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WOFman last won the day on March 5 2018

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  1. Is this compatible with the new release? 4.2.4
  2. Fixed, thanks
  3. 4.2.3 is gold
  4. I am now on 4.2.3 beta1 and I went to change the images on the slider, and now I can only have one slide. Where you order the slides, it will only save one slide and will only display one. You can add the tag but it only saves the last slider tag added.
  5. Thanks Is there a way to change the color of the status icon? The read not read thing. I want to change it from its default blue color
  6. How do you change the zebra colors on the index page. I tried putting in css code in the extra css to change the color, but something is preventing it from displaying. I did this code and it did nothing .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):nth-child(even) { background: #FFF1D2; }
  7. Working fine, thanks
  8. The settings are correct. It displays the positive, negative, neutral in the member info in the threads, it is just that the bar does not display. It is that way on custom and the default theme.
  9. The bar is missing since the last upgrade. I am using the latest version.
  10. BTW, installed great and is working nicely. My members got used to the Xenforo version we had before we switched back to IPS.
  11. Could you include icons in the download. I don't need them because I used the ones from my Xenforo mod, however others might not have that. Or, I could zip some of the ones I have and add here as an attachment.
  12. Xenforo does not have this by default. It is an add-on
  13. When you open the block manager and chose this block, there is nothing to move to the forum. Weird, I must have had this where I had placed it before because it is showing now.
  14. I am not sure if it is working, but it is not throwing any errors.
  15. I have had no issues with this on 4.1
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