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Daniel F

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Posts posted by Daniel F

  1. I've just checked your community ( I hope it's for the URL which you've assigned to this topic ) and I think there's some misunderstanding how the sitemap works.

    The 1. page (sitemap.php) is the sitemapindex, which contains the links to your sitemaps. If you follow these 2 links, you'll see that all your forums and topics are listed;)

    For further information pls see the google docs https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/large-sitemaps

  2. On 1/26/2022 at 5:01 AM, Ocean West said:

    it seems web hooks runs as root / admin access should we have a way to run under a particular group? 

    Could you clarify what you mean here?They don't run under a specific account, they're permission independent.

    On 1/26/2022 at 4:38 PM, Ocean West said:

    another observation it seems that each event sends a single json object that triggers the event. I would suspect in the future that may be a limiting factor for larger or very busy sites.


    That's how Webhooks work:)


    In other web hooks I've seen they would typically cache multiple events into one pay load by making it an array and once the system passes a threshold would send an array of one item or as many as a dozen items. 

    TBH I've never seen this before, do you have any examples?

    The whole point from Webhooks is to notify other services/apps/integration ASAP about one specific event.

  3. 4 minutes ago, tgs-shaun said:

    So I've just come to add it to Search Console and noticed the sitemap is empty, pretty much. I tried force rebuild but it's the same?



    Did the background task to complete the rebuild finish successful?
    Is your community and the content visible to guests? Keep in mind that only this content will be included?

  4. 4 hours ago, Runar said:

    Thank you for asking! These are the ones I've found the last weeks:

    Thanks, will take care of this.

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