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Daniel F

Invision Community Team
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  1. Thanks
    Daniel F reacted to Donnie95 in You are not allowed to renew this purchase.   
    The csrf key is in the URL when I click on the renew buttons on the club page. 
    https://mysite.com/clients/purchases/23-club-name/?do=renew&cycles=1&csrfKey=f1d606ac824ada05f241938740be47 (Causing the error)
    No csrf key when I click on "There is a pending renewal invoice for this product. Pay Now" on the "Manage your purchase" page. 
    https://mysite.com/checkout/15241/(It works)
  2. Agree
    Daniel F got a reaction from CheersnGears in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    The title for the next unread topic was the one with the performance issue
  3. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    The title for the next unread topic was the one with the performance issue
  4. Like
    Daniel F reacted to Rikki in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    That reminds me of post #25630909 on Facebook 😂 Go check it out!
  5. Like
    Daniel F reacted to Jon Erickson in Invision application template   
    I’ve tried both and messed around with several different flows. This is the fastest way for me. It aligns with other industry standards for project development as well and I can spin up a dev environment in a few key strokes. Not to mention I’ll configure it to the dev container spec as well so it can be used in any dev environment including remote. 
  6. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO Essentials - Support Topic   
    To stop people's fear and hopefully stop the private message questions:

    1. Yes, this application is going to be ported to v5. I'm not sure yet if all the features will work or if some will have to be removed but to stop the fear => YES, it's going to be available for v5
    2. More important: Everybody who purchased this for v4, will also gain access to the v5 version as long as the purchase hasn't expired AKA you'll not need to purchase it again, but you'll probably have to pay the renewal price.
  7. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from JustinHawk in SEO Essentials - Support Topic   
    To stop people's fear and hopefully stop the private message questions:

    1. Yes, this application is going to be ported to v5. I'm not sure yet if all the features will work or if some will have to be removed but to stop the fear => YES, it's going to be available for v5
    2. More important: Everybody who purchased this for v4, will also gain access to the v5 version as long as the purchase hasn't expired AKA you'll not need to purchase it again, but you'll probably have to pay the renewal price.
  8. Haha
    Daniel F got a reaction from HeadStand in v5 news coming soon...   
    Personally I would love to have some helper methods like in Laravel.
    We‘ve been talking about this and Matt wasn’t that annoyed by the idea. 😂
  9. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from OptimusBain in Create member via Zapier: Custom fields   
    Unfortunately our Zapier integration doesn’t support custom fields yet, but you could use the Zapier Webhook feature to send a POST request to your community’s REST API to update the created member.  
  10. Agree
    Daniel F got a reaction from psychol. in Suggestion - Changing spaces to tabs in the template editor   
    He’s talking about the space and tab keys 
    https://alexkondov.com/indentation-warfare-tabs-vs-spaces/#:~:text=Tabs are descriptive - they tell,should be used for alignment.
  11. Like
    Daniel F reacted to opentype in [4.7.11] Account deletion request: No options what to do with the user's content?   
    I have that option for years through a third-party solution. Get ready to be insulted. 😉 People who leave a community in anger (e.g. after moderator actions) will love the opportunity vent their anger one last time, blaming and insulting you. I can’t remember a single time a text-based option to give reasons to delete an account was actually useful. If anything, I would suggest a checkbox list with admin-defined options. 

