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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. Going to put this here in the correct thread just for future consideration 🙏 Wondering... would it be possible to somehow force threads to use the image uploaded into the first post as the featured image? When I "feature" topics currently, it uses the first-uploaded image. Often times it uses a GIF or image a user uploaded (versus the one I want to show on the homepage). I have to manually go through each post and remove the GIF the user uploaded, then copy + paste the link instead. When there's a topic with hundreds of replies it's super time consuming 😩 Below are several examples of users uploading a GIF/image before I uploaded the featured image and how it shows on the homepage. Thank you 🙏
  2. Oh darn. Ok thanks. And sorry about that again 😆
  3. Hey @opentype! Love love love this plugin. Wondering... would it be possible to somehow force threads to use the image uploaded into the first post as the featured image? When I "feature" topics currently, it uses the first-uploaded image. Often times it uses a GIF or image a user uploaded (versus the one I want to show on the homepage). Below is an example of a user uploading a GIF before I uploaded the featured image and how it shows on the homepage 😂
  4. Very cool! When I upgrade to 4.5 I'mma try this out 🙏 @opentype Thank you.
  5. Suuuuper excited for this app 🙏 Thank you for working on it!
  6. https://open.spotify.com/album/2oj3FG6fos7zAQJxLQGzou?si=3U-Q9qrJTTOXXzOmgii39g Spotify isn't working again 😩
  7. Oh lol. I didn't even realize 😆 My bad, thank you. Why are you yelling at me 😩
  8. Good idea! I didn’t even think of that. Thanks - I’ll do that now
  9. I saw that but 4.5 was officially released a while ago 🙏
  10. This is because most designers haven't released updates to their skins for 4.5.0, since it's only in beta [12th version] as I write this post. It's a risk on us if we choose to upgrade when apps/themes aren't ready. You could switch to the default theme for a short time? PS. @Brian A. is a good egg, I doubt he would have abandoned his clients without good reason (if he hasn't replied). It might not mean to come across like it, but this could be taken the wrong way. Brian has been around for ages - probably longer than most people in this topic itself. I have worked a few times with him and, he's a great designer. Very prompt, I can't help but feel patience is the best word to describe this all. Yes! He’s actually amazing and I looove his work. But I’m not sure if he has plans to update to 4.5 or not. Usually he emails me back but it’s been a little while and nada so figured I’d start planning what I may need to do if he doesn’t respond. Brian, if you’re reading this, my topic was in no way meant to shade you. You’re awesomely brilliant and talented! 🙏🙏
  11. Hi fam, I want to upgrade to 4.5 in the semi-near future. One thing I need updated though is my theme. I looove it, however my theme developer is not responding at all. What does one do in this scenario (besides use a different theme)? Are there general modifications for all 4.4 themes that need to be made? Meaning, can someone else update my theme? I really want to keep it, but also I can't not upgrade if my theme dev disappeared. Thoughts? https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/
  12. Ughhhh I literally every day wish that there was an option for us to have our own forum app (not part of the IPS one but separate). 😭
  13. Ahhh thank you!!! And looking forward to the update 🙏
  14. Hey @InvisionHQ two questions. 1.) Where is this setting? I would like for when a member subscribes, and moved into the subscribers group, they are automatically given access to the subscribers-only Club. "Add members from a specific user group to the club (secondary groups checked) (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it)." 2.) Will this be updated for 4.5? Thanks!
  15. Hey IPB fam, wondering... Does your community send out daily Digest emails? For some reason I have never received one on any account ever. I use SendGrid to send emails. It says they are being sent, but none are ever opened. I'd love to finally figure this out. Is there a way I can opt back in in case I've opted out? It's worth mentioning I don't receive these emails on 4 different accounts using different email addresses. Not sure why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I got this email too which lead me to this topic. I hope it won't be complicated!
  17. My initial thoughts are that if you build a great product, it will become profitable. If your site includes content outside of IPB, like Wordpress, then yes that will be an issue. I used to use Wordpress and IPB and made the decision in February to be fully IPB and it was the best decision I've made for my site (maybe ever). Simplifying is important. Custom features and skins... I love my theme, but I also love the simplicity of an app. If there were a few color schemes for sites to choose from that could suffice in the beginning. Additional costs to maintain an app... if it's packaged in with IPB then I imagine it wouldn't be too costly as it would be the service they are providing a for an annual fee (perhaps). Decreased monetization... apps can implement advertising. I was thinking of giving my paying subscribers access to the app, so it would be monetized that way for me. SEO... yea, that's a good point. However, the app would be in addition to your live site just like how this community currently is. 🙂
  18. Nailed it! It's got to have some starting point. I think the notion that if it doesn't work for everyone right off the bat, it's not worth developing. Couldn't disagree more 🙏
  19. Huge thank you for this reply! NGL, that sounds overwhelming. Perhaps I should make a topic on IPS requesting to hire someone to create a copy of my forum for me on my server. I'm pretty tech savvy, but a lot of this goes over my head 😩 Thank you again.
  20. Push notifications are a humungous deal. Also, I think many people tend to overlook the psychology of what an app can provide for your business. To the consumer, they see you have an app and it's extremely impressive. There's a mobile version of FB, but everyone uses the app. They both can technically do the same, but one simply functions much better. I would love to see the IPS team begin shifting conversations towards how this app will become the next evolution of IPS. It is (imo) how forums should function in the future. I know there's an entire can of worms associated to shifting away from the web version to an app, and what this means for developers / the community etc. I'm less interested in the "how" and more of the "why." 🙏 🙂
  21. Well, the new good news is that it will likely come 😂 They'll need a few clients for a trial run. I offer my forum as tribute! Haha. But for real, this would be a game changer move for IPS if they focused more resources on making this available.
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