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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. If the body of the email when you open it looks fine, then it can only really be the mail client that is doing this. It shouldnt cause any issues, its simply truncating the HTML itself rather than the formatted data
  2. No problem at all. Would you like me to create a sales request on your behalf, or have you created this from another email?
  3. Its an old post you are responding to there
  4. Im not sure the person is likely to answer there. This topic is from 5 years ago
  5. Before we look any further there, have you make any changes to any of your email templates? It does look like its simply the email client that is showing you the text as a preview rather than the link there. When you open the email, is that looking ok?
  6. I have flagged this for a developer to take a look at. In the most part however, you will find these tend to be hosting related problems. I Would urge you to also continue working with your host to improve the performance of your MySQL instance. While I know you have stated above you have plenty of resources free, that would not necessarily mean its performing optimally. In fact, this can actually be to the contrary. Free memory for example is memory not being utilised. While you wouldnt want it maxed out constantly, you also dont want under utilised resources. Which is where optimising applications such as MySQL for performance comes in.
  7. You would need to upgrade to the next plan if you wish to upload custom applications. You can add items from the marketplace on standard of course
  8. We cannot assist with development as part of our standard support, however there wouldnt be any way to request a password reset on that. You can see everything available on the REST API here https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api
  9. I have created a ticket on this for you. Please don't do anything else on that until our colleagues have taken a look
  10. Is this before or after uploading all files?
  11. I can tell you that you need to use a google account to use the map API. I cannot answer your question on translate, as thats not something used by the platform
  12. What you are seeing there is on a stream, where they will indeed show correctly. Bolded items will not show however in block items, which is why its not showing in the area you mentioned in your topic
  13. Do you know when it was you switched that setting on? Looking at the image in question this was posted quite some considerable time ago, so it may well be this is why. It would not go through them after the change. It only affects items uploaded from the time in which you turn on that setting
  14. Glad to hear you like the achievements system. You can indeed re-add the defaults if you wish, even after upgrading. If you look in the following folder on your server, you will see the 3 xml files which are used to add these. You can use these files with the import button in the relevant areas. Of course, import ranks and badges before you import the rules \applications\core\data\achievements Once you have done that and made any adjustments you would like to make, you can then use the rebuild button to rebuild for all members on your site Hope that answers your question, but please feel free to shout up if you have any further questions on these
  15. Very sorry to hear you feel this way. To explain further here, the issue was this was actually bringing up bug reports on quite a constant basis. The reason for the bug reports was because the feature didnt actually work correctly and couldn't do due to caching. It would be quite a large change to the software in order to correct this, so the bolding was removed. It wasnt really something we were able to provide an optional checkbox on for selection at this time.
  16. Do you have a link to where this image itself was uploaded?
  17. This was removed as unfortunately it was incompatible with the way in which we cache data on blocks.
  18. You should simply be able to click and hold where the title is, and change the title there. Is this what you are trying to do? If so, who are you logged in as?
  19. You cannot convert your old platform over to cloud yourself, as you need file access and you cannot connect to a database remotely. If thats what you are trying to do, please reach out to our sales team, who will be able to advise on your options.
  20. Sorry for the confusion here. If you go to /admin/upgrade it should allow you to continue though the upgrade process. If its not and shows you have the wrong files, your only option is to upload a fresh set of files from your client area, then visit that URL again, which will correct the problem. Please try this, and then let us know if you have any further problems
  21. Got the PM thanks you. The conf_global seems to look fine. Let us know once you have updated those details and we can get this looked into
  22. I see our developer believes this may have been related to a 3rd party item. Did you manage to take a look at that and confirm?
  23. I see Daniel managed to get that sorted for you. Please let us know if you have any further issues of course
  24. Just wanted to update you on this one. PMs do not update last member post. So that one, if its happening, we would need to take a look at. However with regard the updating of member_last_post, this is not something that is removed if a post is then subsequently deleted. After all, the member did indeed post. When an item of content is deleted, we don't demote members based on this. In the same way we dont delete post counts and never have based on the deleting of items. At present this is working as intended. I realise this is not the outcome that you would have liked, and please feel free to post this within the suggestions forum if you would like to see this change at some point in the future.
  25. Could you let me know what the char is that is being added that the software doesnt like? We can then get that looked at
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