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Daniel F

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Posts posted by Daniel F

  1. Sure, I don't see why not. It should be really straightforward what's allowed and what not.

    Taking the downloads app and renaming any "downloads" references to "links" or "jobs" and "file" to "link" or "job"   Oh No You Didnt GIF by happydog
    Same applies also to e.g. taking a complete class or method.. It should be really common sense that that's not allowed, or?:(
    E.g. once our IPS\nexus\Money class was copied into an own app to provide payment options.. that's a big NO!


    Copying some code which runs a query and which calls another method =>  Do It Reaction GIF by The Lonely Island



    That said, the code which you've posted it a great candidate to be extracted into an own method, so I have suggest this change internally.

  2. On 2/6/2022 at 4:56 PM, Claudia999 said:

    @Daniel F Can I delete the entry "Mobile App" in ACP > API >  OAuth Clients or is it used for PWA too?

    Yes, you can remove it:)
    That said, we're working on the removal and we're also going to remove all the involved settings and the automatically created client automatically.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

    Or even a button to read this article to me option that would select your content and use your computers text to speech. 

    No need for a plugin, that’s already possible in most OS/browsers 

  4. 2 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Edit the database template Displate -> Record

    Add this anywhere (change the 200 to what you believe the 'words per minute' speed is for someone reading):

    {{$wordCount = \str_word_count(\strip_tags($record->_content));}}
    {{$estimateTime = \ceil ($wordCount/200);}}

    Then add this in your desired place in the template:

    Estimated reading time: {$estimateTime} minutes


    Brilliant. Who’s going to create a mini plugin hooking into IPS\Content adding a get__readtime method 🔥🔥🔥😂

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chris027 said:

    We use Gallery In Post and didn't see the same issue. Wonder if it's a version thing. 

    It depends on when you upgraded . 
    We have patched the release 14h ago  with some slightly changed to avoid that people with 3rd party apps and specific hooks run into this 🙂 

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