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  1. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Dean_ in Notification of lapsed or expiring packages/subscriptions   
    Could IPS implement a notification on the front end to remind users of any expiring memberships either through commerce or subscriptions?
    Notification saying user has X amount of days remaining (possibly with a direct link to renewal). Notification alerting user that their subscription has now lapsed. Notification of user changing user groups (user reverting to the original group).

    I'm aware of users getting an email invoice, but if they're anything like me and don't check email all that often it can be missed/overlooked.
    Thanks 🙂
  2. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Maxxius in Cropper behaviour when adding personal photo   
    Yes this is something I wanted to suggest a long time ago but forgot about it.
  3. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from The Old Man in Introducing Invision Community's new developer Matt F!   
    Late (but always) welcome!

  4. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Mazzoni in Better badge look in Topic   
    Hi. I don't know about you, but I didn't like the "look" of the badge in the topic. In my opinion, the badge is too big.
    What do you think about this look?
    Example 1

    Example 2

  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Rikki in Add editor backend review (WYSIWYG code review)   
    Important note: Don't enable this setting for any untrusted groups (e.g. regular users).
  6. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nathan Explosion in Add editor backend review (WYSIWYG code review)   
    Unless I'm missing something here...just enable your group's "Can post HTML" setting, and then click the resulting 'Source' button in the Editor:

  7. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to Maxxius in Cropper behaviour when adding personal photo   
    Here is my suggestion below. Please make something of it. I'm a bit tired of seeing blurry avatars in a number of my members. 😞

  8. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Daniel F in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    We have an internal suggestion for this already 🙂 
  9. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Jordan Miller in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    Good idea.
  10. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jordan Miller in Better badge look in Topic   
    Tell us how you really feel 😆 
    Lol jk. We are always striving to offer the best UX. I think it's worth mentioning that functionality and look will continue to improve in all areas of IC, including Achievements :] 
    Fortunately, there's a bunch of options for all to stylize things to match their own taste (it may require a bit of extra work, but if anyone needs help please feel free to create a topic!). 
  11. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Abies in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    Good idea.
  12. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to Feneroin in If zero, no need showing   
    Just a little suggestion about 'Who's Online'
    For example:
    Who is Online: 3 Members, 0 Anonymous, 20 Guests
    If there is no anonymous user, system must hide it automatically like:
    Who is Online: 3 Members, 20 Guests
    or if there are only  guests on forum:
     Who is Online: 20 Guests
    It'll be a little better, right?
  13. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Abies in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    Hello there!
    The main purpose of user profiles is to make discovering user's content easier. I've found a way to improve the process a bit.
    1. Content discovery
    Let's take a look on my profile and especially on the filtering options:

    Problem: It's quite a long list that grows with every new app or a content type. I find it confusing as during my time here I've posted only a topic and some posts.
    I don't think I'm able to post anything in the documentation, release notes, providers, guides, IPS Blog etc. But I'm still able to filter my results by those options [basically to get no results note].
    Solution: The idea is to hide all the empty-result-filters. Thanks to this we exactly know what type of content certain user posted, and save our time on scanning the long list.

    2. Reputation view
    I wanted to check my reputaion activity and this happened:

    Problem: The page shows no results. Quite confusing as the sidebar clearly shows that I do have reputation activity. This is because by default the resulsts are filtered by Status updates in which I have no activity. And the list of possible filters is also very long (as stated above).
    Solution:  As we have All activity filter in user's content page by default, we should also have All reputation activity filter in user's reputation page. And limiting the possible filters would (as above) make the experience more intuitive and clear.
    In my case it would look like this as I have reputation activity in blog entries, blog comments and posts:

    Thanks for reading! 🙂
  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Daniel F in Job Board App ?   
    What’s wrong with the pages app? 
  15. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Ilya Hoilik in robots.txt recommendation for IPS   
    You can exclude duplicates by using following rules:
    Disallow: /*do=* Disallow: /*sort=* Disallow: /*sortby=* Disallow: /*csrf=* Disallow: /*csrfKey=* Disallow: */?tab=* Disallow: */?_fromLogin=* Disallow: */?_fromLogout=* My entire robots.txt https://hoilik.com/robots-txt-for-invision-community-473d8aa32984
  16. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Fosters in Fosters Discord Login Handler - Supporttopic   
    app still working on 4.5, but you can change api version to v8
    public $apiDomain = 'https://discordapp.com/api/v6';  to
    public $apiDomain = 'https://discord.com/api/v8'; More: API Reference
  17. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Dean_ in Hump Day: Achievements Improvements   
    Can the rules be completely customisable?
    Could I for example, have someone be awarded a badge for creating a topic in a certain category and then also be awarded based on their specific group?

    User makes 10 posts, changes their user group *badge awarded*.
    User requests to be put into a certain group after x amount of posts, and each group can award the user who joins *badge awarded to represent their group*.
    While you currently show rank images, could we also have an option to display badges on the Authorpane in topic view?

    Or to be able to make a rule where only certain badges can be shown in the topicview?

    While we have user group icons, I'd like to show special badges as part of the user group.
    Just a couple of suggestions I had rolling in the head... As it's something I've been trying to do, as at the moment Fosters app allows you to manually award someone.
  18. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to abobader in Better badge look in Topic   
    I also like the current one.
  19. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Morrigan in Better badge look in Topic   
    I think the badges are rather massive compared to the actual avatar personally. But I also have thought that the avatar is rather small for years, could just be me though. It just covers a lot:

    It's almost like @SeNioR- has a badge beauty mark on that handsome face.
  20. Haha
    SeNioR- reacted to CoffeeCake in Php Error Message   
    Look, @Daniel F..... we have to admit defeat. AlienOrigins obviously knows we're deep in the pockets with big PHP and have never touched this stuff in our lives. We are no match for his deductive reasoning skills.

  21. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to CoffeeCake in Better badge look in Topic   
  22. Agree
    SeNioR- got a reaction from mcartemon2we23 in Better badge look in Topic   
    Hi. I don't know about you, but I didn't like the "look" of the badge in the topic. In my opinion, the badge is too big.
    What do you think about this look?
    Example 1

    Example 2

  23. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Rikki in Hump Day: Achievements Improvements   
    Badges already support this - when you create the rule that awards the badge, you can enter a member-facing summary of the rule, e.g. "You posted 50 replies!".
  24. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Daniel F in IPS 4.6 News - Round 2   
    Few months have passed since our last post here, so let's get ready to rumble🙂
    Supported PHP & MySQL Versions:
    The PHP min version was increased to PHP 7.2 in IPS 4.6, this means that your marketplace submissions are required to work with this version, but keep in mind that few clients are going to use php8, so I would really suggest to try to get your code working with both versions, which means that you'll need to implement some changes to avoid some BC breaks in PHP8.
    Here's a great list https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration80.incompatible.php
    Security Improvements:
    I have mentioned this change in another topic today, so let's recap it here too:)
    We have a new IN_DEV code check similar to the slash check, which will inform you about any outputs containing the CSRF key in the URL.
    This is a bad practice allowing attackers and 3rd parties to obtain the users CSRF key, so please try avoid this at any cost!
    We're not going to reject MP submissions because of this, but please try to avoid this as much as much as possible.
    Withdrawal Requests:
    Please keep in mind that you're permitted to have only one payout request per week;) Since this didn't work out that great and to avoid any drama about canceled requests, this is going to be handled now automatically. As long as there's an open request, you won't be able to submit any new requests! But don't worry, you'll still be able to cancel it and create a new request!
  25. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Daniel F in Hump Day: Achievements Improvements   
    @Matt This is much better solution. Thanks!
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