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All Astronauts

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    All Astronauts got a reaction from Martin A. in S3 Compatible Downloads   
    You know that thing where you casually mention something that's relevant to the problem but you are totally oblivious to the fact that you actually didn't account for that thing you just talked about? And then someone comes along and says "why didn't you deal with that thing you just talked about here..."?
    That was yesterday.
    @Martin A., with the oblivious assist from myself, got a handle on this. This has been cleared by at least two live sites experiencing this problem. A new version will be submitted to the Marketplace asap.
    Now, just as a heads up to everyone: we are nudging, but not rushing, towards the end of the usefulness of this derpy thing. 
    Amazon S3 is forcing everyone on over to the new styled urls where the bucket name is IN FRONT of the endpoint url. So, my.bucket.s3.awesomes3service.com/.... (this is virtual hosted-style) vs. ye'olde path-style urls, e.g. awesomes3service.com/my.bucket/.... 
    The thing with the newer style is you gotta have wildcard support set up for your domain with your DNS settings. You gotta deal with your CDN settings. And naturally, your SSL certificate. Got dots in your bucket names? Shouldn't do that... Dashes are better but now you have some other hitches and so on. In a perfect world you would just have a single non-dotted, non-dashed alphabetic "word" for your bucket names and things work much more smoothly.
    The patch here, as it were, is to account for dots in a bucket name and if present, flip things over to http instead of the likely secure SSL https. That stops all the yelling.
    The point is, as Amazon S3 standards change, and web/browser security changes, and CDN requirements and changes, and so on, we're going to hit a point where this isn't going to be a viable hack anymore.
    We are not there now but in a few years? Who can tell...
  2. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Percival in Kitchen Sink   
    Like the post above says , when it's done.  There's a lot of stuff of mine that has to be gone through. Who Viewed the Topic is getting finished now. 
    KS is at 70% done.
    KS is also an entire re-write; its an app now, and I might require repurchase,  and that might be required anyways if switching to an app doesn't mesh with the 4.5 ACP Marketplace upgrade process, which is actually a thing.
    EDIT: To expand on that last point, apps and plugins MUST have incremented the version number from the last pre-4.5 marketplace entry. It has to be bigger than the last one so the internal ACP marketplace can deal with installing and so on. But this is an app now (totally re-writtten - did I mention that...) so I don't even know if this going to work with the old Marketplace entry at all. A good chunk of you picked this up early on when it was like a $10 dollar derpy thing, and I'm pretty sure you get forever set at whatever the renew price is when you buy (that might have changed now?). If I do end up making this an entirely "new" thing I'll keep the initial price like $20 for a month or two so rebuys aren't that big of a deal. We're currently in a pandemic delay for the new ACP pricing structure anyways (IPS is moving from 10% to 20% cut due to the new everything-reviewed policy and the new swanky ACP marketplace)
  3. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Olmyster in Who Viewed the Topic   
    Yep yep. Should be there soon for some values of soon.
  4. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Meddysong in Pages Category Images / Pages Searchable Text Fields   
    Pages Searchable Text Fields 3 submitted this afternoon.
    4.5 compat, etc. etc. for all four of you using it. The current version you have is fine and works, but for the plugin to be in the ACP Marketplace I had to move my searchable flag off the Fields table into my own thing.
    Pages Category Images will get in the new ACP Marketplace eventually... (it's a larger pain in the ass then it should be for a variety of IPS reasons). 
  5. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in Display Name History   
    It's free. Support requests fine just don't expect instantaneous changes. 
    Starting a new thread for 4.5 plus this has been mine for a few years now so this topic will be under my name.
    V3 for 4.5 makes an additional check so that the box won't even display at all unless the member has changed their name at least one time.
  6. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from JustinHawk in S3 Compatible Downloads   
    For it to show in the Marketplace, an app/plugin has to be re-uploaded and evaluated by IPS staff before they will allow it through and be visible there.
    I can give it a once over and throw it into the Marketplace heap but if it's clear sailing so far you've got no worries I'd guess - this would just be for Marketplace visibility purposes. I'll try to clear this tonight.
    I've only got one (two?) things into the new 4.5 Marketplace so far - there's a sliiiiight backlog (my problem actually).
    I'll even give @TarunD 's thing a look - double encoding the url would explain a lot of errors away (there still may be Amz specific urls hidden within but thats no big deal to get around) If you have those changes and are willing to share feel free to throw them my way Tarun - save me another code crawl.
  7. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Tripp★ in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Probably(*) wrapped Friday then submitted, weekend at the latest. Those of you window shopping should punch your ticket, price going up with the new Marketplace.
    The changelog will be large, the new Marketplace description will be insanely large, I should probably just ramble over a video or something.
    Lots of new stuff, lots of improvements, and plenty of options to turn the ACP into whatever clown car you like, fonts included. But I prefer more streamlined, ambient views myself.

