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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I would highly advise that you employ someone who is more familiar with the server environments to assist you with this. Based on what you have asked above, you are going to struggle with running this yourself. Have you ever considered our cloud products? It would mean you never have to think about things like this.
  2. I have to admit, I find that to be quite an unfair assessment, as this is not the case at all. What is actually happening is that we tend not to add software functionality to solve what are ultimately hosting issues. To further clarify that statement, we don't even do that for cloud either. If there is a cloud problem, we solve the cloud problem, rather than writing things into the software to work around it. So in this instance, we're trying to solve the problem of mail limitations by limiting the mail that is sent. The correct way to resolve this is to ensure you don't have a mail provider with limitations which will hinder the running of your software. It's worth noting too, that solutions such as these come with their own problems. Using your example, we would end up seeing people who have limited it to the 1000 every 10 mins, and yet have 1500 emails needing to be sent being produced. Meaning that the backlog simply builds up indefinitely until something breaks. This is just one I can think of straight of the bat.
  3. Please do disable those first of all. Of course we have had updates, and no doubt they will have had at times too. It only takes 1 incompatibility to cause issues, no matter how long you have had them
  4. Got there now once you mentioned it is still while on strict. I wasnt 🙂 Its not "strictly" (pun intended lol) to do with that. Its an incorrect null value being passed, but thats for the devs to sort
  5. Thanks for the confirmation. I have added a bug report for that.
  6. Are you using any browser plugins? What browser are you using? Also are you on private mode on them?
  7. I'm blaming Friday. It is Friday, right?
  8. I cant replicate on my end at all. Please could you let me know exactly what it is you are changing?
  9. You would be best to post up exactly what you would like to see within the feedback area, if you are looking for additions to how this is managed 🙂
  10. Yes, you are going to have issues in that case. What Nathan is saying above is correct. If you dont have the topics, there is nothing for it to rebuild as such
  11. Take a look in your admin CP under System>Content Discovery>Streams
  12. We do not provide old packages (and it's actually against the license agreement for people to share files). You mention you have a backup. Is this of the database only? Im not sure what you mean by you have no option to upgrade. Please could you clarify what you believe you are missing?
  13. Im not seeing your site in mid upgrade there. Did you manage to resolve this one, John?
  14. Please disable all 3rd party items and test to see if you are still getting that error message In terms of performance, you really should contact your hosting company if you are unable to resolve this yourself
  15. I will close this, as you posted in another ticket also. For any account related changes like this, you should create a ticket from your client area
  16. That would indeed be an addition as apposed to a bug. The bug was the filters not clearing even though you deselect. This is a browser action which you want to essentially redirect. In all honesty though, I would say don't create links to invalid locations.
  17. I have created a ticket for you on this. Please check your email, and respond to that ticket with the entries you wish to be added. We can then get those added for you right away 🙂
  18. While I understand you want something to be added here, please bear in mind support for edge and avif was added in 121 https://caniuse.com/avif Version 121 was release in the last 24 hours. I'm sure you can appreciate, we would not add support for something within 24 hours of a browser supporting a product.
  19. Unfortunately, while some use cloudflare with success, we do see many many many issues when people use it
  20. I have to admit to being a little confused as to what it is you did there. If you did a database restore, it would have brought everything back. I would advise looking at that database restore first of all, as if you are missing something, there is no telling what else you might be missing
  21. Ah I see. You can safely clear the contents of that. It shouldnt affect automatically awarded ones if you rebuild, as they would be rebuilt with the same content.
  22. Have you checked you are running the same PHP version as you changed mbstring on, for your cron jobs?
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