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Nelion Audio

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  1. Hello, I'd like to remove creation dates from database records. It looks like the timestamp template is global, so you can't make changes to CSS or Templates to affect only database entries. Before I hire a programmer, are there any shortcuts to changing this? I want only database records to show the current time and date, not creation date, so that visitors don't get the impression that the information in the records is 'old'.
  2. lol okay okay I understand. switching to PHP 8.1 did the trick.
  3. Okay, perhaps this is related to the fact that the engine root is under 'public_html'. The index file is is trying to run \Dispatcher\Front from an empty directory \IPS\Dispatcher\Front::i()->run(); Should I just point it to \System\Dispatcher\Front::i()->run(); ?
  4. Hello, Thank you for your replies. PHP is currently set to 8.2 I tried running the ips4.php file and still get an error. I don't know if it matters, but all my .htaccess file contains is: RewriteEngine on ???
  5. Hello, Trying to upgrade my site to 4.7.14 from 4.3. I'm getting an immediate error 500 upon trying to enter the .../admin/upgrade area.
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