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Breadcumbs and URL

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Thanks @Jim M, I'm testing the database page function but I can't add that I need. I'm working with tags to clasificate some posts.

So, now I've one diferent page to show only the tagged posts with "FREE" tag, another page with "DEMO" tag, etc... I'm using the Topic Feed for this. So I've the pages architectura like: Index > help > free or Index > help > demo (This breadcumbs structure is not showed)

I cant make this database and add this diferent pages to show the posts tagged list. It is possible to do it? How?

Thanks a lot.

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1 minute ago, Optimvs said:

Thanks @Jim M, I'm testing the database page function but I can't add that I need. I'm working with tags to clasificate some posts.

So, now I've one diferent page to show only the tagged posts with "FREE" tag, another page with "DEMO" tag, etc... I'm using the Topic Feed for this. So I've the pages architectura like: Index > help > free or Index > help > demo (This breadcumbs structure is not showed)

I cant make this database and add this diferent pages to show the posts tagged list. It is possible to do it? How?

Thanks a lot.

A Database is for creating it's own content really, such as a recipe collection (such as the tutorial there in the Guide).

What you're attempting to do here is create your own dynamic pages with blocks and have the breadcrumbs show that hierarchy you've setup is not really something we have as possible at this point in time, I'm afraid. You're welcome to suggest this in our Feature Suggestion forum, however. 

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