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  1. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from PaytonKeathley in IPB Homepage Advice   
    I'm on DIscord via V0RT3X#0394
  2. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to JEFF MACK in Add a link in footer by Contact Us and Privacy Policy   
    Thats perfect!!!
  3. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from JEFF MACK in Add a link in footer by Contact Us and Privacy Policy   
    I use a little plugin for such links... 
  4. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Sonya* in How to remove obsolete language strings?   
    I run a SQL query that picks language strings from non-English packs:
    select * from (SELECT lang_id, word_key, word_default, COUNT(word_key) FROM `core_sys_lang_words` GROUP BY word_key HAVING (COUNT(word_key) = 1) ) garbage where lang_id = 2 The query assumes you have two languages installed and the second language has an ID=2. Otherwise you have to adjust it. The output will contain the language strings that only exist in the language with ID=2. You can run DELETE query on the selection above or delete them manually through language center in AdminCP.
  5. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Sonya* in CMS Templates in application   
    I have some question to CMS templates included into app:
    1. Is it intentional that CMS templates delivered with the application are not removed if application is uninstalled?
    2. If it is supposed that deleting must be handled in Uninstall extension manually, how do I know what templates belong to the app? I can see the field template_app in cms_templates table. However there is no value in it for any template. Is there any mapping table or function to get all templates that belong to the app?
    3. If the application is uninstalled and the templates are still there and I try to install the application again, I get the error: 
    The error persists until I manually delete the templates that have been delivered with app. After that the installation is possible again. It looks like leaving templates there produces error, so they must be deleted.
  6. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Lindy in Marketplace   
    The Marketplace is a service. While you are of course acquiring third party resources, you are not obtaining them directly from third party authors and it is really no different than other app stores. Your transaction is conducted through IPS and the Marketplace is a remote service. The point here is just to dispel the silly notion that we're in "breach of contract." The EULA makes clear the fact that a renewal is required for all updates, services, etc.
    To provide further clarification, an expired license does not shut off the software and you may continue its use in an "as-is" state (at time of expiration), but it does effectively render both the license and status as a customer as inactive. It is no secret that our company is based on the recurring investment model, so while we don't want anyone to feel held hostage to renewals and we try to reasonably accommodate all customers past and present, our decisions and prioritization of goals will ultimately be in the interest of those continuing along side of us, sharing our overall vision.
    With all of that said, this topic has been discussed several times and ultimately, the Marketplace was moved to the AdminCP for what I hope are obvious reasons. A significantly improved and smooth experience for the majority of customers who want a point-and-click experience, consistent with most non-classic "forum" platforms. We want to take every reasonable measure possible to ensure that when you click to install something from the Marketplace, it will be a successful and safe experience for you. We've tightened the framework around that to ensure you're notified with seamless updates from authors and anything installed through the Marketplace framework has been reasonably reviewed by us. We made the decision to disallow manual downloads from the Marketplace as it is entirely counterproductive to the goal we set out to achieve in the first place.
    I want to stress that you are welcome to contact an author for manual file provisions if you would like and we do not prohibit them from providing it. You may also purchase from some authors directly if you wish. The only caveat for both cases is, you would use the manual (old) framework to install and update these resources manually. A warning will also be generated because these are untested files - similar to Mac and Windows. Beyond that, we're not standing in your way of using the "old school" way - we are just not facilitating it as again, it is counterproductive to our goal of something that resembles more of a proper app store and not just a repository of "files."
    I'm sorry for the disappointment to those find the previous method to work better for them. As you know, we try to take on board as much feedback as we can - after all, there's no point to any of this without customers. Nonetheless, while we've heard the feedback loud and clear, we do not intend on reversing course on downloads or policy changes, so at this juncture, I would very respectfully ask that we move on to other, more actionable feedback items.
    Thank you as always for your continued business.
  7. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to xtech in Marketplace   
    I do not know how you can be so sure... i am always a man full of doubts, i am always amazed when someone makes such bold assertions.
    I can't agree with you here, sorry. When i look at XF, it is only good at classic forum software. But classic forums are "no more" and they are dying. IPS has followed a different strategy, and imho, a right strategy, of putting a set of tighly coupled apps for community management. The other company that has been following that approach (but they have always taken that direction is Wolt Lab with corporate customers, still, they are lagging behind IPS in aplication effectiveness, comprehension and looks.
    To me, there is nothing appealing at XF, only if i wanted to have a gaming forum i would consider them.
  8. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to xtech in Praise to IPS   
    I am onboard with IPS for long, and here is my positive feedback on the current state of the nation:
    - I love the strategy of moving from Pure forum to communities, with a tightly integrantes set of apps. This was a crucial move that allowed IPS to escape from the fierce competitivo on a shrinking market. As everybody knows, fóruns are disappearing, yet people are still getting together. This is why i prefer IPS package Over XF ir VB because there is a whole set of tightly packed tools to get my people collaborating.
