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  1. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Ocean West in Built in Database Diff tool   
    It would be really nice to have a built in Diff tool to compare database structure / tables & fields with known baseline to identify detritus so we can manually drop columns and or entire tables.
  2. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from sobrenome in Reactions in private messages   
    Very wise! My apologies for not being more clear about the intended humor! ❤️
    In thinking about a universally useful implementation across any IPB platform, the option to turn on and off the ability to influence reputation score of an individual is an important use case to remember, and the issue is not liking one's own content, but rather providing an invisible way to brigade with others to advance the score of members in a group in a low-effort way.
  3. Haha
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Joel R in Reactions in private messages   
    Hey, @breatheheavy. I'ma tell you what. I'll PM you and you like my pm, and then you pm me back and I'll like yours, and we'll do this for days, farming high reputation posts in our own little bubble that then gives us access to the secret high reputation club, where all the good gifs live, rather than earn it through public posts in forums where reputation counts.
    +1 for the option at least to not have reactions in private messages impact reputation score if this gets added or offered as an extension.

  4. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Reactions in private messages   
    Very wise! My apologies for not being more clear about the intended humor! ❤️
    In thinking about a universally useful implementation across any IPB platform, the option to turn on and off the ability to influence reputation score of an individual is an important use case to remember, and the issue is not liking one's own content, but rather providing an invisible way to brigade with others to advance the score of members in a group in a low-effort way.
  5. Haha
    CoffeeCake reacted to AlexWebsites in Add TikTok as Social Profile   
    Bye bye tiktok I guess..... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8507597/TikTok-Users-UK-report-video-likes-reset-zero.html
  6. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to All Astronauts in Speedy Search and Stream Results   
    @Paul E. Yep, I mean, I need to look again to be certain, but I'm at 99.9% certain already (I did - 100%) 
    If you have a post that has 1000 characters in it and the last two words are 'blue turtle' and you search for 'blue turtle' that post will of course still be found and displayed in the search results, but the snippet preview is limited to the first 600 characters of the content item in 4.5, so your snippet preview in the results won't have 'blue turtle' in it for the term highlighter to highlight.
    It's a hitch I went out of my way to at least partially mitigate by sweeping the content item for at least some term to match on (even skipping common stop words like a, the, and, etc... - hardcoded to English on these initial releases but throwing it open to other langs wasn't an issue going forward), and then taking text before and after that match and pushing THAT out to the results display so you'd usually have something highlighted in each result as a 'match'.
    /* Trim content down to a sensible length for display */ $content = mb_substr( $content, 0, 600 ); That's what you are getting in 4.5. 
    HoWeVeR.... 🥴 .... now that I've looked again that 600 character truncate is on a pleasantly hookable method, so no gloom and doom - sunshine and lollipops all around - I'll get this patched up for 4.5 and we can bask in whatever it is we feel like basking in afterwards.
    All y'all watchers but not buyers of this should probably get in while the $6 is still $6. There is going to be a new minimum amount for Marketplace items (if they are not free). 
    Hint! It's a two-digit number :)
  7. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Jordan Miller in Reactions in private messages   
    Delivery is everything. This is not the vibe. Please be more thoughtful when speaking to others. 
    I think if you framed your comment this way, it'd be more impactful:
    "What if there was an option to enable or disable adding reputation count to Reactions in PMs? I'm not sure this would be a good fit for me in particular. I worry my members may potentially abuse this by sending each other PMs and inflate one another's reputation score. On my forum, members with higher reputation scores gain access to a premium GIF library."
    Please keep in mind that though this may not be suitable for your forum, it could work very well for others. 
    Thank you. 
  8. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to aXenDev in Reactions in private messages   
    It would make sense only if the reactions didn't add reputation.
    In my opinion, this is a strange concept.
  9. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Fosters in Reactions in private messages   
    Why? Literally the same happens if you have applications or nodes/categories/forums which are only visible to specific member groups.
    Dozen of members can have 1000s of reputation points from some exclusive forums and yet most members won't see any of their content which got the reactions.
    BUT said that... I've also noticed a huge abuse of the system where people liked their own private messages to climb up the ladder which caused us to disable the plugin again🤣.
  10. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to sobrenome in Reactions in private messages   
    Reactions in activities stream should be nice too.
  11. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in Smartly mark notifications as read.   
    Yes, THAT!
    Also, when clicking one notification and going to that content, other notifications should remain as unread. otherwise you have to open all of them at once in different tabs, and can't leave one or more notifications to handle later (i.e a user reported a post and you can't deal with it right now, or someone posted in a thread you're following and you want to read later). Right now, morons with bad memory like yours truly, are in danger of leaving something for later and then forgetting about it.
  12. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Ocean West in Smartly mark notifications as read.   
    When you get a notification it may be by Email and Notification center however if you navigate thru email and read it or just go to the content directly and read it the notification still remains un-read. When you read content something should update notification as read.
