeak UUIDs by going to their member menu on the top right, and clicking 'Account Settings'. Their TeamSpeak UUIDs can be found under the 'TeamSpeak Settings' tab. Additional Information
    You can access the TeamSpeak Query Admin class from anywhere using the following code.
    // Connect to the TeamSpeak Server // ( // If a connection has already been established // during this PHP execution session, the current // connection will be used instead of a new one. // ) if (! \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::connectIPS()) { $tsError = \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsError; // end execution } // Example \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsAdmin->clientGetIds("osNiXxOSdfgl5nVJdtBipg/a+E4="); (See http://ts3admin.info/manual/classts3admin.html for documentation)
    ts3admin.class by par0noid (License)
  17. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to TAMAN in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
  18. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to IveLeft... in Cant change License URL   
    We changed from dedicated server to IPS hosted
    The new license is with IPS
    My old license in my client area is still the old url
    However I cant change URLs for this license as its still pointing to a valid install ? The IPS server
    Can you delete the old license details please so I can reissue the license to a new url ? 
    If you look at your own IPS hosting for this account youll see its a different license - I THINK......
  19. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Circo in Turn off notifications for "likes"   
    I have members that get tons of likes and for each like they get a notification.  They like getting notifications on comments to their uploaded files, but is there a way for members to disable notifications for "likes"?

  20. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to tvee in Set Up Account Verification   
    I'm dying into this loop and what ever I do It's won't let me get through. Please see the screenshot and help me out.

  21. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to SJ77 in MAXMIND changes May 2022 - will we be affected?   
    Maxmind has announced some changes coming. Will this affect those of us who are currently using MaxMind legacy minFraud through the ACP?
    Thank you 🙂
  22. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Sonya* in Databases in Clubs   
    Technically, it is a category in Pages database that is assigned to this club only. It behaves the same way other club nodes do, like forums, blogs, galleries and so on. 
    The same as above. Database categories within clubs inherit club permissions and ignores permission set for the whole database in ACP. So, yes, if it is a private club, one has to join to see the content stored in this database category. If it is a public club, it is visible to any user, like any other node within public club. 
  23. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Sonya* in Databases in Clubs   
    Not right now. The permission for the club category are overloaded with club permission. If the club is public, then everybody can create records. If open - only club members. If closed or private, the records are not shown anywhere else except of in the club. Restricting add permission to club owner only can be done in the future version.
    No, the permission to add a club feature is (like for any other feature) set on the group permission. It does not depend on club type or certain club values. This can be done as custom solution.
    Generally yes. But I am not able to make any urgent work right now due to pandemic measurements that are unpredictable. I depend entirely on kindergarten child care. If it is suddenly not available, then I am not available either. Unfortunately. 
  24. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to PrettyPixels in Databases in Clubs   
    This is an amazing idea! 🙂 I have a couple of pre-sale questions:
    1) Is it possible to limit adding records to only the club leaders and moderators? Is this adjustable on a per-database basis?
    2) If I have custom fields defined for my clubs, is it possible to have certain databases only show up in clubs that have a certain value selected? For example, I have a custom club field where the user can select their club category and can choose from either discussion or books. If I have a database for chapters, is it possible the option to use that database is only available is the user selected the books category?
    I suspect this may require custom coding. If so, are you available for custom work?
  25. Like
    Jalal arefen reacted to Sonya* in Databases in Clubs   
    This app allows creating club features based on the Pages databases. E. g. if you have an Articles database, the app will allow the clubs‘ owners to create articles within the club. Any database that exists in Pages can be added to the club. The permission for databases is defined in the the clubs permissions for each user group. Only databases that use categories can be used in clubs. Visit a demo club to see how it looks like.
    Set per group permission for every database in the group settings Database category permissions are replaced by club permissions Club header is added to category index and record Club owner can change the category name and description Show records in the club overview tab Clubs use database templates for Category List, Record, and Record Form set in the database settings NOTE: Pages must be installed and enabled to use this app.
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