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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please could you upgrade to the latest release and test this, and if you are then still havign problems (I suspect you will) let us know, and we can get this into a ticket for you
  2. This is a moderator function, so would be found in moderator permissions. This can be found on the content tab
  3. Yes, they would be prompted the ones that are present only. So, if you delete one, and they have others, they will be prompted for that.
  4. Do you have the logo you are trying to add, then I have something I can upload while testing?
  5. Not sure where this would be updated personally, but I've tagged our devs to see if they can advise.
  6. You appeat to have 2 issues here. Both of which point in the direction of hosting unfortunately. As mentioned on your other topic, you would be best to contact them again, ensuring you provide the information mentioned by my colleague https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/466182-upload_failure/?do=findComment&comment=2885728
  7. Have you passed them the information from my colleague above?
  8. Always the best kinds of issues 😄
  9. Please note. We cannot assist with custom queries. However you would need to join the topic table, which would then give you the forum ID. Something like this would give you the forum ID so you can then just add a where clause to limit as needed select a.id1 as topic_id,t.forum_id,count(*) as total FROM core_attachments_map a inner join forums_topics t on t.tid = a.id1 where a.location_key = 'forums_Forums' group by a.id1 order by total desc
  10. Any suggestions like these really need to be posted within our suggestions area. However as mentioned above, using youtube directly has quite some drawbacks
  11. Given you also have another ticket there related to uploads, I very much suspect that this is an issue server side here. Did you check with your hosting as suggested?
  12. It seems the topic was missed here for some reason. I can only apologise for that. Taking a look for you now Edit: Please could you get a few of the files that are failing from the members, zip them and send them over? We can then get this looked into. This would usually happen when there is an issue with the file, but as its happening a fair bit, there has to be something more going on there
  13. I suspect you still have background tasks running on the dashboard. These are rebuilding your content, which is likely why they are showing like that at present
  14. Glad you managed to get the issue resolved. Very odd thing for hosting to cause. Makes me wonder if they were running some kind of odd caching there. Either way, as long as you are sorted, thats all that matters 🙂
  15. It can only be something on your own server in that case. It's the EXIF PHP extension which is needed for rotation to happen on the site.
  16. The problem you have there is your server is forcing you to https, but you havent set the software to use it. You need to follow the instructions here to switch to https correctly https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-ssl-https-r273/
  17. Creating a database would be your best option there in my opinion. The blog app would have probably been the most sensible to use, but I note you dont have that on file, and can see why that would be overkill to purchase for a single page. So a simple database set up in article view would be the way I would have gone with it
  18. Let us know what they come back with, and also how they are replicating the issue.
  19. That was a bug at one point. Where are you seeing this. Your site or ours?
  20. Glad to hear this is now working for you. For others experiencing the same issue, please ensure you are using an apple browser for apple pay. Unfortunately, while using an apple device, it will still only work using their own browser
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