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  1. Haha
    Matt got a reaction from Jim M in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Paging @Ryan Ashbrook ^
  2. Like
    Matt got a reaction from Ryan Ashbrook in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Paging @Ryan Ashbrook ^
  3. Like
    Matt reacted to WOFman in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Actually my geeky hobby is not really that geeky, I collect guitars. Right now I have 19

  4. Like
    Matt reacted to Morgin in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Being a forum admin is actually my answer. I think most people in my day to day life would be surprised/confused that I know anything about linux/php etc. (although most wouldn’t have the faintest idea what any of those are). The rest of my life, including my career, is about as non techy as you can get. 
  5. Like
    Matt reacted to TSP in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    I guess my most nerdy disposition is that I like to read through plans for and follow railroad projects closely. I'm a huge supporter of more rails transport!
    Other than that it's mostly theatre (acting) and Netflix.
  6. Like
    Matt reacted to Joel R in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Nominating these to be the official IPS Mascot of 4.3 because ... fuzzy cuteness.
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Matt reacted to Cristian Romero in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    Congratulations to the invision power community team!
    Excellent work from Discordianos.com we are a community from the beginning we use their forums are the best insurmountable there is no company to win their great work.
    We are waiting for version 4.3.0 to maximize their benefits.
    A hug from Discordianos.com

  9. Like
    Matt reacted to bfarber in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    The mother had babies, then the babies ... created more babies. Anyways, it was definitely an odd experience. They were cute little pets though, and very gentle (if not extremely timid).
  10. Like
    Matt reacted to bfarber in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    I had guinea pigs for a while many moons ago. They kept multiplying though (literally - we'd wake up one day and 3 more would be in the crate).
  11. Like
  12. Haha
    Matt reacted to Vianney Gantelmi in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    I, personaly, spend time hammering my F5 button on your website, waiting for any new update about 4.3 !
  13. Like
    Matt reacted to Nathan Explosion in Team Talk: What is the geekiest thing you do in your spare time?   
    I'm well past the 'geeky' stuff - anything that used to be considered geeky is now the norm.
    But we (myself and my wife) have the Guinea Pig bug.....we've got 12 of our own. A herd of 4 indoors (the mixed group below) and outdoors a herd of 4 (the goldens/reds below) and 2 pairs of 2 plus we are also fostering 2 at the moment for a rescue we help with. If you'd told me 3 years ago that I'd be like this I would have laughed in your face.

  14. Like
    Matt reacted to Jim M in 7 ways to nurture new members and encourage more participation   
    Contests are actually a very affordable way to bribe people. I do this on my personal community. A calendar, a shirt, whatever it is can be cheap and gets them in the door/posting. People love a chance to win free stuff! Just need to ensure once you have your audience in you capitalize.
  15. Like
    Matt reacted to silenceheaven in 7 ways to nurture new members and encourage more participation   
    I'm pretty sure bribery would work but I can't afford it.
  16. Like
    Matt reacted to Ramsesx in 7 ways to nurture new members and encourage more participation   
    Thanks for the article Matt, all are very good ideas to increase participation, especially the "lurker week" sounds very interesting.
    Activation rate of 44% in 5 days sounds amazing. Will try this out as soon as I convert my forum to IPB. 
  17. Haha
    Matt reacted to Ramsesx in 4.3: Engagement Improvements   
    Then just do it.  
  18. Thanks
    Matt got a reaction from LiquidFractal in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    You can cancel renewals from the front end, just visit the purchase.
    As mentioned just below your reply, they all share a common framework of tax, invoicing, purchases and so on. It wouldn't make a lot of sense to break that up without moving all the core billing into the core framework, which is a major rewrite. You can shut off modules you don't want to see, so you can just shut off the hosting section if you wanted to.
    Big hugs accepted! Thanks Cristian, I appreciate your kind words.
    Yes of course, it's all translatable.
    Yes, once the subscription has been put into an invoice, the usual Commerce tools take over.
  19. Thanks
    Matt got a reaction from The Old Man in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    You can cancel renewals from the front end, just visit the purchase.
    As mentioned just below your reply, they all share a common framework of tax, invoicing, purchases and so on. It wouldn't make a lot of sense to break that up without moving all the core billing into the core framework, which is a major rewrite. You can shut off modules you don't want to see, so you can just shut off the hosting section if you wanted to.
    Big hugs accepted! Thanks Cristian, I appreciate your kind words.
    Yes of course, it's all translatable.
    Yes, once the subscription has been put into an invoice, the usual Commerce tools take over.
  20. Like
    Matt reacted to Cristian Romero in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    My most respect and congratulations for your achievements never seen in any other company or forum company.
    I have with you since 2013 I will never change great support for a large number of plugins and applications that make it unique.
    A big hug from the most frodundo of Spain for the invision power team
  21. Like
    Matt got a reaction from The Old Man in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    Exactly this.
    Yes, my aim is to offer an upgrader option to switch to the subs manager.
  22. Thanks
    Matt got a reaction from crmarks in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    Um. We might be able to do something. We haven’t done anything with 3.x for a while. I can take a look. 
  23. Like
    Matt got a reaction from AtariAge in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    Um. We might be able to do something. We haven’t done anything with 3.x for a while. I can take a look. 
  24. Like
    Matt got a reaction from Myr in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    Exactly this.
    Yes, my aim is to offer an upgrader option to switch to the subs manager.
  25. Like
    Matt got a reaction from BomAle in 4.3: Commerce Subscription Manager   
    Exactly this.
    Yes, my aim is to offer an upgrader option to switch to the subs manager.
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