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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. As DawPi mentioned here, if you have the ability to separate them, it is recommended.
  2. As mentioned in your account ticket, there is a known issue going on right now. It is only impacting some individuals so you can try and use it, the error happens prior to files are applied so if you run into it, there won't be anything which renders your community unusable. As others mentioned though, you can wait for the fix or do a manual upgrade.
  3. Your conf_global.php file will tell you what database you're using and the connection details to it. This will be in the installation root of our software.
  4. I'm afraid, in support, I can only tell you how the software functions today. If you want to see a change in the software, you're more than welcome to suggest that in our Feedback forum, as mentioned. Otherwise, as using an HTML5 web browser audio/video player is currently the intended design, there is nothing further which we can assist you with on this subject.
  5. You're more than welcome to make a suggestion in our Feedback forum. However, what you're asking for is beyond typical community software. You would want to look at YouTube, Viemo, etc... or a custom player.
  6. I'm afraid, this is outside our scope of support. You would need to get feedback from third party providers if you wish to see what is available via Plugins.
  7. The software uses your browser's built-in audio/video player, it would be up to the browser if it allows downloads or not. You may need to use a third party service if you do not like the browser player options to download it.
  8. While it may be faster with less in the log, have you had your hosting provider review the server and mysql server for performance? It could simply be it isn’t optimized and thus, would indeed be slower if it’s not optimized.
  9. Whether someone is paid or not, they are still representing your “company” so I would still suggest vetting that individual and formalizing the relationship to a degree. If little things like this are making you think twice on someone, it’s likely for the better you don’t make them a moderator. Or vice versa, if you as an admin are having second thoughts relinquishing control over small things like this, are you ready for/need staff or can you get by with the bare minimum? There are a lot more critical details staff will need access to as you grow so plan how that gets attributed/promoted too. I don’t think many people know this but many of the IC staff became staff through having communities of our own. So I don’t mean to say these things from a “I know better” place but we do have real world experience, yet are happy to be proven wrong or if there are other scenarios. I typically don’t have a “contract” for my community staff but a do/don’t list, minimum tenure before becoming staff, quick questionnaire wouldn’t be unheard of, training steps starting them out, etc… all a good time for you to vet them further or for them to opt out 😉 .
  10. To play devil's advocate here: Why make them a mod if you do not trust them to not do something like this though? Especially, something small like editing a profile of another staff member on the front-end. If you can't trust them not to do this, you can't trust them not to do something on moderating a topic.
  11. Please ensure that CloudFlare protection stays off for our investigation.
  12. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  13. Please note that LiteSpeed is not supported by our software. I would not use that query string as a test as it is something we use on the page and will correctly be empty with that value. Everything seems fine from an access point of view. Please note that you are also using CloudFlare with DDoS protection on so that may be stopping your server from seeing the page exists.
  14. Please submit a Feedback topic for any changes to the current design you wish to change 🙂 .
  15. I am getting error too many redirects from your server, you will want to check your server configuration and remove any custom redirects or rewrites.
  16. Is the sitemap.php file present in your root directory?
  17. Your community has quite a few issues going on right now. It has an invalid SSL certificate. The URL you included there has www, whereas your community does not use www. Looks like you're using a CDN on your community and it is not allowing things to load for me due to a CORs policy you're setting. Items 1 and 2 may really be causing the issue here as the software isn't detecting the right/valid URL or may not entirely be able to get to it.
  18. Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket to investigate further. Please go to your email for next steps.
  19. I'm afraid, this is not so. There are numerous upgrades available for applications and plugins in your ACP. You would need to track the authors of these applications/plugins down or uninstall them if you no longer wish to upgrade them. Unfortunately, we would need this done prior to investigating further. The issue at hand was resolved so would not be an issue so we are going through proper troubleshooting steps here.
  20. We are not asking you to uninstall but ensure all are updated to be compatible with the latest release. You should only uninstall if they are not compatible with the latest release or you do not use them.
  21. Could you please provide an example user who cannot and we can take a look?
  22. That is exactly the error which is bringing in related third-party applications/plugins. We would need these upgraded prior to being able to move forward. Please note that this week we are on holiday break as mentioned in the announcement at the top of the community so support responses will be delayed.
  23. It's worth noting that the plugins from CKEditor need to be compatible the version in use. This is presented when uploading the editor plugin.
  24. There might have been some issues yesterday. Have you tried this recently? If so, please ensure that your server is able to connect to our license server: remoteservices.invisionpower.com
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