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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. When you say "Edit Profile", do you mean on the front-end or in the ACP?
  2. As mentioned by my colleague, Future Publish is a moderator permission, not a member permission so you would need to provide your members that permission if you wish for them to see it. However, providing your whole community the ability to use this feature would likely negate it's usefulness as they would also see the future publish items.
  3. As mentioned previously, as your ticket is awaiting management review, it will take longer than usual, I'm afraid. I have chased this up for you, however. We will handle the rest of your request via your ticket.
  4. At step 2 of the upgrade, you will need to insert your Client Area credentials, not your Administrator credentials for your community.
  5. I have transferred this to a ticket so we can assist you in private. Anyone else reading this, please submit cancellation requests to our Contact Form in the Accounts department and we will promptly assist you.
  6. 403 is different than any outage error. That typically states you do not have permission. You will want to check how you're using the API and ensure you're not excessively sending requests, always including a user agent, and other typical best practices.
  7. It is for software issues. On our Cloud, you would use the support as that is a little more private for matters like DNS entries, etc... 🙂 .
  8. You can do that or open a ticket by going to Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your purchase -> Support.
  9. Please note that as it is the holidays and your ticket is rather different in nature than just a domain change, please note it will be longer than usual. I'm sorry I do not have better news for you at this time. I have responded in your ticket with a current status.
  10. Running this as a test, I did not have any issues. My guess is that you used incorrect credentials for the Client Area login there. Please go to /admin/upgrade in the browser to finish the upgrade.
  11. Unfortunately, the ACP credentials are invalid. Please verify and try again. You would need to contact your hosting provider if you're having issues here.
  12. Correct. You would need to insert the information there for us to access.
  13. PHP extensions would like cause errors and not be able to run the software so I don't believe that would be it. I can take a look: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  14. I'm afraid, there are still more applications/plugins involved. You will want to update these: Due to the significant number of items which you have installed on the installation, it is hard for us to troubleshoot the issue here. You would need to ensure everything is up to date. If you do not use it, uninstall it.
  15. Please feel free to open a ticket with any DNS changes you need. I have gone ahead and transferred this for you now though.
  16. Those are not errors but rather warnings and are fine. Shouldn't be an error in of itself.
  17. If you open up your browser console, are you seeing any errors? My assumption is likely a server error on your end is happening here and it is unable to continue. However, you can always perform a manual upgrade:
  18. As this is currently intended, if you would like to see this change, I would advise posting in our Feedback section. However, please keep in mind that it is abnormal what is happening here with your SMTP server. Injection of mail shouldn't cause a delay in the application sending it, even if it's done via background tasks, this could create issues. Especially, if you're sending a large batch of email notifications. Even in a normal case of say 15 email notifications, that normally isn't a problem for the background scheduler to get through in a single run. However, you would hit a timeout on a default PHP configuration if each email takes say 2+ seconds. Therefore, you may need 2 or more runs to get through that, which would then delay other tasks as well.
  19. Our software adds a nofollow tag to all external links, you can also moderate or block links if you so desire in the software. So in theory, people could do that but only just as much as a piece of content.
  20. Unfortunately, disabling will not work for all tasks. You will need to update or uninstall those items
  21. I would recommend start by checking these third party items for updates which are in the system log. If that does not resolve it, please let us know.
  22. I have created a ticket for this so we can evaluate in private and protect other clients, in the meantime, if this is actually an issue. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  23. Please see the ticket which we have responded to you 🙂 .
  24. Sorry for the inconvenience. There was a short issue which our cloud team immediately resolved. Do not worry, our Cloud team is always around on holidays to ensure our and our client’s communities are up.
  25. This would be the system working as designed and not a bug. Many credit cards have subscription features that allow subscriptions to be authorized, even if the card is expired because a previous transaction took place. It is up to the card issuer to decline or not the card and therefore, this is a perfectly acceptable transaction. Additionally, what you're seeing there in the screenshot, would not be known to us with payment gateways as all we have is a transactional ID to attempt payment and the actual gateway holds the credit card details. The user would need to manage their card if they do not want the card attempted.
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