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  1. Agree
    Edjazoli reacted to Phillyman in Improve achievements system : repeatable rules   
    I like this, because lets say once you set up the following....
    Signed in 1 day in a row Signed in 7 days in a row Signed in 31 days in a row Signed in 90 days in a row Signed in 180 days in a row Signed in 365 days in a row Once a member gets thru that, there is nothing more to gain, unless admins keep expanding it indefinitely.  Or to your point, you let them repeat.
    This member has won "Signed in for 7 days" three times!
  2. Agree
    Edjazoli reacted to Dexter_X in Improve achievements system : repeatable rules   
    In this kind of system (we have the same...) I would rather put the "repeatable" flag on the last/highest rule, so the user goes through all the levels you've defined (usually following an exponential curve) but it is never finished : the users can still got twice or more the last one. Seems a good way of "never ending" to me... 
  3. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to 403 - Forbiddeen in Click to Mention - Support Topic   
    Working fine with 4.6.x
  4. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to CodingJungle in Theme Hook weirdness in 4.6   
    @Adriano Faria its not 4.6 that is at fault per se, IPS is at some fault here due to the way they engineered how the theme hooks work, but it's the latest php 7.4 and 8.0 that is the issue.
    <?php class myclass { public function myfunction(){ return parent::myfunction(); } } this will error out on the new versions of 7.4 and 8.0, cause myclass isn't a child class of anything, so there is no parent to call. 
    the theme hooks get eval'ed as stand alone classes, they replaced the " extends _HOOK_FILE" with "_tmp" (same with parent::hookData() gets replaced with array() ), so the class would be something like class my_theme_hook_temp {}. during the eval process, it it validating the code and that validation is failing on anything with parent::myfunction() that is being called in the code, that is why the call_user_func_array is working for toolbox, cause it passes the validation, so the template will build. 
    so its not the parent::hookData() that i original thought it was, cause i just took a cursory look at the code, patched my files, it seemed to work cause my datastore wasn't cleared, but as soon as it cleared, i got that error. 
    so in any template overrides you are doing, you need to wrap it with a if(\is_callable('parent::myfunction')){} and then inside the if statement, call the parent method with:
    return \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, \func_get_args() ); like i have done in the example hook i posted a few post up. if you need further help, send me the app, and i will make the changes so you can see within your code what i'm talking about 🙂
  5. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to CodingJungle in Theme Hook weirdness in 4.6   
    @Adriano Faria
    if ( \is_callable('parent::includeCSS') ) { return \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, \func_get_args() ); } something like this appears to work (change the if statement to the method you are overriding). i haven't tested it exhaustively, but it might be better than waiting for ips 4.12 for a fix 😛 
  6. Agree
    Edjazoli reacted to Adriano Faria in Resources from the TheJackal84 (https://flashmodding.com/)   
    As some of you may already know, I'm supporting  @TheJackal84's file since March, 19. We started to talk about this deal on Feb, 21. So in this regard, I would like to state publicity that I am not getting the expected return/attention from TheJackal84, which has not:
    given me the list of purchasers of the resources in his website. So what it has to do you with you? I'm not able to add a purchase here on IPS so you can keep downloading updates, if you purchased it there. Why I can't? Because I can't simply trust in words from everyone that requests files. I need to make sure you purchased and when they will expire. Just checked his website and his community doesn't exists anymore: https://flashmodding.com/. If it was there yet you would just need to take a screenshot from the Manage Purchases page. So you can still prove your purchase by sending a PM with the PayPal purchase, etc. In sign of good faith, I will add a full year of support to the proven resources, without take the renewal date in consideration. provided the XML from the plugins, which we can't download from the new marketplace (4.5), so there's no way for me to support these resources now. I will try to get them with IPS (I will speak directly to Lindy). I would also like to inform you that there are other pending issues that are not relevant for this matter but they definitely exists.
    Thank you.
  7. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Adriano Faria in Resources from the TheJackal84 (https://flashmodding.com/)   
    Just a closure on this.

    He left all conversations we had and apparently sold the account to someone else, not honoring 4 out of 5 items of our deal. The only one that worked was the files transfer to my account because it didn’t depend on him; it was done by IPS. He even sold some files twice (to me and to another developer), who only got the money back via PayPal dispute!
    So that’s it, if you purchased the resource on his site and you can’t prove it somehow (credit card or PayPal transaction), you will have to purchase it again on IPS, just in case you want to get updates.
    I will request to lock this topic. 
  8. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to SeNioR- in Gesture mobile menu   
    A Mobile Hamburger Menu with a gesture would make it much easier to use. What do you think about it?
  9. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to SeNioR- in Adding overflow property in some places   
    /* Child */ html[dir='ltr'] .ipsButton_split > :first-child, html[dir='rtl'] .ipsButton_split > :last-child { border-top-left-radius: inherit; border-bottom-left-radius: inherit; overflow: hidden; } /* Child */ html[dir='ltr'] .ipsButton_split > :not(:first-child), html[dir='rtl'] .ipsButton_split > :not(:last-child) { margin-left: -1px; overflow: hidden; } Before


