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Ace M.

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  1. I am attempting to allow the users of my community, when they submit an application, to view and comment on the application they submitted only, I have yet to figure that out. I am also attempting to find out how to prevent my applications from being deleted when I press the buttons "Accept" or "Delete" I have read a few comments that have asked a similar question, however I haven't found an answer, all answers are appreciated.
  2. Me and my community now use this plugin for applications, however after a member puts in an application they cannot see an application, I was wondering how I could change this to allow for them to view it after applying, My community's website (https://community.wvsrp.org/) The application plugin I use is below.
  3. I'd like to change the URL of my community from "https://f319700.invisionservice.com/home/" to "community.wvsrp.com" How would I go about doing this? *I contacted Invision from the support request but i'm unsure if I responded properly.* lol Thanks for any help!
  4. Im attempting to find this plugin used by multiple other communities (There are two photos of examples below) Any help is appreciated.
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