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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. Hey fam, I have a bunch of designs for apparel for my website. I used to use Shopify to power my store. It was connected to Printful. SUPER convenient because when someone would place an order in my store via Shopify, it would send a notification to Printful and everything was handled: printing, shipping etc. I would love to have my store hosted on my forum (Shopify cost me around $75 a month to use). When someone places an order, Printful gets the order and the fulfillment process begins. Currently, there is no Printful x IPB integration. Wondering... what do you guys do for commerce products? Do you handle it all? Outsource? Curious, because I just don't have the resources or time to be doing that (which is why Printful was so perfect for me). Love to hear what you do. Related:
  2. Omg 😩. I can't just switch off the rules lol. Ok thanks for letting me know. I will let my member know what's going on. Thank you 🙏
  3. Hey there, quick question. I set up group promotions as the following: However, a member messaged me asking why they have both Spark and Ember displaying in their profile. Spark is the Group he is in, however it shows his community reputation as Ember. I am unsure what to tell him or why it's doing that. By my logic, he should've been moved into the Ember category right? Because his reputation score is 38. But why is he still in Spark? I've always had trouble wrapping my head around group promotions for some reason, so any clarification would be awesome. 🙏
  4. Hmmm to be honest I think the majority of apps on the marketplace offer real value to many. I'm not trying to be argumentative. To be honest, I would prefer my website run as an app instead.
  5. I think it's important to keep in mind how many third-party plugins IPB has. To implement them into an app is an insurmountable task. I think when we consider an IPB app, instead of converting the web format into an app format, we should be thinking about a separate idea. What that is? I'm not sure yet. But if I IPB can create an app where a forum owner can leverage their community database into an app... that's where I think an IPB app would take off. For instance, if Twitter didn't exist. IPB has an app where members of your community forum can upload a Tweet. Obviously it needs to be something not being done, but just used that as an example. Hope that makes sense. Btw I run a real business using IPB only 😉
  6. Perhaps. The vast majority of my visitors browse on an Apple device. 😅
  7. I discovered it was happening because of the Connections app. I disabled that app and the error disappeared. 🙏
  8. Hi there. This app is creating the following error when enabled: [[Template core/front/profile/profileHeader is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] It occurs when viewing a member's profile while not logged in. https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/index.php?/profile/1-jordan-miller/ I disabled the app and the error disappeared. Just figured I'd pass along. The IPB team helped me pin point this. 🙏
  9. Hi there, super sorry for the late reply. @Morrigan I was editing the email wrapper template. I just don't understand how to get it so it uses the SendGrid unsubscribe. Currently, the code above that you showed isn't displaying anything. In the attached screen shot, the unsubscribe you link you see is the default one provided by Sendgrid. I want to disable that and manually insert it into my email template so I can center it and include it below the social media icons. Any idea how I can do that?
  10. Interesting! But I’m using the SuperBlocks application to display the news. Possible to still do it?
  11. Curiously, I am getting this same error on my site when viewing a member's profile while not logged in. I tried disabling everything (themes, ads, plugins, apps) but it's still there. This started happening recently on my forum, and I am still on 4.4. Not sure what to do.
  12. This is what I used. Not sure if it'll work for you but feel free to try 🙂 .ipsApp .ipsSpacer_bottom.ipsSpacer_half, .ipsApp .ipsSpacer_both.ipsSpacer_half { display: none; }
  13. Same is happening to me right now. 😩
  14. +1 I actually used css to hide the author name and date that would appear underneath the title because it was redundant 😊
  15. @opentype Hey man, have another question for ya. I would love to insert an ad every 6 featured topics on my homepage, but I am having trouble figuring out a way to go about this. I want to display the same criteria with an ad every 6 featured topics. So for example: 6 featured topics ad Next 6 featured topics ad Next 6 featured topics ad Is this at all possible somehow? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙏
  16. Ahh thank you. That's smart. I just enabled this. It doesn't entirely solve the problem, but is a great start. I also blocked India from having access to my website for now.
  17. This is happening to me too 😩 Tons of new "members" from India just posting spam. They're using FB and Google to login. Not sure what to do.
  18. No idea how this could be done, but I'm an ideas guy. 😎 What are peoples' thoughts on creating an option to turn on Read Receipts. It would work like this: I post a comment. Someone replies. I see that reply. That member can now see I have "Seen" the reply (whether I replied or not). Or, say I do reply back, but they don't comment, I will see that they have "Seen" my reply. IPB, what are our thoughts? Related:
  19. Awe, I forgive you guys for missing this. It's ok. Just going to bump. 🤓 Basically, I need a way to insert ads every 6 posts on my homepage, but can't currently. Any ideas?
  20. Hi there! I had an idea. I would love to utilize the concept behind tapping in stories on Instagram. When you see someone has 30 stories posted, you tend to tap tap tap to quickly sort through them. I'd love to see that tap tap tap concept utilized in comments on a topic. For example, each time you tap, you're auto-scrolled to the next person's comment (versus manually scrolling). This might be an app-only feature, but it's worth discussing. It's super convenient (and we know, generally speaking, people are lazy). If we can click a button to scroll back up to the page, I'm sure there's a way to cleverly devise a jump to the next comment button in topics. Thoughts? Related:
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