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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Most of the sites running invision use amazon S3, so its certainly working. The message itself would usually mean that some of the details you are entering are incorrect
  2. Marc


    I have responded to your ticket on this. We can certainly provide you with a backup of your site in its current state.
  3. I am not seeing any issues when using either quote selection or full quote on that browser. There was however an update to that browser which fixes an issue with the keyboard, which sounds very similar to the issue they are having. So it would be worth asking.
  4. I am not looking at this from the technical side here. I am saying the renewal date is the expiry date. The payment date may not be the date of renewal. It will be taken automatically when an invoice is generated. So what you are asking for isnt the same as the renewal date. In any case, its not something that is currently available, so would need to be added as a suggestion. It is however the "Next invoice date" you would be looking to have added.
  5. I have seen no reports of situations such as this. I would need more specific examples in order to take a look at these
  6. You need to select "Set custom permissions" within that category. Otherwise it will follow permissions of the database itself
  7. There is no way in which to show a theme only to guests and not to everyone else, if thats what you are trying to do there.
  8. Are you using suPHP/suExec there? I ask as those folders would usually be 777 if you arent
  9. Things like this are generally going to be performance issues on the server. One thing I Would advise checking before anything else, is that your tables are all using INNODB
  10. Please try again now. It was showing database issues in the support area of your admin CP. This should have now added the items you were missing
  11. Please could you confirm here exactly what it is doing? It should be downloadable if its not embedding? That would be the correct behaviour Please post up things like these in our suggestions area. Adding suggestions within a support topic would end up being buried, which Im sure is not your intention there
  12. This has now been patched. Please go to the support area in your admin CP and run the optional patch, and it should resolve the issue for you
  13. If its corrupt data that was causing the problem, its likely that data was created by an old version somewhere. I Would suggest just letting us know if you see the issue again, rather than restoring what you already know to be a problem
  14. Please note that when you do set up googlemaps API, it can take a little while for it to be activated.
  15. Marc


    We do not provide telephone support at present. I have removed your telephone number from your support request as this is a public forum. I have created a ticket for you so we can get this resolved
  16. Glad you managed to find the issue there. Indeed this would be a server related problem, rather than one with the software. It may actually be worth contacting your hosting company to ask why this happened, to save you having the issue in future
  17. Please disable 2 factor authentication or add the answers to your access details. We can then take a look
  18. We do indeed require the temporary login, but you have to provide us those details by entering them in your client area
  19. Your access details on file appear to be the same. Your login requires email, however you dont have an email added
  20. You would do the following Change the URL within your conf_global.php file Reset the URL in your client area Add any redirects you wish from your old URL to the new URL
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