  8. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from ahc in S3 Compatible Downloads   
    For it to show in the Marketplace, an app/plugin has to be re-uploaded and evaluated by IPS staff before they will allow it through and be visible there.
    I can give it a once over and throw it into the Marketplace heap but if it's clear sailing so far you've got no worries I'd guess - this would just be for Marketplace visibility purposes. I'll try to clear this tonight.
    I've only got one (two?) things into the new 4.5 Marketplace so far - there's a sliiiiight backlog (my problem actually).
    I'll even give @TarunD 's thing a look - double encoding the url would explain a lot of errors away (there still may be Amz specific urls hidden within but thats no big deal to get around) If you have those changes and are willing to share feel free to throw them my way Tarun - save me another code crawl.
  9. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Steph40 in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Nearly there. As alluded to months and months ago this was a nearly a complete rebuild. A lot coming with this update for 4.5

  10. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Steph40 in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    IPS records this but doesn't make it public anywhere (and if you are in a production setting with many hands on various wheels knowing when Invision Community got upgraded may go a long way in tracking down why custom things have broken and so on and so forth).
    I asked a long while back for this in the administrators log where everything else gets noted along these lines but alas... Note that this is recording FULL upgrades, not any IPS patches that you might add - those patches will increment the long version number of the suite but it is not the same thing as a full point version upgrade which is what this is all about.
     The work, etc...
  11. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from sobrenome in Font awesome 5.0   
    4.4? Probably 4.5 but still worth an ask now. Just looking for certainty as us devs gear up for updating apps, etc...
  12. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Percival in Speedy Search and Stream Results   
    @Anawa You are in the clear with 4.5 - as part of their Search/Streams truncate sweep, they've added/changed code in a bunch of places to no longer be pushing out tons and tons of text where it isn't needed. That includes the Post Feeds widget - every item gets cut to 500 characters before display.
    FYI I've added an option to swap out the Search the community text on the results page in favor of the actual search term. I usually end up doing this in most of my themes anyways so this was a good time to just flip it into here and be done with it.

  13. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Bluto in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Stuff still changing, plus the new MP stuff in the last beta or two means this is still plugging along - plus all the other stuff to upgrade.
    I dialed back the new noise in the plugins/app pages, plus swapped out the warning icon for an asterisk on non-MP stuff.

