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Daniel F

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Posts posted by Daniel F

  1. 52 minutes ago, Omri Amos said:

    I'm not sure why do you believe it will trigger after 12 hours, when my new-post triggered within a few seconds

    Because of:


    The content is still flagged for deletion and it's being deleted by a background task which runs daily

    Even if you change the setting, the previously soft deleted content is still there and will be removed with the task.

  2. 10 hours ago, Omri Amos said:

    Now I don't see an option to recover my deleted post (note: it was a post (reply) and not an entire topic), but still no forumsTopicPost_delete webhook got trigger...


    Did you get any notifications in the meanwhile?

    The content is still flagged for deletion and it's being deleted by a background task which runs daily. If you didn't get anything yet, I would suggest to wait for 12h before we continue to investigate this further. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

    can I inquire if someone actually reviewed the code for the RSS Task vs adding the rss when setting up the blog? It does not do the same thing.


    I did and it works fine, BUT I'm also looking at your system right now and and can confirm that there's some weird stuff in your database.

    This doesn't look right

     CleanShot 2022-03-01 at 19.15.12@2x.png


    I'm trying to reproduce it local (+ will fix it it on your system ASAP )

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