    - I love the new theme. "Oh it's too white" "oh só much white space"... For me it is definitely a great step forward. Is ir perfect? No, but it was definitely a major step forward!
    - Integrations! We are not alone in the cyberspace, and there are many great apps and services out there. Integration with Zapier will be a major leap um interoperability and would allow IPS users to extract more value of their communities. I am looking forward to see IPS on Zapier, it os just taking too long.
    - Support. Has been great. Thanks!
    There is also less positive aspects, most related to pricing, business and evolution of the compromise with customers through time,  but now it is not the time to talk about that.
  9. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Vodafone CZ in /staff page recode   
    the /staff page uses old grid with floats which breaks height of individual boxes when texts are longer and wrap, also the optimization for smaller screens is not the best because of lot of space around. Recoding this page with new css grid would be appreciated. On video attached you can see what I mean and how I fixed it on my customised theme.
  10. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Feneroin in how can we add other social profile link in footer (android)   
    There are at least two applications in the marketplace for additional social icons, afaik with one of them it should be possible.
    [edit] Quick and dirty? Replace template siteSocialProfiles with this ...
    {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles AND $links = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, TRUE ) AND \count( $links )}} <style> .cShareLink_android { background: #689F38; } .cShareLink_apple { background: #F76BC1; } </style> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.android.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_android' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-android'></i></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.apple.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_apple' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i></a> </li> {{foreach $links as $profile}} <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}}
  11. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Feneroin in How to add a non-existing Social Profile?   
  12. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Gersnet in How to get the "edit" link back   
    Try template forums -> topics -> post and insert
    {{if $comment->canEdit()}} {{if $comment->mapped('first') and $comment->item()->canEdit()}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'edit' )}'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{else}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->url('edit')}' data-action='editComment'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} before this
    <li class='ipsHide' data-role='commentLoading'> <span class='ipsLoading ipsLoading_tiny ipsLoading_noAnim'></span> </li>  
  13. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to AlexWebsites in How to embed MOV files?   
    I like the sound of that! 🤞
  14. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from randomblame in Is there a tutorial on how to build the IPB News Page?   
    No tutorial, but I already created a similiar page https://invisionfocus.de/
    It's a little bit more work then it looks on first sight, lots of little things and extras like custom excerpts.
    Also very adapted to the site. Such a full width header would look terrible with a boxed layout/theme.
  15. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from AlexJ in Website front page   

  16. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Mac1 in How to disable a breadcrumb on defined pages?   
    A simple theme hook should do the job. For forum index only use...
    {{if request.app == 'forums' && request.module == 'forums' && request.id == 0}} For profiles try...
    {{if request.app == 'core' && request.module == 'members'}} with .ipsBreadcrumb.
  17. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Jimi Wikman in Pages in Clubs?   
    Hey, what's this? 
  18. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from kmk in Fontawesome icons in forums titles instead of image icons   
    Don't add Font Awesome in the forum title, use custom CSS instead...
  19. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Matt in Fontawesome icons in forums titles instead of image icons   
    Don't add Font Awesome in the forum title, use custom CSS instead...
  20. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from dbkbye in How to get the "edit" link back   
    Try template forums -> topics -> post and insert
    {{if $comment->canEdit()}} {{if $comment->mapped('first') and $comment->item()->canEdit()}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'edit' )}'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{else}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->url('edit')}' data-action='editComment'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} before this
    <li class='ipsHide' data-role='commentLoading'> <span class='ipsLoading ipsLoading_tiny ipsLoading_noAnim'></span> </li>  
  21. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Tennman in How to get the "edit" link back   
    Try template forums -> topics -> post and insert
    {{if $comment->canEdit()}} {{if $comment->mapped('first') and $comment->item()->canEdit()}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'edit' )}'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{else}} <li class='ipsButton_verySmall'><a href='{$comment->url('edit')}' data-action='editComment'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} before this
    <li class='ipsHide' data-role='commentLoading'> <span class='ipsLoading ipsLoading_tiny ipsLoading_noAnim'></span> </li>  
  22. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Justin Stellman in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    Pending approval means it's already uploaded to the Marketplace and waiting for the ok from IPS staff. 
  23. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Tennman in How to get the "edit" link back   
    Upgraded to version 4.5.
    I would like to put the "edit" link back next to the "quote" link at the bottom of posts. My forum members aren't smart enough to click the 3 dots to find it in the menu no matter how many times I tell them. Is there an option in the ACP for restoring the edit link or some other way easily doing it? Any help would be appreciated.
    Sorry if this has been asked a dozen times already. I can't seem to find any information on it.
  24. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Morrigan in I just thought this was amusing to read.   
  25. Haha
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Sonya* in Movies   
    I'm confused, this is not my app nor my site. Only posted the link because I knew the app is installed on that site.
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