    @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .ipsToolList_horizontal > *:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: var(--sp-2); white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } } Before


    .ipsMenu_headerBar a{ overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } Before


  10. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to aXenDev in Support PHP 8.0?   
    In IPS 4.6, probably May-June 2021. Looking at previous releases.
  11. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to CoffeeCake in Lazy load profile pictures on IPS 4.5   
    One day, future time traveler, 4.6 will appear. Until that day, here's a plugin that does what @Gabriel Torres documented for you for 4.5.
    Lazy Load Images.xml
    Submitted to Marketplace as a free resource for those that like the Marketplace thing:
  12. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to SeNioR- in Lazy loading for Profile Photos   
    @Gabriel Torres
    What if someone comes in from a browser that doesn't support Lazy Loading? Pictures will not be displayed at all? Have you checked?
    Safari is second in the ranking by statcounter.com with almost 20% of global market share so it cannot be completely ignored.
  13. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to SeNioR- in Lazy loading for Profile Photos   
    Have you considered introducing Lazy Loading for Profile Photos? This would help with page loading speed, If someone uses GIF or a lot of weighty pictures.
  14. Haha
    Edjazoli reacted to Mopar1973Man in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    I will admit it has been super huge challenge to gain the good ranking of the core web vitals. I've been pulling out stuff left and right ditch excess graphics, functions, etc. Slowly gaining a bit of ground and Google showed that I just only needed a bit more improvement. Couple days later Google now took all the dekstop pages and marked them as poor again. Really tough to make a perfect score even close being my biggest problem is Google Adsense and the CLS problem. Then one day I could have wonderful timing now its telling me LCP is now too slow at >2.5 seconds again. 
  15. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to sobrenome in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    Same thing here. Google demands speed but is the main responsible for low core vitals. This is ironic.
  16. Agree
    Edjazoli reacted to sobrenome in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    I hope that IPS becomes faster this year as long as speed is more relevant each day as a ranking factor.
    Maybe parts of IPS could be loaded by the API and JavaScript, following the model used by Instagram and Twitter.
    The basic HTML structure loads fast and the contents are lazy loaded on demand (on view port) by the API.
    New websites are adopting Next.js for fast loading.
    I think it’s time for a huge IPS modernization on terms of speed. The basic tools are already here.
  17. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Interferon in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    This is why I keep saying big tech is ****ing us all and we need to collectively do everything we can to work around it. That's why I am trying to expunge Amazon, Facebook, and Google from our system.
  18. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to CoffeeCake in Need help configured Redis extension (Centos Web Panel)   
    The screenshot you provided seems to be a configuration sort of thing for php extensions. It looks like you selected the php extension for redis. As others remarked, you'll likely need to restart php-fpm and/or your web server process (i.e. apache/nginx/whatever it is you're using--probably apache).
    You will also need to also install redis server. This is a separate install. The php-redis extension simply enables php to talk to redis, but doesn't put redis on your server. That's another step.
    The way the text on the web page that you included in your screenshot is written is confusing. I had to read it a few times before realizing it didn't say it was also installing redis server. I would understand if you thought otherwise.
  19. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Cach Doan in Need help configured Redis extension (Centos Web Panel)   
    I need first to select the Redis Cache option first , then I click save, then it ask me to download constant.php, 
    However, if I don't select Redis first, and just click save, and download the constant.php and upload it to the root directory of IPB, then nothing really happens.
    I can't click on the Redis option because it's grey-out.
  20. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Steph40 in Need help configured Redis extension (Centos Web Panel)   
    Reboot your server and check again, sometimes ips does not see it till after reboot.
  21. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Cach Doan in Need help configured Redis extension (Centos Web Panel)   
    I've done every step needed to be done in order to enable Redis server and Redis PHP extension on my server. However, the option is still grey-out. I am not sure what's I am missing?
    I am using Centos Web Panel to host this.
    I am using nginx -> apache -> php-fpm (version 7.4) as my web server.
    I have set my Php-fpm 7.4 settings to enable redis extension.  
    I have already restarted the redis service and also restart PHP. yet this option is still grey-out.
    Screenshot of grey-out Redis option:



  22. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to bfarber in quiet moderation and RSS.   
    This sounds like a problem with the feed reader you're using. Looks like we output https:// and it's adding http automatically for some reason. If you submit a ticket we can double check the URL we're outputting is correct.
  23. Haha
    Edjazoli reacted to Nathan Explosion in quiet moderation and RSS.   
    Turn on the "can edit own content" setting and watch what appears.
  24. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to Morrigan in quiet moderation and RSS.   
    Edit silently works but can still be seen by staff with permission:

  25. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Nahash5150 in Vuex (Support Topic)   
    We have started using this theme and discovered that the top menu 'hamburger' is gone (or way off the boundary of the screen) on mobile devices. The '+' for create new content also seems to draw the slide out menu off the boundary of the screen.

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