  12. Thanks
    Daniel F got a reaction from JohnCourt in Select All for Spammers and Banned   
    Correct, I only quoted the first part with clearing the profile, where the signature, profile field content, cover photo and the avatar are removed.
  13. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Select All for Spammers and Banned   
    That's already happening once the "Hide content submitted already" or "Delete content submitted already" option is enabled
  14. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from opentype in Checking if a Topic is sync’d with a Pages Record   
    I have a custom, not public released app, which allows one to cross-reference all the content suite wide.
    Like show images from a gallery album in the topic or pages database record sidebar or header, link to records or downloads files from a topic (which will show the featured image in the sidebar)
    It's coded way too limited for my own needs, I may release it for v5 because it's going to require a complete rewrite then.
  15. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from Dreadknux in Checking if a Topic is sync’d with a Pages Record   
    I have a custom, not public released app, which allows one to cross-reference all the content suite wide.
    Like show images from a gallery album in the topic or pages database record sidebar or header, link to records or downloads files from a topic (which will show the featured image in the sidebar)
    It's coded way too limited for my own needs, I may release it for v5 because it's going to require a complete rewrite then.
  16. Thanks
    Daniel F got a reaction from Dreadknux in Checking if a Topic is sync’d with a Pages Record   
    The reference is only stored in the cms_custom_database_x database tables inside the record_topicid field.
  17. Thanks
    Daniel F reacted to Gabriel Torres in template_error   
    @Marc Stridgen @Daniel F Nevermind, I found the culprit... In the past I manually deleted some members using a MySQL query, and I haven't deleted the corresponding records in the core_follow table. Therefore, the issue is entirely my fault. I no longer will delete users using queries, as this breaks things up... Thanks!
  18. Like
    Daniel F reacted to Giray in Registration instructions   
    Thanks Marc. I did. However, as mentioned, this does not apply to the quick registration. I just think that an integrated block giving some additional registration guidance or justification would be a good core function. In fact, I would suggest that the registration process could use some love. Enticing people to register could go beyond just a button with the word: ‘register’. Our communities depend on people’s registration so maybe there should be a way, maybe even a pipeline, to attract attention to, and make the case for, registration.
    Just a passing thought… 😎
  19. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from SeNioR- in template_error   
    I can't reproduce this.
    We have in fact 2 deletion queries when a member is deleted.
    THe first one deletes all followed content and the second deletes the rows where other members follow the deleted member.
    This part from your error stack is very weird
    #3 /home/directory/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(1541): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::_followersCount('member', NULL, 3, Array, NULL)  
    It indicates, that the viewed profile doesn't belong to a valid member, because the second parameter should be an integerer ( the member id ) but it's NULL in your case.
    Is this also happening with your default thme?
  20. Thanks
    Daniel F reacted to Mercury Forever in Integrations - Google Tag Manager   
    I identified the problem, I had a personalized globaltemplate that did not have the indicated code, I added it and now if you are reflected. Thanks for the orientation.
  21. Like
    Daniel F reacted to Claudia999 in Support Topic for Enhanced Forum Views   
    I don‘t have IPS Cloud. Content Level Statistics is for self hoster too.
  22. Thanks
    Daniel F got a reaction from Thomas Hop in Report functionality   
    Yes it was here all the time 
  23. Haha
    Daniel F got a reaction from G17 Media in Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName()   
    We'll address this in v5, until then I would suggest to either just fix it manually in the IDE, or to literally just use the IDE to implement the methods.
  24. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from SeNioR- in Outdated language strings?   
    This shouldn't happen, we're removing them based on the app and key so it's going to remove it from all languages no matter if it's translated or customized.
    /* Delete removed language strings */ if( file_exists( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$data['key']}/setup/upg_{$_next}/lang.json" ) ) { $langChanges = json_decode( \file_get_contents( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$data['key']}/setup/upg_{$_next}/lang.json" ), TRUE ); if ( isset( $langChanges['normal']['removed'] ) and $langChanges['normal']['removed'] ) { \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_sys_lang_words', array( array( 'word_app=?', $data['key'] ), array( 'word_js=0' ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'word_key', $langChanges['normal']['removed'] ) ) ) ); } if ( isset( $langChanges['js']['removed'] ) and $langChanges['js']['removed'] ) { \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_sys_lang_words', array( array( 'word_app=?', $data['key'] ), array( 'word_js=1' ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'word_key', $langChanges['js']['removed'] ) ) ) ); } }  
  25. Like
    Daniel F got a reaction from SeNioR- in [4.7.11 Beta 2] sitemap errors out every time   
    The IPS\core\extensions\core\Sitemap\Applications extension and also the IPS\core\Application::sitemapLinks function were removed in 4.6.9.
    Have you replaced all your files while the upgrade?
    I guess there's still the IPS\core\extensions\core\Sitemap\Applications extension on your system which "is fine" as long as also the applications/core/data/extensions.json is present and up2date.
    Can you confirm that applications/core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Applications.php is present?What happens when you delete it?
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