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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Unfortunately that is likely to be on the users end and not our end. The best way to test that would be to get the image zipped and sent to you, then try uploading it yourself to see if you have the same result
  2. Please go here in your admin CP Members->Member Settings->Profiles->Profile Settings On here you will see a Display Settings section, where you will see Group Formatting. It should be switched onto 'Global'. Note however that it will only be formatted if the group name is not showing on the page. If the group name is showing then that would be formatted instead
  3. Please check on your server to see if your PHP instance is running the zlib item. There have been some issues where an update has broken this when PHP has been updated to version 8.0.17 on servers
  4. Please note that while I understand your frustration there, our response time can be up to 72 hours, even though we are generally much much faster than that. However in this case, you are actually asking for support on a product you havent purchased from ourselves. If the issue is only happening on that 3rd party theme, you would need to contact the author of that theme for assistance. You say disabling the theme does nothing much for your site. What do you mean there? Are you saying you are still having the same issue? With regard your question on support, you would indeed be asked to disable 3rd party items at times, including theme, if you are having an issue, and that should indeed be your first step. Note, this isnt just on our software, but pretty much any on the market.
  5. As mentioned by Nathan there, the only reason it would be showing that is if its picking up incorrect details. This can only be from what you have entered, or from a conf_global.php file that is already present. You need to ensure you are using a fresh set of files entirely if its just an empty install that you are doing. Please also check you are not using PHP 8.1, which is not yet supported, as this may also cause the same problem
  6. You need to disable 3rd party items, then enable one at a time until you find what is causing the issue. That error is being caused by one of your 3rd party items
  7. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved there
  8. Im not sure what you would be reporting here. As Matt mentioned, this will be in our April release.
  9. Please could you provide the icon here so I can test this?
  10. I will take a look at this at some point later today and see what I can find out for you. Facebook are making things harder to set up all the time unfortunately.
  11. There is no way in which to do that at the present time unfortunately. Generally its good to simply reach out to members like this and let them know why you would like them to refrain from doing such actions. Then if all else fails, there is the warning system and even banning if needed, as mentioned
  12. We are aware of the issue, and looking into why its happening.
  13. I have moved this into another topic, as its not actually the same question. The author of that topic was trying to make them open on hover. If you have a problem with the way normal menus closing on your that are not customised, thats an issue. There is nothing that closes the menus other than another click. Could you please test this in a default unaltered theme to see if you are still having the same problem? I suspect you wont be, and will need to then report this to the author of the theme in question
  14. Now updated, as promised. Please follow the instructions exactly. If you have already set up an app that isnt working, please delete that app and start again following these instructions https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/facebook-r300/
  15. Now updated, as promised. Please follow the instructions exactly. If you have already set up an app that isnt working, please delete that app and start again following these instructions https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/facebook-r300/
  16. Yes, once the domain is pointed to us, we can set up any records needed. It would just be a case of let us know 🙂 We have a lot of customers who have subdomains they need to be pointed elsewhere that they have set up too, for example. So need A records setting up for those
  17. I have marked this topic for one of our developers to take a look at and respond for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  18. To be honest, they are all quite similar in how they set things up. It would just be a case of following instructions from that provider. If they are pointing the whole domain to us, then it would be the nameserver, and we would set any other records up they want to be set up, such as mail (mx) records. They would just let us know what records they want us to set up after they are pointed to us.
  19. You would need to investigate this with your hosting company. You are getting connection refused. Thats not something we would be able to resolve on the software end
  20. We are unable to assist with custom development and design, so I will move this to our community support area. I know I have done this before by targeting the ID of the navigation item, similar to this (In this instance, 34 is the ID. If you right click then inspect the navigation item, you will be able to get the ID, and the content item there is the icon .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li#elNavSecondary_34 > a:before { font-family: FontAwesome; font-size:15px; font-weight: normal; margin-right: 5px; content: "\f041"; }
  21. Please check this on a default unaltered theme first of all, as that is the most likely cause. If you are then still having problems on a default theme, and with all 3rd party items disabled, update all your access details on file and we can take a look.
  22. This is correct, and will also only affect PHP 8, as it's the update to 8.0.17 that is causing the issues. We're trying to work around it at present The only thing I can really say there is we would need to see it in that state to advise. My suspicion is that zlib hasnt been properly disabled to be honest. Its too coincidental that it's the same symptoms at exactly the same time as everyone else
  23. We would then need more information on the exact error being logged. We are aware of an issue in 8.0.17 PHP version related to glib compression, but it sounds not to be the issue you are having there
  24. You would need to be more specific, as it depends on what item and what you are looking to change exactly
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