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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. I had an idea 🙂 @rebraf Would it be possible to create a campaign for when someone Deactivates their account? I would love to reach out to them a day after they deactivate and see if I can understand why they left / convince them to come back. I am using the following application for the deactivation option: Thanks 🙏
  2. Hey there. For some reason, members are getting banned left and right as I believe this application suspects they are spammers. I have no idea why this is happening lately. They don't appear to be posting anything suspicious. Wondering if this is happening to anyone else? @Fosters
  3. Omg @Time Travel Institute @SC36DC
  4. Love love love!! Super excited for this 👏!! I'm down to be a part of the development process.
  5. Still going in circles trying to figure this out. Does anyone use SendGrid to send e-blasts? How does one use the unsubscribe tag (that's not SendGrid's default setting)? 🙏
  6. To be honest, I agree with this. 🙏 It beats not having it at all. I'm still super interested in this! Hopefully my joke fail didn't deter @Nathan Explosion away 😔
  7. Hey @Adriano Faria quick question. I had to ban two members from a topic cause they were non-stop fighting. One sent me this message which brings up an interesting point: Is this possible - to stop sending them notifications from that post after they're banned? No worries if not. Just curious.
  8. They have a free tier. 😬 I regret making that dumb joke. Please ignore me y'all. Except for this potential Apple Music integration. Then, please don't ignore me 😆
  9. My initial thought is that you may get members who post low quality comments simply to pass the advertising. If someone leaves ":)" 5x each day is that really elevating things? Just food for thought 🙏 I gave my members the option to pay for a subscription that allows them to view my site ad free. The subscription lasts 1 month, and they can pay with points they've accumulated through creating topics and leaving comments.
  10. This application is a game changer 👏
  11. I meant for their music streaming. Sorry, should have clarified.
  12. AHHH ok thank you for clarifying. How interesting. Curiously, Apple is the only one that charges, too. The others obviously have paid tiers, but also include free tiers. Very on brand for Apple 🤭
  13. Interesting! My first takeaway is that this is great that this *can* be done. 👍 Second, asking the user to paste a link from a button in the toolbar is a little confusing considering every other method to include media/embeds is done by pasting a link. Are we absolutely sure that there isn't an option to simply paste the link and it auto embeds? Why is Spotify, YouTube etc all free but Apple Music costs money? That's super curious. We're definitely on the right track though! They just appear 😆
  14. Nice! I must have missed that.
  15. Sent! Promising news! I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet but maybe no one cared but me till now 😂 Also, not to conflate the topics at-hand, but maybe a Tik Tok integration as well 😏 But one thing at a time 🤭
  16. You can embed 🙂 Unless embed is different than Oembed? Here's an example: <iframe allow="autoplay *; encrypted-media *;" frameborder="0" height="150" style="width:100%;max-width:660px;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" src="https://embed.music.apple.com/us/album/watermelon-sugar/1485802965?i=1485802967"></iframe> That would suffice, yes. 🙂 Spotify is that way as well. It then opens up on the user's app.
  17. Hey team, now that IPB is getting some love with 4.5 and singing in via your Apple account, wondering... would it be possible to also integrate a way to include Apple Music embeds like Spotify? Including on 4.4 😇 My members feel like I'm sabotaging them by not allowing Apple Music to embed on the forum 😆 Anyone else missing this feature?
  18. Hey @newbie LAC quick question for you. If I wanted to display an ad after every six posts on my homepage, would your app be able to do that? Here's my homepage: https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/ So example. 6 posts ad 6 posts ad 6 posts ad Thanks. 🙏
  19. Well said. I agree that having it directly in our IPB sites would be incredible. I have the Auto Drip campaign app as well, and there's an option to send an automated email campaign after a member purchased a product. That right there is SUPER amazing. I was never able to figure that process out with Shopify + Printful + Mail Chimp. It was too messy. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about this IPB + Printful application haha. But I would be super thrilled to have it and I know many of us would, too. 🙏 I am in no rush for 4.5 just yet because I want to get all the testing / app / plugins updated before switching, so hopefully there's a 4.4 option available. Ok, now I'm reaching for the moon 😂 Sounds like a good idea. Let's not reinvent the wheel considering the wheel that exists (the Wordpress plugin) is spot on. I used it too and it was great. I know IPB is totally different software, but functionality-wise hopefully it can be mirrored.
  20. Yes! Maybe we should brain storm ideas here so @Adrian A. has a better understanding, or? This application is gonna be 🔥
  21. Love that you see the value is in this. Printful is amazing. IPB is amazing. They're a match!
  22. Yea I am dreading updating to 4.5 lol, but this could be useful. I wrote about it here and there were some suggestions:
  23. 100% and to be honest I'm leaning towards opening my Shopify store again. I was just trying to save myself a $75 a month bill, but you get what you pay for! The ease could potentially generate far more than $75 a month for me if done right. I was also kinda hoping just to keep everything in my IPB site and not link to an external site but perhaps that's not the best bet for me at the moment. Appreciate your insight. 🙏
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