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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Ensure you remove the entry with https:// and only leave your domain there in App domains. Also, is your app in Live mode?
  2. Would advise creating a new topic on that so it is not to get interlaced with this one.
  3. Keep in mind that anything that you load on your page on a mobile device is going to delay interaction. You have quite a few advertisements which can cause slowness waiting for them to load and/or as they are interactive advertisements going to be heavier too for mobile users' devices
  4. Please ensure that you have updated the API Keys and Secrets correctly and not still referencing your old one. Check that the URL you are using for the OAuth Redirect URI is actually the URL and there are no redirects involved going www to non-www for instance. Ensure that your have whitelisted your domain under App Settings -> Basic -> App Domains.
  5. Glad to hear that has resolved your issue 🙂
  6. This is due to your community is not running over HTTPS, please see this guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-ssl-https-r273/
  7. Ensure your community is running over HTTPS and then just go to ACP -> System -> License Key -> re-add your license key. That should update it to HTTPS.
  8. Thank you for reporting this. We are looking into what may be causing the issue.
  9. You're very welcome, glad I could be of assistance 🙂 . Hope you have a pleasant Sunday as well!
  10. Backup which we provide you is manual and in-the-moment. Whereas our scheduled ones are scheduled. In terms of data that is restored, there is no difference. Not sure what you mean by "none in backup storage". As far as restoration issues, we test and execute our restoration strategy frequently. Daily, weekly, and we also have a complex manner to obtain point-in-time for anything which may be catastrophic, or daily/weekly is corrupt/otherwise unavailable in a unique situation.
  11. Yes, "Standard" isn't a license name but rather any Cloud plan that isn't enterprise 🙂 . You can submit a ticket and ask for a backup at any time. It is worth mentioning though that we take rigorous backups that should fit any need so if your concern is only around restoration, we have you covered 😉
  12. The caching is not a bug which needs resolution, it is intended to aid customers with performance of the site for individuals who may not need to see a live version of your site. Keep in mind, it is not a rolling 15 min but rather 15 min since the guest hit the page that initiated the cache. Unpopular pages, this likely won't even be an issue as you're describing but popular pages, most who want to contribute and stay up to date will login/register anyway, so we have found little in ways of feedback against this from our Cloud customers. However, if this is an issue, you're welcome to provide your suggestion in our Feedback forum.
  13. As mentioned by the error PHP sessions are not working on your server, likely due to a configuration issue. Simple fix for your hosting provider.
  14. We try our best to minimize downtime. More than not, it’s same day, just a few hours between. If you have an extremely large community or something goes wrong though, that can extend the timeline depending on what the issue is. Our email service will send emails from your community through it. It will use our email address as the from and your address as the reply-to though. If that is a concern, you may wish to use another provider.
  15. Correct. Once you take the backup, your community will need to be offline or you would not transfer any content/settings/changes made afterwards.
  16. Typically, you would just provide us a backup of your database and file set in a secure storage link we provide. Then we move it to our Cloud infrastructure. Very straightforward. As far as cost, it would be best to talk with our Sales team for finalized information (I am not sales 🙂 ) but most cases, it is included. If you do not have communication open with them, please let me know and I can open one for you.
  17. This is no longer a thing in our current Cloud plans. Keep in mind those requirements we provide are purely minimum requirements to run the software. You would need to work with a server administrator to ensure your environment is properly configured for your traffic if you are seeing slowness.
  18. Long as your records stay set, nameservers for root domains and CNAME records for subdomains on our Cloud, there’s no issue from our point of view.
  19. Unfortunately, I am not having an issue with this. When I select a forum in Community Hive's settings in your ACP and then save and then go to another page and back, I am seeing the selection still present.
  20. Thanks! Moved this to a ticket so we can further investigate. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  21. Version 4 will keep the support desk. It will be removed in version 5.
  22. Glad to be of some assistance even if it's not what you were hoping for😉
  23. There are no cleanup tools really since version 3. Version 4 just hasn't had the need. When content gets deleted, the attachment(s) associated to it get deleted.
  24. Is the link outside of the software? If so, that "rel='external'" would be correct.
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