    Also if you get notifications for pending approval of content if another mod/admin has already address the action then it should update that original notification as READ and append  "Matt Approved Post"
  13. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Black Zero in Registration verifcation by Mobile Number   
    At present, registration with mobile number is more common than e-mail. For example, WhatsApp, Facebook and other social sites also register with mobile number. And many apps require a mobile number when registering. Because email addresses are widely available and can make a large number of members, there is a high risk of spam and rules violations by this member. There is no way to stop or find this member by admin
  14. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Black Zero in Registration verifcation by Mobile Number   
    Hello Members
    Although it will be linked to a paid service. But it should be included in the invasion as an option. Any member who wants to use it and can afford the paid service will definitely use it. I think this is a good option to allow a member to have the one account with one phone number.
  15. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Stuart Silvester in Content View Behavior   
    There may be a bug here, we'll take a look at this.
  16. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Aiwa in Registration verifcation by Mobile Number   
    Problem being any spam attempts that put in bogus phone numbers would count toward your Twilio usage. Any such system would need to be carefully designed to prevent abuse that could cost the board owner an untold amount of money with zero benefit over traditional email. 
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it can’t be done... There are a lot of things to consider to ensure such a system can’t be abused and cost the board owner lots of $$$. Human readable code always gets out somehow. Any code written will be inspected for vulnerabilities and possibly exploited. 
  17. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Black Zero in Registration verifcation by Mobile Number   
    Can possibly Registration verifcation by Mobile Number , means members register at forum put mobile number at registration form and code send to register member mobile , and many features with this like one mobile number use for one member ,any other member use this system error with already registered etc
    Login 2fa code send at Mobile 
    Password recovery with mobile number etc
    like this idea ? 
  18. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to braymond64 in Finer control over moderation notifications   
    My forum site is for a standards organization. So we have various categories that correspond to standards and multiple forums within each category. I have different moderators for each category and sometimes different moderators for individual forums within a category. I spent some time setting this up in the system using groups. The idea was that people who were involved with a particular standard would moderate the forum(s) that pertain to that standard.
    The issue is that the users are getting all moderation requests, not just the moderation requests in their group that has moderator privileges for their forum. When I contacted support, they said that this is just how it works... that even though they only have rights to moderate within their forum, they will see moderation requests for all of the forums.
    It clutters up their email with moderation requests that don't pertain to them. I'm having to have them set up email rules to filter out the requests outside their forum(s). I would like to request finer control over which moderator requests people receive.
  19. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Ocean West in Activity stream based on number of replies   
    I have been asking for many many years... i want a way to get a list/stream of of topics with NO replies, or list of topics with NO replies from a certain group - as a tool for moderators to help newbies and or make sure posts get attention. 

  20. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from DamonT in Activity stream based on number of replies   
    I'd like to see the ability to create an activity stream based off of the number of replies, and whether or not an item is "repliable." In other words, show threads with X replies (zero as an example), yet only if a reply can be made.
    This would help surface threads that no one has received a response to.
  21. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in How to do a limited time "premium access"   
    So here's the story:
    We are setting up a few premium membership subscription plans but a big chunk of out traffic are people who will visit the site one time or a few times during a certain time period and will probably won't return afterwards at all or at least for a long time. We've already set-up two automatically renewing subscriptions, and an open-amount donation.
    What we want to do are two things:
    1. make a "one time pass" that will last a set amount of time and once the it's up it won't renew and revoke the privilege it gave (no ads). I've tried setting up a non-renewing subscription, but I can't find where to define an expiration period. I don't want to have a self-renewing subscription that won't process payment since I don't want to harass people with "Renew your subscription" spam, I just want it to be "buy - have for X days - end - never hear from us again". Hopefully I explained myself properly.
    2. since we only have two subscription plans and one donation campaign (not including the above one), it already looks pretty scattered and "spread too thin" and I want to be able to "put" the one-time pass on the same page as one of those two. If throwing all of them into the same page is possible (not by using blocks, it looks kinda meh) it would be awesome.
    Thank you, Stay awesome.
  22. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Morgin in Update display name in quoted posts   
    I have a user who asked for their username to be changed as their registration name gave away too much personal info. I did so, but I understand there is an issue whereby the old name still shows up in previous threads where that user was quoted and cannot be directly edited. 
    Is there any way to rebuild a topic so that the quotes use the newer updated username?
  23. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Stuart Silvester in Any chance of desuckifying the plugin development experience   
    4.5 contains a bunch of improvements in this area to make plugins more portable. They can be installed IN_DEV and the majority of their data is now stored within the /dev directory in various PHP/JSON/PHTML files.
    We haven't made any changes to the naming conventions required, or the hook class names, but we've also come up with these changes for the same reasons, to greatly improve the ability to develop plugins across installs via Git.
    Please consider taking a look at the beta and letting us know whether those improvements are beneficial to your development process.
  24. Thanks
    CoffeeCake reacted to Callum MacGregor in Support notification and from front end   
    As the developer of Support Ticket Notifications, I can tell you it still works. It hasn't been updated only because it doesn't need updating.
  25. Like
    CoffeeCake reacted to Fosters in Support notification and from front end   
    Just found this in the Marketplace 
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