    The work continues...
  14. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from CoffeeCake in Speedy Search and Stream Results   
    @Paul E. Yep, I mean, I need to look again to be certain, but I'm at 99.9% certain already (I did - 100%) 
    If you have a post that has 1000 characters in it and the last two words are 'blue turtle' and you search for 'blue turtle' that post will of course still be found and displayed in the search results, but the snippet preview is limited to the first 600 characters of the content item in 4.5, so your snippet preview in the results won't have 'blue turtle' in it for the term highlighter to highlight.
    It's a hitch I went out of my way to at least partially mitigate by sweeping the content item for at least some term to match on (even skipping common stop words like a, the, and, etc... - hardcoded to English on these initial releases but throwing it open to other langs wasn't an issue going forward), and then taking text before and after that match and pushing THAT out to the results display so you'd usually have something highlighted in each result as a 'match'.
    /* Trim content down to a sensible length for display */ $content = mb_substr( $content, 0, 600 ); That's what you are getting in 4.5. 
    HoWeVeR.... 🥴 .... now that I've looked again that 600 character truncate is on a pleasantly hookable method, so no gloom and doom - sunshine and lollipops all around - I'll get this patched up for 4.5 and we can bask in whatever it is we feel like basking in afterwards.
    All y'all watchers but not buyers of this should probably get in while the $6 is still $6. There is going to be a new minimum amount for Marketplace items (if they are not free). 
    Hint! It's a two-digit number :)
  15. Haha
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Sonya* in Controllers defaults   
  16. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Tripp★ in Group Colors on User Links   
    What he said.  They are taking a bit more in commission and setting a floor for minimum price which is fine as they have always covered the chargeback fees when scammers do stuff.  Between that and finally getting the marketplace into the acp things are looking up for 3rd party devs which is good for end users.
    Next week at the earliest is when we will be able to upload official 4.5 versions of our apps and plugins, the ones that will show up in the new marketplace. That should give you an idea where we are in the 4.5 release process.
    Another reason for the minimum charge now is that all 3rd party releases, everyone one,  including simple patches,  small updates,  etc., will now be manually reviewed and approved before release into the marketplace. That's a bit of labor,  but again,  good for end users. 
  17. Like
    All Astronauts reacted to Adriano Faria in Group Colors on User Links   
    No, it means that MINIMUM price for submissions will be $10 and this is to cover 50% of the chargebacks in PayPal that costs $20 and they doesn’t charge it from us, only the comission is reverted.
  18. Sad
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Joy Rex in Speedy Search and Stream Results   
    Those of you paying attention to the release notes for 4.5 will note that this was more or less knee-capped by IPS. 
    On the plus side you guys are only out 6 bucks to me. On the minus side their implementation is bare-bones, annnnndddd.... I'm not entirely sure I can claw it back. I'll have to take a look deeper - I only checked to see what they were doing and not if I can hook around and patch in or what not.
    Short version? They did what I did and truncate search/stream results before pushing out. However, they are now just taking the first 600 characters of the content item - period. For stream results that's a nothing-burger. Sure, my plugin lets you tweak the amount pushed before truncation but for stream results it was always the first characters of the 'thing' that you got.
    Unfortunately, this is a big hitch for search results. If your search term hit in a result is beyond the first 600 character limit, the snippet in the search result will not have any search terms to highlight. If you get lucky and the search terms are in the first 600 characters you still get the highlight of course, but chances are and so forth and etc.
    My plugin went out of the way to actually get the bit pushed out to at least hit on some of the search terms (simple search in the content item to match, then take x-amount before, x-amount after to get a decent amount of text, and then push it out).
    There's still the stream description truncation bit and the gallery stream image count thingy - I'll check in awhile and see what's what with those - I imagine those are fine and if I can't patch the main junk I'll still clear the decks and get that stuff out for 4.5 minus the whole main thing this plugin does :(
    Just giving you all a heads up. I'll take a look a little later on to see if I can get the search results page back up to snuff but it's not a priority at the moment given all the other junk I have to crawl through to get up to snuff for 4.5.
  19. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Tripp★ in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    It's better than learning about it without the warning, which naturally, I did. Well, I had to!
    Otherwise there are no bugs, just a lot of messed up css bits. There is a whole dark thing now to account for and that includes the widgets. It'll take some time to grind through a lot of this. 
    Right now I'm just poking various bits and pieces of my stuff to see what's going to take a load of work and what isn't.
    Those of you (probably most) of you with custom themes are going to be in for a ride. Its borderline but they could almost have called this IPS 5. Seriously - hit up that changelog.
  20. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Tripp★ in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Been a few months hasn't it. I'm sure nothing at all has occurred anywhere during this time that was in anyway distracting at all.
    Do NOT use Spacious ACP with the new 4.5.0 as there is a conflicting hook that will bork your ACP (remember how Spacious linked the entire list element of an ACP menu option instead of just the text to make it easier to navigate all these years? I'll give you no guesses what 4.5 now does natively :) )
    There is, as usual, other stuff Spacious has done that's been incorporated into the revamped 4.5 ACP, so I gotta rip stuff out and so on. But with change comes new opportunities, etc. etc...
    New stuff, new options, as per usual, will be in the mix when this is out - should go without saying that the next version will be for 4.5 and up exclusively, so no upgrading to it if you are sticking with 4.4.10 or lower.
  21. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from kmk in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Been a few months hasn't it. I'm sure nothing at all has occurred anywhere during this time that was in anyway distracting at all.
    Do NOT use Spacious ACP with the new 4.5.0 as there is a conflicting hook that will bork your ACP (remember how Spacious linked the entire list element of an ACP menu option instead of just the text to make it easier to navigate all these years? I'll give you no guesses what 4.5 now does natively :) )
    There is, as usual, other stuff Spacious has done that's been incorporated into the revamped 4.5 ACP, so I gotta rip stuff out and so on. But with change comes new opportunities, etc. etc...
    New stuff, new options, as per usual, will be in the mix when this is out - should go without saying that the next version will be for 4.5 and up exclusively, so no upgrading to it if you are sticking with 4.4.10 or lower.
  22. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Bluto in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Been a few months hasn't it. I'm sure nothing at all has occurred anywhere during this time that was in anyway distracting at all.
    Do NOT use Spacious ACP with the new 4.5.0 as there is a conflicting hook that will bork your ACP (remember how Spacious linked the entire list element of an ACP menu option instead of just the text to make it easier to navigate all these years? I'll give you no guesses what 4.5 now does natively :) )
    There is, as usual, other stuff Spacious has done that's been incorporated into the revamped 4.5 ACP, so I gotta rip stuff out and so on. But with change comes new opportunities, etc. etc...
    New stuff, new options, as per usual, will be in the mix when this is out - should go without saying that the next version will be for 4.5 and up exclusively, so no upgrading to it if you are sticking with 4.4.10 or lower.
  23. Thanks
    All Astronauts reacted to Rikki in Font Awesome 6   
    icomoon has been removed in 4.5 and jQuery has been upgraded to the 3.x series  🎉
  24. Sad
    All Astronauts reacted to Rikki in Font Awesome 6   
    The reason is essentially that it'd be a big undertaking for us to update to FA5 for relatively little benefit for most customers. Some people (like yourself) would obviously have more need for it, but on the whole the cost/benefit of upgrading is minimal. They do have a migration script but again I'm not convinced it's worthwhile to include that on every site.
  25. Like
    All Astronauts reacted to Jim M in How to remove "Forums" from site title?   
    Just a heads up, you will not want to use * and replace the Title. This will replace the page title on every page with whatever you place there. That will mislead users and degrade SEO. You will just want to change the page title for your forum index, which you can do via the meta tag live editor if you are unsure of the page address: 
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