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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. I had the exact same thing happened to me a number of years ago. I didn't upgrade, then paid the price big time when something broke. No one could help me because everything was outdated. My advice is definitely upgrade when you can (versus just not at all).
  2. Looking forward to seeing that! Here's mine thus far: https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/index.php?/faq/
  3. Ohhhh! interesting. Let me know if anything comes of it 👏 I am not the best with html/css skills 😂 I'mma need a developer's skills on this one! But cool to hear that it can be done.
  4. Interested in this, too. Have been trying to get in touch with Nathan for weeks now but he might just be too busy.
  5. Hey team, I had an idea... I would love to see a Timeline application. Similar to functionality as the Calendar app, but the layout would look something more like a linear timeline: Members could add dates/events and begin a timeline. Other members could contribute based off Group permissions The layout could appear either horizontally or vertically. Ideally, they could also earn points via @TheJackal84's Members Shop app for each event they add. I would definitely be interested in something like this, anyone else?
  6. Thanks for responding! @Mike John IPB says there isn't a method to disabling their default email and recommend I disable the Auto Welcome email (I still plan on using it for PMing the new user, though). I'm just not sure how to edit my copy into their default email template. 😩 This is the default IPB email template: {$email->language->addToStack("email_reg_complete", FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name ) ) )}{{if $member->members_pass_hash}} {$email->language->addToStack("email_reg_complete_pass")}{{endif}} <br /> <br /> <a href='{setting="base_url"}' style="color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px; background: {setting="email_color"}; line-height: 32px; padding: 0 10px; display: inline-block; border-radius: 3px;">{$email->language->addToStack("email_go_to_site", FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name ) ) )}</a> <br /><br /> <em style='color: #8c8c8c'>— {setting="board_name"}</em> And this is what I want inside of it: If anyone could help a brother out I would be really grateful 🙏
  7. Hey @Mike John two questions for you. How can I make it so the auto welcome email shows a white background instead of the grey background used in the email wrapper? I guess what's it doing is telling the email not to include a background color, so it's showing as grey because that's what's in the email wrapper? How can I disable the default IPB email 'Your registration is complete!' from sending? I'd prefer just to email the member once versus twice upon validating their account 🙂 This is what it looks like when registering an account. One email is the auto welcome, the other is IPB's default. Any help would be awesome. Thank you!
  8. Y'all thought I would really walk away from this didn't you 🤡
  9. Awesome idea! I had the Auto Welcome application creating a new topic each time someone registered, but the section was kind of a dead zone so I disabled that feature. I was using @Mike John's Auto Welcome app.
  10. Interesting! Not 100% sure how I feel about floating anything 😂 How can we make that even more simple? If there was a plugin to make conversations threaded, I would throw my money at it. That to me seems very interesting and would increase engagement! I'm not loving linear threads where it's pages and pages of replies when they could be simplified to be one or two pages. 🙂 Thanks for replying to my topic. @Rikki
  11. Hey team, I had several ideas... 1.) What would it look like if the entire quick reply form was moved from the bottom to directly underneath the Topic starter's post. 2.) Additionally, a quick reply form would appear when quoting to someone's comment. 3.) Truncating replies. I think it's pretty interesting how on Reddit, you can follow a chain of replies. Whereas in IPB, it's a long list of thread. I imagine for someone casually browsing they'd be overwhelmed with the amount of replies to sort through. I would love to explore options on how to display comments so that things are simplified. I'm not super fond of the idea of having to scroll all the way to the bottom of a topic to reply. I wonder if it would make things easier for users to reply. Making things easier/more efficient = more engagement! Have any ideas to make replying easier? Any thoughts on how to lay comments out so there is more content in-view per scroll? I'm interested to hear what the community thinks.
  12. Nice! Is it possible to include a notification for when a member's Topic is Featured? @Adriano Faria That's one of the biggest ways we promote members' content right now. We hit the Feature from the moderation panel inside a Topic, and that tells the Topic to show up on the main page. It would be cool for them to receive a notification versus me having to manually type in their topic that it was featured. 🙂
  13. Trust me I understand haha. My site had 35,000 news stories all published in Wordpress (that still exist there btw, I didn't convert anything over). Ultimately I decided I wanted my site to function as a community and not a Wordpress site trying to offer community functionality. It was HARD for me to realign my expectations and goals, but once I banged my head against the wall enough trying to make Wordpress marry IPB, and just took a chance on IPB 100%, I was actually legit blown away and have been super excited about how things are unfolding now. In the end, you have to define what your ultimate goal is... and what you are willing to sacrifice for the greater good to get there. Sending you good vibes!
  14. Everything you wrote 👏 When I'm on Instagram and I see someone's comment or photo I like, I click their username to check out their profile and am instantly taken into their world. I think the Connections app by @Andy Millne was a step in the right direction.
  15. Take it from someone who personally tried to bridge Wordpess and IPB together for years... not worth the headache. I finally switched fully to IPB after using Wordpress for 15 years (no joke) and while it was a hard adjustment at first, now that I am very familiar with the back-end of IPB and how to make things function... I am thrilled. Wordpress is powerful, but not if you want a community. I tried using BB Press and BuddyPress with Wordpress as a community component last year and it was a nightmare. I tried to gamify my community and it slowed the site down due to all the processes. Mess. IPB blows Wordpress out of the water in terms of community functionality.
  16. Just circling back. I have tried for days to figure this out but I just don't get it heh. I even tried to hide it with CSS and ran into problems there, too. Not sure what to do 😞
  17. Only subscribers on my forum can upload images. But if a member posts a new topic and has an image in it, but I want to use a different image it promote on social media, I simply upload it into their post, then set the size dimensions to 1x1 so it's invisible. I hope that makes sense haha.
  18. I bought that plugin and it's awesome. And if I don't want everyone to see the featured image in the post, I just set the image size to 1x1 pixel and voila it disappears (mostly).
  19. Coming from you that's an honor! 🙏 Yea I think it would be a nice touch after someone subscribes. I'd like to include a video from me thanking them and an overview of what they're getting.
  20. Hey team, wondering... Is it possible to have someone who just signed up for a subscription taken to a thank you page? Currently... there doesn't appear to be a method to thank them for their support after they've subscribed. They subscribe and then once it processes, it takes them back to the subscriptions page. I'd love to have them immediately sent to a page thanking them. Thoughts?
  21. Lmao wow. The way I impulsively decided to open a thread instead of taking 2 seconds to search for this 😬. Checking this out!! Thank you @opentype!!
  22. Hey there, I was wondering... how difficult would it be to create a plugin that allows a guest to be able to read, say, 3 topics before they are prompted to sign up. So for example, on their fourth attempt to read a topic in a set time period (1 day, 1 week etc), they are greeted with a message saying before they can continue their browsing experience they have to sign up. That message includes the sign up options - whether it's signing up through the forum, or logging in with Facebook, Twitter, Google etc. I would be super interested in something like this. It's a bit like a paywall, only they're "paying" with their email address. I anticipate there will be a group of people who could trick the forum by using a private browser or some other method, but I imagine that would be the minority. I want to encourage a the thousands of guests that read my forum every day to sign up. Thoughts?
  23. Jordan Miller

    Site Wall

    Something like this?
  24. Darn. Ok thank you 🙏 I ask because some visitors of my site are confused by the order (it's set to Recently Updated) and they'd prefer to read things that are posted chronologically.
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