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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. There's a toggle switch that causes sessions and thread views to be stored in Redis instead of MySQL on that page. That's the only option. For us, turning on that option significantly slowed down the site.
  2. Disable guest access in the permission settings (lock icon) in ACP > System > Applications > Core > Profiles
  3. Why on earth would you be able to flag another moderator as a spammer? The ability to be flagged as a spammer should be a usergroup permission item, or the tool should have a list of groups that it can be used with.
  4. That means there's already a record for member ID 1 in the x_utf_autowelcome_members table. Since that's a primary key on that table, there can only be one row per member. This happened to us after the process broke partway through because of a loss of internet connectivity. I suggest uninstalling the application and reinstalling it after your upgrade is complete, then running the query in this post (change the table names to include your x_utf_ prefix): Be sure that you don't use the delay option as there appears to be an issue with that causing it to contact most of your members.
  5. In ACP > Settings > Advanced Configuration > File Storage. You can change settings that will result in a new constants.php
  6. Did the same thing. It's only visible after the third cup of coffee.
  7. @peter gariepy, I'd open a support request. On our install (we don't have archiving enabled), we have a toggle switch that allows us to turn it on. I'm not sure what the workflow is to turn it off, yet there's clearly not one in your screenshot where there is in ours.
  8. 80-years-young, Bob! 80-years-young! Both are a quick way to get up and running with a local environment and will install all of the dependencies required to run IPS on your local computer. IPS needs the following things: (W)indows/Mac/Linux/??? operating system. This is whatever kind of operating system you have on your computer. It's irrelevant here other than the first letter. Have a desktop computer already? You're all set. (A)pache (or alternative) as a web server (for example, apache, nginx, etc.) (M)ySQL (or MariaDB) as a database server, where most of the content of your community is stored and retrieved (P)HP (the processor/programming language IPS' code is written in) This is commonly referred to as LAMP (Linux is the operating system, as is typical on servers) or WAMP (Windows is the operating system) or MAMP (MacOS is the operating system). You could install and configure each of these things separately on your computer, but the packages mentioned by @Ryan Ashbrook and @bfarber are two choices that combine all these common dependencies for development into a single, easier to install package. There are many others. You can search for "WAMP local development" for some guides and howtos. At the end of the day, once you have each of these somewhere on your machine and setup, you're ready to spin up a local copy of IPS. If you have an Apple computer, you'll want MAMP instead. The alternative is running virtual machines and setting them up yourself. Depending on your operating system, there are a number of options to do this. If you're looking for quick and easy though, one of the options provided earlier will do just fine. After you get your local environment setup, you simply follow the install instructions from the following guide. You'll need to create an account in MySQL that has the ability to create a database, and enable the prerequisite PHP extensions if they're not already enabled.
  9. @xtech: here's a screenshot of where you can find the key on the documentation page (linked from ACP > Settings > Community Enhancements > Pixabay > Configure). After you create an account/login, which has no approval process, you'll see a value in the green box in the Parameters listing under API. That's the actual API key for you. I've pixelated it in the screenshot below. There's no obvious HERE'S YOUR API KEY call out. If you could add another option that returns only the naughty stuff, that would be appreciated. Please enable said option here. I understand that's not an option with the Pixabay API, but I'm confident you'll find a way. Thanks. 🤓
  10. It's a bit confusing. There is an application process, but you don't need to do that for this integration. When you go to the page linked in the ACP and create an account, it has what appears to be a sample API key embedded in that page, but that's your actual key. It took like three cups of coffee for me to figure out what was going on there.
  11. That's nice, but I'm thinking something more of an intermediary to "accept all new default values that you might not know about." There should totally be a "I'll do this later" button that does what happens today, yet a guided walkthrough of configuration specific changes would be immensely helpful. A good starting point was in the handling of the consolidation of new notification options, decisions about updated purging defaults, and BB code deprecation in the 4.4 -> 4.5 upgrade. Otherwise, an administrator is left with having to go find the new things and see what they're set to.
  12. What you're looking for is an ETL (extract-transform-load) tool. You can either create a custom one in php with the IPS converters as a starting point, or do the work in a third party tool that does ETL. You're wanting to extract the data out of your custom table, transform it into the format that IPS expects, and then write to the IPS database. Please do this in a testing or development environment and make backups of your backups before backing up your backup before proceeding 🙂
  13. It would be lovely if the next IPS major upgrade were to provide administrators with a walkthrough of all new configuration options either during the upgrade or post-upgrade. This would help us identify what settings and features have new behavior or options that did not exist prior to the upgrade, so we can make decisions on what appropriate values would be to set. Some effort was made for an onboarding experience for new installs, yet a "what's new" onboarding would be most helpful. Further broken down by: New things that are turned off by default, but you might want to consider turning on Things that will be turned on by default, but you might want to consider turning off New options for things that already existed, yet now have additional granularity or choices From the 4.5 release, some things that would have been nice to be guided through in this way would have been the addition of Pixabay, the configuration of the thread statistics and timeline settings, calling out the move of the anonymous login setting to within account settings, etc.
  14. I have no idea why they removed it--presumably, "good reasons" which is why it was rejected. Perhaps you could ask whomever rejected it why? I imagine theming support for ACP was removed due to issues with providing support, a potential security problem, wanting the newly built in Marketplace to be untouched by themes, or some combination of the three. Maybe it was simply to provide light/dark mode support. Good question to ask, though. Removing the ability to set custom theme resources in the ACP was an annoyance that we had to work around as well.
  15. Do you have it set to create a post immediately, or with some delay?
  16. Somewhere I've read here that plugins restoring removed functionality deemed removed for good reasons aren't permitted on Marketplace.
  17. We looked into implementing exactly this. The way these blurbs are handled looked especially challenging as the entire text is returned within a single template variable, so there's no chance to put in the necessary logic at the template level. The only way to do this is via code hook.
  18. This would be great with the following modification: Only return single post threads that are unlocked and visible (replyable). As it stands now, it's just returning all threads with one post that the member can see.
  19. You probably need to ask the theme developer for support with that. How items are displayed on the page is probably a theme issue, unless the issue happens in the default Invision 4.5 theme as well. You might try running the support tool "something isn't working" to clear caches just to see if some javascript or css isn't cached properly. We've had lots of issues with that with 4.5. Also, looking at the browser console on your site, there's an error involving Cloudflare's rocket loader javascript. You may want to try turning that off from Cloudflare to see if that might be involved in whatever the problem is.
  20. We actually have been looking into altering this behavior as well, for the reasons you mentioned here. We opted to turn it off.
  21. It looks like you're using a custom theme. You'll need to update your themes to work with 4.5, as they are very different from 4.4. I took a quick glance and, having never been to your web site before, I wasn't sure what to compare it against and I'm not sure there's much to help with on what might be broken. What are you expecting and how is what you're seeing different? If you use the default Invision 4.5 theme do you have the same issues? Can you list out what the issues are (or provide annotated screenshots)? I was, however, surprised to see a lack of assassins (fearless or otherwise) available for hire. Is your Commerce store not showing up as the default application?
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