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Joshua Landry

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  1. Sorry about that Marc, it’s configured so admin accounts have to setup 2FA. I’ll see if I can figure out how to remove that for your account
  2. Sorry for my ignorance Mark, but what do you mean by this? The info in the live editor is not what Google sees?
  3. I've been doing some digging into this lately and it seems something is wrong with my site. Each topic posted in my community has the latest post for the description and "og:description". The first post is nowhere to be found in the meta information
  4. I was doing some SEO stuff and went into the live meta tag editor to check on keywords and so forth. I realized that the meta descriptions automatically generated do not have anything to do with the topic, but only features a snippet from the latest response. Is this normal for it to generate a description from the latest response (may be irrelevant to page)? I think it makes much more sense to generate a description based off the original post since that's generally what the page will be about. And if this is how it generates the meta description, does that mean I have to go into every topic posted and self-correct?
  5. I utilized the free trial plan to build and configure my community. I was finally ready to launch so I paid for the upgrade from free to a paid cloud subscription 8/17/23. The order immediately said it had to be reviewed for fraud, which is reasonable. I reached out to support asking if there was anything they needed on my end. I was told they just had to review and it takes up to 48 hours. I've been emailing and support has been next to no help... Fast forward over a week and I'm still waiting. At this point I'm losing opportunity and time to get ahead of other sites launching in this niche. Has anybody had this issue and how did you fix it?
  6. I'm currently running on the free trial, getting everything setup and ready for a full launch. I've given the link to a few people (20-ish) around the web to try it out and get their thoughts. I'll be switching to a paid subscription and moving the forum to my domain, so I was curious will the trial url automatically redirect them to the new domain? If it doesn't do this automatically, is there any way to set this up?
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