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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. Works just fine for me as guest. I have clicked on the link (and also the + button for testing) which resulted in: Are you using a custom theme? If yes, does this also happen with the unmodified IPS theme?
  2. No that’s not possible out of the box. 2. How is the redirect supposed to work when he joins 2 or more clubs?;) And even with one club it’s quite pointless if the club owner needs to approve the member.
  3. The file is missing due to a bug in our system ( It's not Adriano's fault ) . Pls reupload it to the MP @Adriano Faria
  4. Usually you’ll prepare and format the text before you send it to the community which then creates the item as it is. I agree that it’s not optimal. We’ll discuss this internally, because I guess we could/should make this optional.
  5. Were you running the cron or webcron option?
  6. Do you see any errors in your browsers console?
  7. Are there any exceptions? Right now you're catching them, so troubleshooting is going to be tricky;) Replace catch (\Exception $e) {} with catch (\Exception $e) {\IPS\Log::log($e); }
  8. DNS changes take some time, because it all depends on the TTL, the clients cache, ISPs cache, etc..
  9. Could you please use the IPS framework and AR objects for at least the CRUD operations to make it easier accessible and adjustable by other hooks?
  10. That's correct, we have changed this for security reasons, I'm just not sure why we have kept the condition and the 3 langstrings instead of returning only one generic error message in all cases:D
  11. I’m not worried about this, because they’re going to rewrite the SERP if they don’t like my site title anyway.. Disclaimer: this are my own views and experience and don’t represent IPS in any way:)
  12. We have already an internal suggestion/ bug report for this.
  13. On my own boards I have removed the limit, because it seems that google doesn't care that much about the length. According to https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-title-tag-length/400682/#close the community came up with this based on what google displays (depending on the used device)
  14. Thank you very much for the report, I have filled a bug report. This affects literally all Charts which are able to also return the data as a table.
  15. This can be enabled via this setting but please see warning in the description, I wouldn‘t advice to enable this.
  16. I'm really sorry for the confusion here. @Jim M just shared some further details with me and it looks like a legit issue, which I have logged to our bug tracker.
  17. You could also use Zapier Filters to create a condition to continue the Zap only if the user is in a specific group.
  18. When it's ready:) or Soon™ ( Sorry for not being more specific ) Unfortunatly it was delayed because we've prioritised the task to make it available for self hosted clients, before we ship any new Zapier features. That said, we've enhanced some existing REST API endpoints and have added few new webhooks for the next release of the suite, which are required for our new Zapier triggers and actions, which are coming along other many under the hood improvements. I really can't wait to share all the new stuff with you!
  19. You can literally use profile fields for this! Create a new Profile Field with the type "Select" called "Interests". Keep in mind that profile fields don't have to be shown anywhere. So if you want to use them only for the bulk mail or group promotion, you can:) Members can set their interests by setting the field. Create your group promotion or bulk mail and use the Interests profile field filter to sent / promotion only the users which are relevant.
  20. I have already replied few hours ago with further instructions because of the missing credetials!
  21. I‘m going to investigate this further via a ticket which I have just crested for your account.
  22. Take a look at the similar content block, where the content is depending on the viewed item 😉
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