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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It seems somehow you lost the default stream setup. Please try that now and let us know if that has corrected the problem
  2. When you are trying to import a language pack, are you doing this without developer mode enabled?
  3. From the point of view of ourselves, no. We just provide you with either nameservers or a cname entry for this. If you go to your client area, select your license, then select get support and add your information there, we can then get you sorted out
  4. You can set "Include on Invoices?" on the extra field you create there. It will then show on the payment received email, of which you can set up copies of in Payments>Settings>Email Copies. Hope that helps
  5. While I understand the sentement there, Im not sure that was the actual solution, so have unmarked that. Please could you state the actual solution and mark that instead? Otherwise people may be searching for that very same issue, and see the solution is indeed to..........
  6. This is being addressed in your ticket there. I would encourage you to start new topics for new items if you need to on the community though, as tags are not related to a member search
  7. That is incorrect, it seems you had misread what it asked for. It asks for a pin which you would need to provide in order to obtain backups of your system going forward.
  8. It would be worth reading through the topics above, as all the above has been covered multiple times there. We have had similar feedback to the above, and may well indeed do things in a more gradual manner in the future. I am going to close this one down, as its simply rehashing topics that have already been discussed at this point.
  9. What your hosting company is pointing out as potential exploits there, unfortunately appears to be nothing short of guesswork. Those folders are intentionally writable by the system, and some will intentionally contain js files. To be honest, the fact 3 of them are specifically named javascript should probably raise flags about the hosting company that you are using. What is it that leads you to believe you have been hacked in the first place there? Have you considered our cloud platform, so that you dont have to deal with things like this at all?
  10. As mentioned above from a few of our customers, that is not a common issue there. The fact they are seeing it as a common issue simply shows they have a problem on their hosting with it
  11. No problem. Please bear in mind that the block is cached. This may be why you werent seeing it instantly when you disabled plugins
  12. I see my colleague could see the options you were looking for. Did you manage to sort this, as there wasnt any further response from you in the ticket there
  13. I see this was completed for you in the ticket. Please let us know if you have any further issues.
  14. You would need to check each of your plugins. If you disable all plugins on your site, mypicks show correctly
  15. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  16. Please feel free to post this up within our suggestions area if you believe there is something you would like to see changed
  17. Have you made any changes just prior to this occuring, which may be related?
  18. You would need to backup your database and files on the server. There is no way in which to backup just settings
  19. There is no wya in which to do this retroactively unfortunately. It would only work for items going forward
  20. They would all be wiped and rebuilt based on your new rules if you choose to rebuild achievements
  21. It was in reference to what I quoted of yours. My colleague asked what background tasks you have running that you are having issues with. That doesnt appear to have been answered The items regarding your docker setup and the likes are really something for yourself to look at. We cannot assist with a custom setup such as what you have there. We do not support docker. You have stated you have an issue with the upgarde an dit taking a long length of time, but I have never seen an upgrade take 3.5 hours from 4.4 to 4.6. Hence the question from my colleague
  22. I can tell you only that its exif which actually rotates these correctly. Are you able to replicate the problem here in the test area?
  23. For the first 2 of your questions, this is a moderator permission. Take a look at the content tab and you will see "Can award user's content?" with 2 selection boxes below With regard feeds there is a 'recent achievements' block you can add to any page you wish
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